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Thread: FIFA 16

  1. #1 SP
    Junior Member enachesil's Avatar

    FIFA 16

    Am gasit acest articol.

    FIFA 16 Release Set for September 22 with Loads of New Features

    FIFA 16 Release Set for September 22 with Loads of New Features

    fifa 16 new

    The much anticipated FIFA 16 release date has come weeks before the scheduled announcement at this year’s E3 conference. The next installment of the FIFA series will land on shelves as early as September 22 in North America. Subsequent releases will be made available shortly afterwards.

    FIFA 16 will make it to the retail markets on September 24 in Latin America (except Brazil), Europe and Australia. On September 25, the video game will roll out to the United Kingdom and on October 8, it will hit the retail markets of Brazil and Japan.

    According to Amazon Italy, the upcoming release will be available for PS3, PS4, Xbox One, Xbox 360 and PC. It is reported that FIFA 16 will have a retail price of 73 Euros ( $81.23) for the PlayStation 4 and the Xbox One, 70 Euros ($77.87) for the PlayStation 3 and the Xbox 360 and 60 Euros ($66.75) for the PC.

    Most recently, Full FIFA learned EA Sports is vying for the licenses that Konami’s Pro Evolution Soccer (PES) once held for the upcoming FIFA 16. EA Sports intend on wrestling the UEFA license from Konami to add Champions League to upcoming installments of FIFA. According to rumors, EA are currently contemplating making a standalone UEFA Euro 2016.

    According to WhatCulture, Romario, Robert Baggio, Clarence Seedorf, Rivaldo, Carles Puyol, David Beckham and Lillian Thuram are some of the legends believed to be included in the coming installment of FIFA 16.

    Among these changes, there are reports of a forthcoming career mode similar to that of NBA 2K. This story mode would allow players to create their personal player (similar to a Virtual Pro), take them through training sessions, interviews and ultimately make their way up the football ladder. However, EA has yet to make an official statement regarding this new feature.

    For more great details on FIFA 16, see our compiled FIFA 16 wishlist and rumored improvements.
    Attached Images Attached Images fifa-16-new.jpg

  2. #2 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Ar fi genial daca ar face un fel de Be a pro (ca in PES) - adica ceva mult mai complex decat era inainte. Asta + Beckham, la legende = day 1 buy from me

  3. #3 SP
    Senior Member Se7en Fury's Avatar
    Voi nu vedeţi că ăştia au mărit preţul.

  4. #4 SP
    One Man Army Cristy's Avatar
    My Career ca in NBA 2K si eu il cumpar day 1

  5. #5 SP
    Banned tezuka_2014's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Se7en Fury View Post
    Voi nu vedeţi că ăştia au mărit preţul.
    Pai normal, atat timp cat se vinde foarte bine produsul. Cerere si oferta.

  6. #6 SP
    Member bdevil's Avatar
    FIFA a ajuns etalon pe piata gamingului, insa a avut o sumedenie de probleme si erori la lansare, fiind inundat cu update-uri iar unele bug-uri inca mai sunt prezente in joc. Pretul anuntat mi se pare deplasat din moment ce ei nici nu au produsul realizat in mare, pe ce ori cere atatia bani? Adica ei inca lucreaza la produs, si si-au zis ... asta merita 81 $, dar sa vedem pe ce cerem atata. Sper sa revina cu picioarele pe pamant.

  7. #7 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Se7en Fury View Post
    Voi nu vedeţi că ăştia au mărit preţul.
    Prețul va rămâne la 60$ in US

  8. #8 SP
    Junior Member enachesil's Avatar
    [/COLOR]FIFA 16 may be updated by adding clubs of the Kazakhstan Football League. According to the conducted survey among the game’s fans, Kazakhstan was the most desired country for including its clubs in the game. The developers have used results of the similar surveys when adding licensed teams.
    Also, the new game is likely to have the Moscow Spartak stadium called ‘Otkritie Arena’. The stadium was opened in fall 2014 and has a capacity of holding around 45,000 fans, which makes it the second largest stadium in Russia. In 2018, Football Championship matches might be hosted there.
    The first game of the series came out in 1993 and was called FIFA International Soccer. FIFA 16 will become the 23rd FIFA game.
    The acronym FIFA stands for “Federation Internationale de Football Association”.
    There are other games based on the FIFA concept, such as a street soccer series, FIFA Street, the special World and European Championship-related series, including FIFA World Cup and Euro, a MMO game FIFA Online, and others.

  9. #9 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by enachesil View Post
    FIFA 16 may be updated by adding clubs of the Kazakhstan Football League. According to the conducted survey among the game’s fans, Kazakhstan was the most desired country for including its clubs in the game. .
    Must buy

  10. #10 SP
    Junior Member enachesil's Avatar
    Nu stiu cat de puternic este campionatul din Kazakhstan dar un lucru este sigur, au multi bani.
    Acum ma intreb, cand vom gasi o echipa din Romania in fifa???.
    Romania nu are puterea financiara( ar fii interesant sa vedem nr de utilizatori kazaci) a acestei tari mai mare dacat Europa cu o populatie de 17 milioane de locuitori.
    Si totusi nu ar fi dragut sa avem o echipa din Romnia in Fifa? Parca avem si noi echipe cu istorie Steaua, Dinamo, Craiova,Rapid. etc. Si cum se poate face acest lucru?
    Cred ca suntem singura tara din Europa care nu are o echipa in Fifa. Nu stiu Liechtenstein daca au o reprezentanta sau ANDORA:

  11. #11 SP
    Banned tezuka_2014's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by enachesil View Post
    a acestei tari mai mare dacat Europa cu o populatie de 17 milioane de locuitori.
    Cum mai mare ca Europa?

  12. #12 SP
    Junior Member enachesil's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by tezuka_2014 View Post
    Cum mai mare ca Europa?
    Mai mare ca Europa de vest și a 8-a tara ca mărime din lume

  13. #13 SP
    Junior Member 3ndr3's Avatar
    Pe MG pretul este de 249.90 lei, disponibil din 01.09.2015
    Se poate face pecomanda, cu livrare gratuita

  14. #14 SP
    FIFA Fan gvingi76's Avatar
    Maine avem primele noutati despre FIFA 16
    THURSDAY. First news for FIFA 16. Subscribe to our YouTube:
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  15. #15 SP
    Senior Member Zero's Avatar

  16. #16 SP
    Member seven1994's Avatar
    Sau asa.
    Attached Images Attached Images 10563183_1028064263872228_5486616709014123453_n.jpg

  17. #17 SP
    Member robertfelixx's Avatar
    bun asa
    Attached Images Attached Images fb_img_1432804671125.jpg

  18. #18 SP
    Member kukenstein's Avatar
    Ultimul pe care l-am jucat a fost Fifa 11. Ce s-a mai intamplat cu transferurile si modalitatile de negociere din My Career? Sau cu cresterea skillurile la jucatorii tineri? Cum au evoluat lucrurile? Dar cu alegerea echipelor pe care sa le antrenezi? Tot asa random iti da?

  19. #19 SP
    Member robertfelixx's Avatar
    Iti poti alege echipa, in timpul sezonului daca ai performanta primesti oferte de la echipe de club si echipe nationale (esti mmanager la ambele,la natiinala faci selectia lotului etc),poti da tu browse job si poate sunt oferte, daca nu ai performata esti out si o sa primeste oferte de la echipe mai slabe/liga inferioara.

    Transferurile sunt ok,nu poti sa mai vezi ce ovr/salariu/valoare au jucatorii ,angajezi scouter pentru asta si iti vine un raport.

  20. #20 SP
    Member em1n3m16's Avatar
    Ultimul pe care l-am jucat a fost Fifa 11
    Nu ai pierdut nimic.Eu am FIFA 15 pe PS4 da tot la FIFA 11 pe gameranger ma intorc.....e de 1000000 de ori mai reusit FIFA 11

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