Studioul Eden Games va lansa primul DLC premium pentru cel mai recent joc al lor, Test Drive Unlimited 2, iar potrivit comunicatului de presa acesta va fi gratis. Initial era planuit ca DLC sa coste, insa unul dintre oficialii studioului a precizat ca cei de la conducere au luat aceasta decizie deoarece doresc sa le multumeasca fanilor pentru rabdarea de care au dat dovada pana la lansarea primului patch. Probabil nu multi dintre voi stiti, dar lansarea jocului a fost dezastruoasa, jucatorii avand de a face cu foarte multe bug-uri si erori. Din cauza acestor probleme jocul a avut de suferit mult, atat din punct de vedere al vanzarilor, cat si al review-urilor avand un scor de 69 pe
Cateva probleme care au fost rezolvate odata cu lansarea primului patch-ului:We really appreciate your patience in this matter and we would like to announce that we will be making the first premium DLC for the game free for everybody as a way of saying thank you.
The Exploration Pack contains new wrecks to be discovered that unlock the Lancia Stratos version Rallye and 1969 Dodge Charger.
- Logging into the game has been improved
- Once into the game the online network experience is now much more stable in all areas
- Save games no longer corrupt
- Existing corrupted save games will be repaired in many cases
- Friends lists are now populated
- Invites now work correctly
- Clubs have been brought back online
- Exploits to gain money have been fixed
- Casino access has been improved
- Players will no longer lose money because of the Casino bug