Self Defense 101
Marturisesc ca pana la acest videoclip, habar nu aveam cu ce se ocupa un chiropractor. Ce mi se pare amuzant la acest videoclip este starea de bine, de speranta a fetei, care a trecut prin multe probleme de sanatate cu capul sus, asa cum se prezinta in acest videoclip.
De asemenea nu mi se pare funny ca in America, daca ai o situatie care necesita transportarea ta la spital cu ambulanta, sa ai pe nota de plata 5000 $, doar pentru ca ai fost transportat cu o ambulanta. Bine, banuiesc ca aceasta nota de plata se regaseste la asiguratorul de sanatate, dar tot mi se pare o gluma foarte proasta sa ai nevoie de ambulanta iar ei sa te taxeze cu 5000 $.
John Dillermand has an extraordinary *****. So extraordinary, in fact, that it can perform rescue operations, etch murals, hoist a flag and even steal ice-cream from children.
The Danish equivalent of the BBC, DR, has a new animated series aimed at four- to eight-year-olds about John Dillermand, the man with the world’s longest ***** who overcomes hardships and challenges with his record-breaking genitals.
Unsurprisingly, the series has provoked debate about what good children’s television should – and should not – contain.
The Guardian: