Potrivit Game Informer, Rockstar North deja lucreaza la un nou joc din seria Grand Theft Auto. Jocul ar putea fi lansat pana la sfarsitul acestui an. Urmatorul GTA nu va fi GTA5, ci un joc bazat pe acelasi engine si gameplay ca si GTA4. Nu ar fi de mirare, tinand cont ca GTA Vice City a fost lansat la un an dupa GTA3 pe Playstation 2. Rockstar nu a confirmat nimic, asa ca ramane doar sa asteptam.
"We're not talking about new DLC or a collection of previously available DLC, we're talking about a full retail game. We expect this title to follow the suit of previous GTAs and use a subtitle such as GTA: San Andreas, etc. Tokyo might be a possible setting for the game, but details are non-existent at this time."