Every season brings with it the inevitable course of change : change of weather, lifestyle, diet,and evident change in human body. In ayurveda, Ritucharya, is the treatment method processed for fortifying the human body against climate-related ailments. The diet, excercise and lifestyle suitable for the prevailing climate is practiced in ayurvedic herbal spas and health resorts. A person can include this health 'programme'as the daily routine under prescription from a ayurvedic healer.

Ritucharya- the routine of the season- varies with the season. The healing techniques face mutations based on the 'prakruthi' of the individual. Ayurveda cites that there are six ritus or seasons out of which only four are experienced in India. The 'hexa' seasons are Shishiram or winter, Vasantha or spring, greeshmam or summer, varsha or rain, sarath or autumn, Hemanth or dew. India experiences greeshmam, varshha, sarath and hemant. The perils of the climatic changes is building up gradually resulting in glacial melting and polar shifts.

The evaluation of the effect of each season on the health and immunity of human body, taking the individual's doshic tendency and other factors of the body and the environment forms the core of this discipline. An individual's health is dependant on the adoption of Ritucharya. The concept of Rituacharya helps to understand the basic of idea of Mother Nature who has interconnected and intergrated everything. The power of the season to influence human body and the body's capacity to work in accordance to nature is proof of this intricate network.