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Thread: Xbox 360 Live Summer Update

  1. #1 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar

    Xbox 360 Live Summer Update

    Dupa cum era de asteptat si ca urmare a problemelor aparute in ultima perioada pe Xbox 360 Live (latenta mare, lag chiar si in navigarea prin meniuri, freeze-uri, etc.), iata ca Microsoft se tine de cuvant si incepand de azi (11.08.2009) ne ofera un Dashboard update. Pe langa rezolvarea diverselor probleme (am observat ca intr-adevar in Marketplace lucrurile stau mult mai bine - desi meniurile sunt inca laggy) au aparut si o multime de noutati (printre care cel mai important ar fi "Games on Demand"). Lista completa cu noile features mai jos. Asteptam cu interes opinia voastra referitoare la update (eu personal am fost incantat de faptul ca in sfarsit downloadul a revenit la viteze metropolitane).
    Games on Demand

    Enjoy the convenience of finding and buying new games right from the comfort of your own living room. Download a wide selection of full Xbox 360 games over Xbox LIVE. Games on Demand is now available for purchase on Xbox LIVE as part of the latest Xbox LIVE Update. You will be able to browse and purchase games through the Xbox LIVE Marketplace on the Web starting August 13.
    • Shop- Games on Demand are found in the Game Marketplace and include a large library of favorite titles right from the start. More titles are added every Tuesday, so check back whenever you�re in the mood for a great new game.
    • Purchase - Purchase full games using Microsoft points or a credit card. Games are downloaded directly to your console (hard drive required), and your purchase history is stored by Xbox LIVE, meaning you can delete games and re-download them again if you run out of space.
    • Playing and Sharing - As with other LIVE content, your game license is linked to your Xbox LIVE account. Download your purchased games to any console you are logged into with your Gamertag, and anyone else can play on the console that your game was originally downloaded to. No physical disc is required to play these games!
    • Find Manuals - Game manuals can be viewed, downloaded, or printed from Just locate your game in Web Marketplace and select �See Game Manual�.


    Avatars have seen lots of love! Check out the new Marketplace and Avatar Props. The Avatar Marketplace is now available on Xbox LIVE as part of the latest Xbox LIVE Update. You will be able to browse and purchase Avatar apparel through the Xbox LIVE Marketplace on the Web starting August 13.
    • Avatar Props - Equip your avatar with animated items they can interact with and carry around.
    • Avatar Marketplace - Reflect your sense of style with the new Avatar Marketplace. Download and purchase premium items, including branded apparel from your favorite fashion labels and Xbox 360 games.


    Now you can watch movies with your friends and find new movies to add to your Instant Queue without leaving your seat.
    • Party Watch - Catch a show with your friends! Bring your party into Netflix and watch a movie or TV show together. (Feature available with supported titles.)
    • Find Content Faster - Browse through New Releases and other genre lists based on the types of shows you�ve previously watched, all from the comfort of your couch.
    • Improved Playback Experience - Improvements have been made to ensure a better experience when adapting to changing network conditions.
    • Improved Presence - Richer information is now displayed in the Friends channel and in the Guide showing what you and your friends are watching.


    Everyone loves to Party! Check out the new and improved party reconnections and streamlined party invites.
    • Party Reconnections - If a user is disconnected from a party inadvertently, they will be automatically reconnected to the party without any user interaction.
    • Streamlined Party Invites - Invites are now just a click away! Never again will you have to navigate through multiple screens to get all your friends together.
    Account Management

    Been an Xbox LIVE member for a while? Check out some of the new features we've added just for you.
    • Gold Member Veterans - Been here long? Show it off! Anyone looking at your gamer card will now know how long you�ve been an Xbox LIVE Gold member. And who knows, there might be other perks for you, too. Thanks for sticking around!
    • Subscription Notification - If your Xbox LIVE subscription is about to run out, you will now be notified when you sign into Xbox LIVE. No more surprises the next time you hop in to frag your friends.
    • Fixing Invalid WLID's - If the Windows Live ID you provided has expired, you will now be prompted to update it the next time you sign into Xbox LIVE.
    Account Recovery
    Many changes have gone into the account recovery process to speed it up and to increase reliability.
    Video Display Options

    Various improvements have been made to make it easier for you to see your game in the highest resolution possible when using an HDMI connection.
    • Display Discovery - Override audio and/or video formats independent of the display's capabilities.
    • How It Works - By default, the console uses the information provided by the display (via its EDID) to determine the audio and video capabilities of the device. However, often the data is invalid or malformed, hence compatibility issues are encountered. When disabling display discovery, the EDID of the display is ignored, thereby enabling the audio and video settings to be overridden with the desired format regardless of display support.
    • Who Should Use It? - The Display Discovery feature is available for DVI and HDMI connections in the Display settings section of System Settings in the dashboard. Please note that Display Discovery should only be disabled if audio and/or video related compatibility issues are encountered, otherwise, the output quality may be compromised.
    • Monitor Support - Additional monitor resolutions are now available for HDMI connections.
    User Ratings

    User ratings help you find content that other people think is awesome!
    • How It Works - Every piece of game content on Marketplace can now be rated using a 5-star system. Just open up the details on what you want to rate and choose the Rate button. Each time you press the Rate button, you add one star to your personal rating.
    • Sort by Ratings - Find great games, demos, and more that you might have missed out on. Just visit Browse All in the Game Marketplace and click on �Top Rated� to see what everyone�s been talking about.

    UI Improvements

    Some parts of the dashboard have been slightly re-organized to make it easier to find the things you�re looking for.
    • Indie Games - We listened to our community and have decided to rename Xbox LIVE Community Games to Xbox LIVE Indie Games. This new name better represents the independent spirit of these titles. User ratings are also available for Indie Games, allowing you to share your rating for a game and use ratings from others to find great new games.
    • Achievement Browser - Launch a game directly from the Achievement browser making it even easier for you to max out your Gamerscore.
    • Achievement Tracking - A new All Games view inside the Profile panel includes a summary of Achievements earned across all the games played, and shows off all your completed games.
    • Achievements - Check out the changes to the Achievement browser while playing a game. It�s now much easier to read through all the achievements so you can rack up that Gamerscore.
    • Streamlined Navigation - New entry points in the Dashboard for Active Downloads, Redeem Code, Auto Sign-In (via Profile), Create Profile, and Recover Gamertag are included, so that these features are easier to find.
    • Voice Messages - When recording a voice message, a warning is now displayed if no audio is detected so you don�t accidentally send blank messages to your friends.
    Console Settings

    We�ve reorganized the Console Settings menu with fewer, more intuitive categories.
    • Memory - Time stamps now appear in the Memory Area. This is particularly handy when managing saved games.
    • Friends List Sorting - It�s now much easier to find your friends! Sort your friends list by Activity, Gamertag, or Online Status (default). Just press the Y button while you�re viewing the friends list in the Guide to change the sorting order.
    New Experiences Coming

    And we have new experiences coming all the time. This fall, Xbox LIVE will see the addition of the following new features as well:
    • Facebook
    • Twitter
    • Zune Video
    Attached Images Attached Images games_on_demand.jpg

  2. #2 SP
    Senior Member Teo's Avatar
    foarte tare, in sfarsit mi s-a conectat si mie pe live, m-am jucat cod4, intradevar cu dns-urile date de paul.

  3. #3 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by MonkY View Post
    Dupa cum era de asteptat si ca urmare a problemelor aparute in ultima perioada pe Xbox 360 Live (latenta mare, lag chiar si in navigarea prin meniuri, freeze-uri, etc.)
    Asta o sa fie in updateul viitor, cel din toamna-iarna anul acesta. Si acum e putin rezolvat, dar nu de tot.

  4. #4 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by paul View Post
    Asta o sa fie in updateul viitor, cel din toamna-iarna anul acesta. Si acum e putin rezolvat, dar nu de tot.
    Eu aveam o problema foarte mare... de exp. daca intram intr-un demo de pe Marketplace, imi statea si 3 minute pana imi aparea activ butonul de Get Demo sau Play (ceea ce devenea annoying, la 10 jocuri, pierdeam 30 minute doar ca sa le pun la download). Acum am vazut ca apare instant. In schimb "cearceafurile" acelea mi se misca foarte laggy (ca si cand ar procesa cine stie ce nebunii). As putea spune ca inainte mergeau ca pe iPhone si acum merg ca pe N97

  5. #5 SP
    Member mariuck's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by MonkY View Post
    . In schimb "cearceafurile" acelea mi se misca foarte laggy (ca si cand ar procesa cine stie ce nebunii). As putea spune ca inainte mergeau ca pe iPhone si acum merg ca pe N97


    nice one monky

  6. #6 SP
    Member SAY's Avatar
    Slava Domnului ca au introdus odata cu noul update si butonul de Eject dupa gamepad(X).Eu,care am consola pe 4 dopuri de sticla de vin de cauciuc(se intelege ca acestea sunt pt o mai buna aerisire ) de fiecare data cand apasam pe Eject-ul de la DVD-rom trebuia sa am mare grija ca nu cumva sa cada intr-o parte consola sau nu cumva sa fuga vreun dop.

  7. #7 SP
    Senior Member h0stile's Avatar
    si eu am facut updateul acu. am pus la tras niste demouri si dureaza o groaza pina imi apare butonu de get demo (sau buy). daca dau back si revin in fereastra imi apare imediat. in schimb, viteza de download e execrabila. nu pot sa-mi dau exact seama ce si cum dar sta nepermis de mult. nu am io banda mare de la RTL dar aia 600KB extern chiar sunt si pe PSN nu am probleme. o fi live-ul incarcat acu, cine stie.

  8. #8 SP
    Senior Member Khan's Avatar
    Intr-adevar in timpul update-ului downloadul dura exagerat. Chiar credeam ca s-a blocat la un moment dat. Am downloadat cateva videouri dupa si viteza a fost super OK (trailer la AvP si Guitar Hero 5).

  9. #9 SP
    Senior Member h0stile's Avatar
    mie mi-a aratat 3 minute la update insa dupa download ma asteptam sa scrie ceva...ciuciu...a intrat direct in dashboard.

  10. #10 SP
    Senior Member Bobby's Avatar
    Azi am downloadat o groaza de arcade-uri si demo-uri ( dupa ce am facut update) si a mers fantastic de repede. Mi-a luat demo-ul de la Batman in 3-4 minute.

  11. #11 SP
    Senior Member Dj Mo's Avatar
    Este normal ca astazi sa mearga putin mai prost. Toata lumea primeste update, toata lumea freaca marketplace la greu. Am update-ul de vreo 2 saptamani deja si pot spune ca totul merge mult mai repede. Guide-ul nu mai agata cand esti in joc si vrei sa trimiti un mesaj, marketplace se misca foarte bine (nu mai stai 100 ani sa iti apara content-ul la un joc). Pacat ca impreuna cu acest update a venit si limitarea Netflix

  12. #12 SP
    Member Skaar's Avatar
    Mi se pare mie, sau preturile de la "games on demand" sunt exagerat de mari? 19.99� pentru a descarca jocuri care le cumperi cu 10� din magazine si care au si mai multe avantaje (se pot juca pe mai multe profile si le ai si fizic nu numai digital)

  13. #13 SP
    Senior Member ffocus's Avatar
    Find Manuals - Game manuals can be viewed, downloaded, or printed from Just locate your game in Web Marketplace and select �See Game Manual�.

    La Bad Company iti furnizeaza manualul de PS3
    Attached Images Attached Images 504x_ps3_bad_company_manual.jpg

  14. #14 SP
    Senior Member Rasko's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by ffocus View Post
    Find Manuals - Game manuals can be viewed, downloaded, or printed from Just locate your game in Web Marketplace and select �See Game Manual�.

    La Bad Company iti furnizeaza manualul de PS3

  15. #15 SP
    Senior Member SublimingSun's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by ffocus View Post
    Find Manuals - Game manuals can be viewed, downloaded, or printed from Just locate your game in Web Marketplace and select “See Game Manual”.

    La Bad Company iti furnizeaza manualul de PS3
    Looooooool, ce tare! Noroc ca nu prea au ce sa puna de pe Wii .

  16. #16 SP
    Junior Member fallenZion14's Avatar
    E f Ok update-u nou, dar Microsoft-ul ziceau ca o data cu update-u asta o sa insereze si feature-ul ala care iti ocupa mult mai putin spatiu la instalare. A instalat cineva vre-un joc pe update-u nou???

  17. #17 SP
    Senior Member Rasko's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by fallenZion14 View Post
    E f Ok update-u nou, dar Microsoft-ul ziceau ca o data cu update-u asta o sa insereze si feature-ul ala care iti ocupa mult mai putin spatiu la instalare. A instalat cineva vre-un joc pe update-u nou???
    Good point. Uite ca nu am incercat, chiar sunt curios daca e asa...

  18. #18 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Da, a incercat cineva cu cateva jocuri si diferentele erau de la cateva sute de MB pana la 1.5 GB.

  19. #19 SP
    is the man! trickz's Avatar
    Hehe, mi'am cumparat un tricou cu bioshock nanannana

  20. #20 SP
    Senior Member Pisboy's Avatar
    si eu am incercat cu doua jocuri Army of Two de la 6 Gb la 5,4 Gb si NFS Pro Street de la 5.5 Gb la 5,1 Gb.

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