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Thread: Apache: Air Assault

  1. #1 SP
    Senior Member Nash's Avatar

    Apache: Air Assault

    Activision Announces �Apache: Air Assault� on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3

    Activision Publishing, Inc. announced today that Apache: Air Assault will be released this fall for the Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system from Microsoft and PlayStation�3 computer entertainment system. Developed by Gaijin Entertainment, Apache: Air Assault is a modern combat flight simulation game where players control a variety of lethal Apache attack helicopters outfitted with cutting-edge military weaponry. The goal is to prevent terrorist attacks by raining down destruction from above in the world�s most volatile warzones.

    Apache: Air Assault features more than 16 multi-stage missions involving air and ground strike operations off the coast of Africa, the mountains of the Middle East and the jungles of Central America, each meticulously created using high resolution map data from real-world satellite photography. Apache helicopters are some of the most sophisticated combat aircraft on the planet � the player gets to fly multiple variations of them, each with their own extreme firepower and highly-detailed damage modeling.

    �No games on next-gen consoles have been dedicated to helicopter combat simulation, but that is about to change this fall�, said David Oxford, Activision Publishing. �Apache: Air Assault offers fun for diehard military enthusiasts and flight sim fans as well as gamers who just want to blow stuff up.�

    The game can be played based on the player�s tastes � Arcade Mode allows players to easily pick up the controls and jump right into the combat. The Realistic mode showcases the real depth of the title, where the dedication to realism and precision shines through. The local Co-op Campaign Mode lets two players team up in the same Apache with one as the pilot and the other as the co-pilot in a joint effort for a truly authentic combat flight experience. For those that want to go even further, Apache: Air Assault includes competitive online multiplayer matches such as Team Deathmatch, Ground Attack, Capture the LZ, and Ground Strike.
    Attached Images Attached Images 998609_20100715_screen001.jpg 998609_20100715_screen002.jpg 998609_20100715_screen003.jpg 998609_20100715_screen004.jpg 998609_20100715_screen005.jpg

  2. #2 SP
    Senior Member Diesel's Avatar
    Cred ca Wickyz o sa fie primul de pe forum care cumpara jocul asta

  3. #3 SP
    Member adin33's Avatar
    Super veste, abia astept sa-l joc. De mult nu a mai aparut un joc cu elicoptere.

  4. #4 SP
    Senior Member TiBiKiMiR's Avatar
    Boxart & Screen
    Attached Images Attached Images boxshot_uk_large.jpg screen1_large.jpg screen3_large.jpg screen5_large.jpg screen6_large.jpg

  5. #5 SP
    Senior Member muggs's Avatar

  6. #6 SP
    Member cipvas's Avatar
    Arata foarte bine.Dar cand apare?

  7. #7 SP
    Member MultiAmSaPopesc's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Diesel View Post
    Cred ca Wickyz o sa fie primul de pe forum care cumpara jocul asta
    Do want! As fi preferat ca titlul sa fie "Havoc: Apache Hunting"

  8. #8 SP
    Junior Member MStefan's Avatar
    Nu !! Eu voi fi primul care il cumpara !! Wickyz vezi ca vom SPARGE la jocul asta !!
    P.S. Mai raspunde si tu pe PSN...

  9. #9 SP
    Senior Member AlanPoe's Avatar
    Apache Demo (Xbox 360):
    - Control foarte bun;
    - Camere inspirate, atat 3rd person cat si cockpit, e mare lucru la un astfel de joc;
    - Frame-rate bun si relativ constant.
    - Nivel de detaliu bun la nivelul solului, buna grija pentru detaliu (vegetatie arsa, copaci rupti, cladiri aruncate in aer)

    In schimb, rezolutia si finisarea grafica imi aduce aminte de PS 2...

  10. #10 SP
    Senior Member Diesel's Avatar
    Am jucat si eu demoul pe PS3. La grafica mi s-a parut ok, dar controlul mi s-a parut sub orice critica. Pe dificultatea "training" e mult prea arcade, iar pe aia "realistic" numai realistic nu pare. Nu cred ca a pilotat vreunul din noi elicopter ca sa ofere o parere cu adevarat avizata, cu atat mai putin un Apache, dar sunt unele manevre pe care nu le-am vazut la un elicopter pana acum, fie el si de atac.

    Parca pilotezi un elicopter cu telecomanda, ori e prea prompt la comenzi, ori are inertie prea mare. Mie, cel putin, mi s-a parut total aiurea la control. Preferam sa bage control ca in BC2 si eram mai multumit. Nu o fi nici in BC2 realistic controlul, ca am fost martor la destule piruete_cu_spatele_in_urcare_aproape_cu_capul_in_j os facute de Wickyz, dar se simtea altfel elicopterul acolo.

    ---------- Post added 03-11-2010 at 09:30 PM ----------

    Adica sa ne-ntelegem, sunt unele elicoptere care pot face manevre mai iesite din comun, dar de zburat pe-o parte (in linie dreapta) sau alte pozitii in care ma trezeam ca ramane elicopterul din demo, nu am vazut pana acum.

    ---------- Post added 03-11-2010 at 09:35 PM ----------

    Adaugam la asta—printre multe alte minusuri—faptul ca gameplay-ul cu camera infrarosu activata e mediocru si mult muuult sub ce oferea CoD4 de acum cativa ani in acea misiune single player. Se lacomesc baietii de la Activision si scot pe disc un joc care era mult mai potrivit de lansat pe PSN si XBL.

  11. #11 SP
    Senior Member erik95's Avatar
    Desi nu sunt un fan al jocurile de acest gen, am zis sa incerc demo-ul, ca tot n-aveam ce juca (nu ca m-ar fi tinut prea mult). Plus faptul ca ar fi putut fi un joc surprinzator de bun, sunt destule jocuri care nu au parte de note mari sau de un marketing agresiv, dar care sunt foarte bune (un exemplu recent ar fi Viking: Battle for Asgard, ma rog nu e chiar recent, dar se incadreaza in aceasta categorie). Pentru mine conteaza foarte mult prima impresie si atentia la detalii, chiar daca e vorba de un amarat de meniu sau de o plansa a jocului sau de un vehicul, o arma, un personaj, o cladire. Apache mi se pare insa dezamagitor. Meniul, pentru ca reprezinta prima impresie despre joc, este unul foarte simplu, foarte asemanator cu cel din Delta Force 1/2. Pai... jocurile alea au fost lansate acum 10 ani, ar fi trebuit sa existe o oarecare evolutie. Apoi incet training-ul (am zis sa iau misiunile pe rand), controlul este usor confuz si elicopterul, asa cum s-a mai spus pe aici, poate efectua cateva manevre dubioase. Partea de shooting nu e prea interesanta, nici pilotatul... apare partea in care trece in termal vision (sau cum se numeste in joc). O secventa asemanatoare exista si in CoD4, titlu consacrat si aclamat in ultimii 3 ani, iar in CoD4 este de 100 de ori mai bine realizata. Nu stiu, parca jocul nu are nimic special, parca e ceva scos in graba la gandul ca ar putea scoate inca niste $. Grafica mi se pare slaba, fara texturi de calitate buna, fara decoruri faine, valabil si pentru sunet. In concluzie Apache: Air Assault este, opinie strict personala, un alt esec, un joc in cel mai bun caz mediocru. Cei care vor un joc elicopter ar trebui sa se reorienteze catre Bad Company 2, acolo elicopterele sunt fun de pilotat si jocul beneficiaza de o prezentare mult mai buna.

  12. #12 SP
    Senior Member muggs's Avatar
    Pagina Produsului chiar prietenos pretul..

  13. #13 SP
    Senior Member apbaciu's Avatar

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