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Thread: Hitman

  1. #1 SP
    \ tudyniuz's Avatar


    Hitman ajunge si el pe next gen. Noul Hitman a fost anuntat la E3 in cadrul conferintei Sony.

    IO Interactive's new Hitman just made its E3 debut at Sony's press briefing via a rather eye-catching trailer.

    The game will will see the returning Agent 47 take up contracts
    "in exotic locations around the world".

    The game's due out on console and PC - though Sony specified that it'd leading with a digital release, and there'll be 6 unique contracts for PS players, and there'll be an exclusive beta as well.
    Attached Images Attached Images screen-shot-2015-06-16-03.22.35.png

  2. #2 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar pare ceva gen Absolution
    Square Enix announced something of a reboot for the*Hitman*series this week. It's just calledHitman*and is coming December 8.

    It won't be finished then, though. It will be $60. There will be "no DLC or microtransactions."

    Studio head Hannes Seifert explained toVideogamer, "It is fully complete at launch but it is not finished. What we do is we start the journey on December 8 and what we put out there is going to be a big game. But over the course of 2016 we'll add more locations, more missions and we'll have things like targets that only appear for, say, 2 days. That's something you can only do in the live world.

    "We're not an Early Access game because Early Access games are unfinished by definition - you're part of the development. Everything we ship on December 8 will be completely finished, it will be a very polished experience. It's also going to be a very big game. There are other products that sell a game for $60 and then try to sell you a Season Pass for another $40 on top, so you spend $100 or $120 for all the stuff that happens later on. We said no, we don't want to do that."

    As for what will be available at launch, what will be updated and how often, that's still unclear. But I'm willing to give this model the benefit of the doubt because*Hitman*seems to harken back to*Blood Money*-- it as bigger levels than it and*Absolution, plus up to 300 AI characters milling about at any given time -- and I have a distaste for season pass sort of things. This could make for an okay middle ground.

  3. #3 SP
    Senior Member DeathOfArt's Avatar

  4. #4 SP
    Member Peetzy's Avatar
    ...and I will never stop counting the days until December 8th...

  5. #5 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Hitman on PS4 New Gameplay Details:

  6. #6 SP
    Senior Member Zero's Avatar
    Ce ciudat arata la fata, zici ca e mai tanar cu vreo 10 ani, arata mult mai bine in Absolution.
    Si unde is manusile...?

  7. #7 SP
    Senior Member DeathOfArt's Avatar
    poate nu e 47, poate e clona mai tanara

  8. #8 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Hai ca sunteti prea carcotasi... jocul arata al naibii de bine si ai acum zeci (poate chiar sute) de moduri diferite de a indeplini misiunea...
    Pe mine m-a socat cum aratau si cum se miscau gagicile acelea la prezentarea de moda

  9. #9 SP
    \ tudyniuz's Avatar
    47 arata altfel pentru ca e facut sa arate precum actorul ce va juca rolul lui 47 intr-un viitor film Hitman

  10. #10 SP
    Senior Member Zero's Avatar
    Irelevant motivul, povestea jocului se presupunea ca se intampla dupa Absolution, iar atata timp cat nu au schimbat actorul, eu zic ca putea sa il lase asa, zici ca e un character din GTA online

  11. #11 SP
    Member maudrunk5's Avatar

    I know, 3DM Pirated... dar macar vedem cum este jocul asta.

  12. #12 SP
    Senior Member raduadelin's Avatar
    15 minute de gameplay:

  13. #13 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar

  14. #14 SP
    Senior Member DeathOfArt's Avatar
    sa nu isi aduca aminte lumea de cat de praf e filmul si sa il puna in aceeasi oala

  15. #15 SP
    Senior Member Zero's Avatar

  16. #16 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Opaaa... I-au schimbat iluminarea (mai desaturata, mai realista), au bagat elemente din Assassins Cred (cu urcat pe cladiri) si ne ofera tot orasul, sa facem ce si cum vrem noi ?


  17. #17 SP
    \ tudyniuz's Avatar
    Eu preferam sa nu mai fie ca toate jocurile Ubi si sa aibe elemente de la toate celelalte jocuri produse de ei. E enervant, parca joci acelasi joc in locuri diferite, unele FPS, altele 3rd person. Toate au harti, viewpoint-uri de descoperit, side missions similare, etc. Te doar mintea...

    E obositor si enervant, e motivul pentru care nu mai cumpar NIMIC produs de Ubi.

  18. #18 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Prin elemente din AC nu ma refer la ce zici tu, ci la faptul ca te poti urca pe cladiri. Si-mi place ca au bagat si optiunea asta, precum si faptul ca este open world. Daca ultimu mi s-a parut o mizerie ordinara iar asta pana acum, parea cam la fel, dupa acest trailer de mai sus, in care vad ca si arata mai bine, parca mi-a crescut interesul pentru joc.

  19. #19 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Absolution a fost o mizerie? Pt mine a fost cel mai bun Hitman, singurul joc pe care l-am jucat pe dificultatea cea mai mare.

    PS @tudy din postarea ta se înțelege ca jocul e făcut de Ubi, vezi ca gonești fanii Hitman

  20. #20 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Pentru mine da, a fost o mizerie. L-am luat, m-am chinuit cateva ore (timp in care chiar am tras de mine) si l-am dat. Nu stiu, se pierduse tot ce insemna Hitman pentru mine.

    Nu-mi place ca ai cateva optiuni sa faci un lucru, dar daca nu faci EXACT ce vor ei in acele cateva optiuni, se duce naibii totu.

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