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Thread: Sony opreste cumparaturile pe PlayStation Store pentru PS3, PS Vita si PSP

  1. #1 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar

    Sony opreste cumparaturile pe PlayStation Store pentru PS3, PS Vita si PSP

    Intr-o nota, pe pagina de suport unde sunt listate serviciile retrase, Sony detaliaza cum va fi oprit accesul la cumpararea de continut pe PlayStation Store pentru trei console. Procesul este in doua etape, pe 2 iulie 2021 pentru PlayStation 3 si PlayStation Portable, si pe 27 august 2021 pentru PlayStation Vita. Ce nu mai poti face dupa aceste date? Nu mai poti cumpara jocuri si continut media; nu mai poti cumpara continut in-game; nu mai poti da redeem cardurilor valorice. Banii ramasi in cont pot fi utilizati doar pentru continut PS4/PS5. In cazul in care un joc este cross-buy PS4-PS3/PS Vita/PSP, el poate fi cumparat pe PS4 si devine accesibil pe cealalta platforma. Ce poti face in continuare: sa re-descarci jocurile detinute; sa accesezi continutul video/media detinut; sa dai redeem la un joc sau voucher PlayStation Plus; sa re-descarci titlurile oferite de PlayStation Plus atat timp cat esti abonat la acest serviciu.

    Recent, nu mai este posibila accesarea magazinului pentru aceste platforme pe web, asa ca daca nu aveti rabdare cu PlayStation Store pe PS3, puteti folosi siteuri third-party, cum ar fi, pentru a rasfoi catalogul digital cu jocuri. Apoi, folositi Search pe consola.

    In urma zvonului acestei miscari, care acum s-a adeverit, Sony a primit multe critici pentru felul in care gestioneaza conservarea titlurilor, accesul la ele si backward compatibility.

    E vreun joc, exclusiv pe una dintre platforme, ce nu l-ai prins la vremea lui si vrei sa-l incerci acum? Spor la cumparaturi, cat se mai poate!

    Sursa: Sony - Important notice.
    Attached Images Attached Images playstation_store_logo.jpg

  2. #2 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    Acum e clar: nu cumpărați Bitcoin/Ethereum, cumpărați jocuri de PS3, PS Vita și PSP.

  3. #3 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Eurogamer
    What follows isn't meant as a comprehensive list of what's going to be lost - it'd be too depressing, for one - but rather a guide to what's worth picking up before it disappears.

    The 2D Adventures of Rotating Octopus Character
    Alien Zombie Death
    Daytona USA HD
    Frobisher Says
    Gravity Crash
    The Last Guy
    Noby Noby Boy
    PixelJunk Racers
    Super Rub 'a' Dub
    Resident Evil original trilogy
    Trash Panic
    Where is My Heart?
    The classics that go forever when Sony switches off its PS3, PSP and Vita stores •

  4. #4 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    S-a speriat Jim Ryan si s-au razgandit in cazul PS3 si PS Vita:
    Quote Originally Posted by PlayStation.Blog
    Recently, we notified players that PlayStation Store for PS3 and PS Vita devices was planned to end this summer.

    Upon further reflection, however, it’s clear that we made the wrong decision here. So today I’m happy to say that we will be keeping the PlayStation Store operational for PS3 and PS Vita devices. PSP commerce functionality will retire on July 2, 2021 as planned.
    PlayStation Store on PS3 and PS Vita Will Continue Operations – PlayStation.Blog
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  5. #5 SP
    Member codpin's Avatar
    Au cumparat oamenii ca disperatii ce mai aveau in wishlist pentru ps3 si vita? Au cumparat!

  6. #6 SP
    Senior Member Espiritus's Avatar
    ^Depinde de om. Eu am ales sa vând consola in loc sa cumpar ceva.
    Urâtă mișcare din partea Sony oricum. Denotă instabilitate și incoerență in idei și afirmații. La fel de bine se pot suci peste noapte in legătură cu orice subiect.

  7. #7 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by VGC
    Sony Interactive Entertainment CEO Jim Ryan has said the company is devising a cloud strategy that will be “unique and only on PlayStation”.

    Sony acquired cloud gaming company Gaikai in 2012, before using its technology and intellectual property to launch PlayStation Now, which provides subscribers unlimited access to a library of some 700 PS4, PS3 and PS2 games.

    But the company has grander cloud ambitions, and in 2019 it announced a “strategic partnership” with Microsoft which will see it using the Xbox firm’s Azure data centres for cloud gaming and content streaming services.

    Speaking to Nikkei (paywall, translated by VGC) about the deal with Microsoft, which this week started inviting Xbox Game Pass Ultimate members to a cloud gaming beta for Windows 10 PCs and Apple devices, PlayStation boss Ryan said Sony was not yet ready to reveal its cloud strategy for PS5, but suggested it was devising a unique offering.

    “We’re still having conversations with [Microsoft] about exchanging ideas,” he said. “We’re still talking to them about exchanging ideas, and there’s some very interesting stuff, so when the time is right, we’ll announce our cloud strategy.

    “We could conceivably use the cloud for our technical infrastructure, but the cloud gaming experience we’re offering will be unique and only on PlayStation.”

    Later in the interview, Ryan was asked if the cloud could disrupt the traditional hardware cycle, which has seen a new PlayStation console launch every 6-7 years.

    “It’s hard to answer that question right now, but history shows that sales peak in the third or fourth year,” Ryan responded. “At the end of the cycle, the cloud may play some role. I’m more optimistic about the future than I was a year ago.”

    Ryan also suggested it was too early to know if an increased focus on cloud gaming could mean PS5 will be the last console from Sony.

    “We have just released PS5, so at this point it’s time to learn how people are enjoying it, and then we’ll take the time to think about the future of PlayStation,” he said.
    Jim Ryan says Sony is devising a cloud strategy that will be ‘unique and only on PlayStation’
    Attached Images Attached Images jim-ryan-1024x540.jpg

  8. #8 SP
    Banned Alex Khan's Avatar
    La criza actuala ar trebui sa recicleze chiar si consolele PS2 (si PS3 si PS4 sa reintre in productie), sa le refaca componentele si sa le puna din nou la vanzare.
    Macar sa ne cumparam abonament la PlayStation Now si sa ne jucam prin Cloud jocurile noi aparute, fie si pe PS2/PS3.
    Sunt idioti ca nu apeleaza la orice metoda ca sa iasa pe profit.

    E treaba lor, dar daca pana in toamna nu se incheie criza semiconductorilor, nu inceteaza restrictiile pandemice si nu se ieftinesc consolele PS5, in 1-2 ani SONY o sa aiba soarta lui Sega.

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