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Thread: Cities Skylines

  1. #1 SP
    \ tudyniuz's Avatar

    Cities Skylines

    Cities: Skylines is a modern take on the classic city simulation. The game introduces new game play elements to realize the thrill and hardships of creating and maintaining a real city whilst expanding on some well-established tropes of the city building experience. From the makers of the Cities in Motion franchise, the game boasts a fully realized transport system. It also includes the ability to mod the game to suit your play style as a fine counter balance to the layered and challenging simulation. You’re only limited by your imagination, so take control and reach for the sky!
    Main features:
    • Multi-tiered and challenging simulation: Constructing your city from the ground up is easy to learn, but hard to master. Playing as the mayor of your city you’ll be faced with balancing essential requirements such as education, water, electricity, police, fire fighting, healthcare and much more along with your citys real economy system. Citizens within your city react fluidly, with gravitas and with an air of authenticity to a multitude of game play scenarios.
    • Extensive local traffic simulation: Colossal Orders extensive experience developing the Cities in Motion series is fully utilized in fully fleshed out and well-crafted transport systems.
    • Districts and Policies: Be more than just an administrator from city hall. Designating parts of your city as a district results in the application of policies which results in you rising to the status of Mayor for your own city.
    • Extensive modding support: Build or improve on existing maps and structures. You can then import them into the game, share them as well as download the creations of other city builders on the Steam workshop.

    Ma mir ca nu aveam topic despre jocul asta. Acum ani buni imi placeau jocurile de genul, insa ultimul pe care l-am incercat a fost Sim City care m-a dezamagit crunt. De atunci insa m-am ferit de ele la fiecare pas. Mi-a atras insa de curand atentia si mi se pare extrem de interesant. Il mai joaca cineva?
    Attached Images Attached Images maxresdefault.jpg

  2. #2 SP
    \ tudyniuz's Avatar
    Si un review cum se cuvine:

  3. #3 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Jocul este exceptional. Fratele meu se joaca day one si mi-a zis ca este cel mai bun joc de gen, el fiind obsedat de jocuri de gen. Cred ca inca mai joaca Transport Tycoon original si-si cumpara tot ce apare si urmeaza sa apara, direct din Steam Alpha.

  4. #4 SP
    Senior Member nameless_fear's Avatar
    Am jucat si eu, dar jocul devine foarte plictisitor de la un moment. Nu prea este "actiune", ceva sa se intample sa iti dea de lucru.
    In rest e ce ar fi trebuit Simcity sa fie.

  5. #5 SP
    \ tudyniuz's Avatar
    Pai la ce anume te referi? Eu unul mereu am incercat in jocurile de genul sa fac orase cat mai mari, cat mai eficiente, etc. Cand ma plictisesc incep alt proiect. Sau compari cu modul online de la SimCity unde poti juca cu altii si sa depinzi de ei, etc?

    L-am gasit pe g2a la vreo 15eur si ma gandesc sa il iau. Portul de OSX am inteles ca e foarte reusit si astfel il pot juca pe doua platforme

  6. #6 SP
    Senior Member nameless_fear's Avatar
    Un exemplu ar fi sa se intample un dezastru cum se intampla in Simcity.
    Habar n-am , ceva sa semene mai mult cu un joc, daca se vrea un joc.
    Nu poti spune ca este strict un instrument pentru arhitecti.

  7. #7 SP
    \ tudyniuz's Avatar
    Din cate am inteles exista incendii, inundatii si virusi. Mai putine decat in Sim City, dar pentru mine sincer n-au prea contat alea.

    Cu marimea cum e? Poti sa te extinzi cat vrei sau esti limitat la modul nesimtit ca in Sim City? Acolo am fost extrem de deranjat de asta si e unul dintre motivele pentru care am renuntat la el.

  8. #8 SP
    \ tudyniuz's Avatar
    Review la cele doua expansions:

  9. #9 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Variante PS5 si XS pe 15 februarie (gratis pentru owners):

    Introducing an enhanced player experience for PlayStation®5 players and Xbox Series X|S players including:

    - 25 buildable tiles!
    - Quick selection tool
    - UX Improvements (such as precision placements, distance indicator and updated snapping options)
    - New environmental controls panel (adjust things like time of day, rain, fog, and environment colouring)
    - Map Editor
    - And an overall graphic performance increase for the bigger city builders!

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