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Thread: Zvon: Wii 2 la E3 2011

  1. #1 SP
    Member Bokolino's Avatar

    Zvon: Wii 2 la E3 2011

    Cu totii cunoastem cum consola celor de la Nintendo nu e foarte puternica, fiind un motiv pentru multi gameri sa o displaca. Acest lucru, aparent, o sa inceteze o data cu evenimentul E3 din Iunie 2011. Potrivit unui articol de pe site-ul celor de la GameInformer, noua consola a companiei japoneze va fi oficial anuntata la evenimentul E3 din iunie anul acesta sau poate chiar mai devreme.

    But wait...there's more...

    Articolul insa nu arunca bomba dupa sa ne lasa cu ochii in soare Ei (GameInformer) spun ca, potrivit unor surse de incredere si evident secrete, noul Wii (sau cum vor ei sa il numeasca) va fi mai bun, mai puternic, mai rapid si mai...HD. Toate acestea nu in comparatie cu actualul Wii, ci cu consolele rivale: Xbox360 si PS3.

    As seen on:!5792165/new-nintendo-console-debuting-at-e3-launching-in-2012-more-powerful-than-xbox-360-and-ps3
    Attached Images Attached Images wii_ii.jpg

  2. #2 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Era si timpul. Chiar sunt curios cu ce nebunie vor veni cei de la Nintendo...

  3. #3 SP
    \ tudyniuz's Avatar
    O sa fie din nou o consola orientata spre casual-gamers, asa se fac banii si Nintendo a invatat asta cu Wii.

  4. #4 SP
    Member Solozaur's Avatar
    O platforma noua pe care sa isi plimbe Mario burta si Link sa tzopaie prin buruieni. SPER sa vina cu ceva nou la capitolul IP, eu m-am saturat peste cap de IP-urile astea obosite.

  5. #5 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    IP-urile alea obosite inca mai castiga titluri de GOTY... se vand extrem de bine. Asa ca de ce-ar face-o? Macar de data asta, o sa-l vezi pe Mario in FullHD si 3D eventual

  6. #6 SP
    Senior Member h0stile's Avatar
    o sa dau c/p dintr-un articol pe care l-am scris pe 3 decembrie, 2010 (pentru ca nu pot sa pun linkul, din pacate, dar poate ma iarta conducerea cu ocazia asta). eu am avansat ideea anuntarii Wii-ului inca din decembrie, iar cateva dintre argumentele mele le veti citi mai jos. sper sa va placa (si sorry, dar articolul e in engleza)

    For now though, I�ll start with Nintendo. Well, you just have to look at their financial statements to realize something�s off. Their revenues are down each quarter and their forecast revenue for the actual fiscal year (April 1st 2010 � March 31st 2011) is down 23% from 1.4T yens to 1.1T (T is for trillion by the way). Given the financial crisis and the fact that interest in the Wii and the DS is not that high any more, I anticipate slow sales even this December. The company had to postpone the launch of the 3DS as they were not able to produce the required number of units and they have announced its release for next February in Japan and next March for the rest of the world. Given their financial statements, it seems that something really impacted their costs, since their forecast revenue for the year is just 23% lower, while their net income will be 60% lower.

    What�s interesting enough is that Nintendo expects to sell in the short time frame from the 3DS release until their fiscal year ends, March 31, 2011, 4 million units worldwide, while the software for it should sell 15 million units worldwide. Hmm, I think math is failing me here. So Nintendo expects to sell 23.5 million DS units this fiscal year, with 4 million expected sales of the 3DS and JUST 6.7 million units sold until September 30th? Sorry guys, but you�re just too optimistic when it comes to forecasts and your previous forecasts really support this assumption. Nintendo is optimistic and over-confident and given their history for the last few years, I won�t blame them. That�s why, in this case, a TEAM B analysis should/could really help them (that�s in case someone from Nintendo actually reads this, but if you�re interested what that is, just Google it).

    I understand that your shares are quite low right now, compared with say April 2010, but that�s no reason to panic. If you look at the evolution of Nintendo�s shares in the US, you�ll see the highest price in April 2010, right after the announcement of the 3DS in late march. The price then goes down right before E3 and immediately up following their successful E3 presentation. Since then, it has gone up and down with prices going up during TGS and then down again. It�s a downward trend that will continue until the 3DS launches, although the December shopping spree has helped them a little.

    So that�s Nintendo this year. What about the next? Well, since this year has been about the DS, I expect next year to be about the Wii. Let me tell you why. I can�t really say and I don�t think that anyone can at this point in time, if they will launch the next Wii in 2011. My guess is NO, they won�t, but you should expect some form of announcement at either E3 or TGS. Truth is they are now under double pressure, one from their classic �rivals�, Microsoft and Sony, who have launched the Kinect and Move, and another one coming from a totally different company aiming to steal their social/family gaming experiences, Apple. There�s even a third danger that no one is taking seriously right now, though its influence is increasing at an alarming speed. It�s Facebook. Have you ever wondered what they all have in common? Well, it�s you, the consumer. And you have two resources they desperately need. TIME and MONEY. And all of them will compete next year to gain as much time and money they possibly can from YOU.

    That�s why Nintendo has to announce something next year or else their shares will go down the drain, as well as their revenues. On the other hand, a Wii 2 release in 2012 is quite about right, if we take into account that consoles from Microsoft and Sony will not be released until 2013-2014. So that�s one of the dangers taken care of.

  7. #7 SP
    Senior Member erik95's Avatar
    Ar fi o prostie sa-l lanseze "intre" generatii (sa fie mai puternic decat PS3 si X360, dar mai slab decat PS4 si urmatorul Xbox). Totusi, si-ar putea forta concurenta sa anunte urmatoarea generatie, iar asta nu e deloc rau.

  8. #8 SP
    Senior Member h0stile's Avatar
    avand in vedere produsele pe care le-au lansat pana acum, as zice ca nu prea le pasa cat de slaba sau puternica este consola comparativ cu PS si Xbox, ci mai degraba CAT DE DIFERITA (vezi wii vs ps3 si x360, precum si 3ds vs ngp). consumatorii care aleg exclusiv in functie de performanta sunt minoritari (pentru ca in segmentul asta software-ul vinde hardware-ul, nu invers).

  9. #9 SP
    Member emanuel's Avatar
    Hmm, deci pana la urma se pare ca vom avea o consola noua in 2012 .
    Asta e un lucru bun, actuala generatie deja a cam batut recordurile la longevitate. Interesant va fi daca nintendo va reusi sa "care" fanii actuali in noua generatie si sa continue dominatia. Oricum, anuntul va precipita apele si la Sony si MS, concurenta nu-si poate permite sa ramana prea in urma. Apropo, h0stile, fain articolul tau

  10. #10 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar
    it says the console will include a custom IBM PowerPC CPU with three cores, a GPU from the ATI R700 family with a shader unit at version 4.1, and at least 512Mb of RAM.

    This would of course make HD console ports very easy for developers, but 'Project Caf�' will also include backwards compatibility with both the Wii (including all peripherals) and GameCube games, it's said.

    The controller has a six-inch touch screen, a front-facing camera, D-Pad, two bumpers, two triggers and "possibly more," and can allegedly be used as a Wii sensor bar.

    As always consider this a strong rumour for now, but it's a good source indeed.

  11. #11 SP
    Member carcru's Avatar
    Finally something new from nintendo. Nu se lasă mai prejos ceea ce e foarte bine,pt că nintendo şi-a �nceput activitatea prin '83 �n Japan '86 pe la noi bănuiesc. Ar trebuie să le dea peste nas celor de la sony şi microsoft cel puţin la asta mă aştept eu. Fan nintendo sunt pentru că am pus m�na pe N64 prima oară şi de asta aştept ceva foarte bun de la nintendo pt că wii-ul a fost destul de bun şi �ncă este,joc jocuri destul de bune pe wii. Unii vor grafică , eu unul vreau gameplay bun.

  12. #12 SP
    Member emanuel's Avatar
    daca zvonurile se confirma, se pare ca vom avea si grafica pt viitorul nintendo. Hmm, Mario in HD . E clar ca noua consola de la Nintendo va fi mai puternica decat X360/ps3, intrebarea e, cu cat mai puternica ?

  13. #13 SP
    Member AVoF's Avatar
    Macar sa fie asa, cand a aparut WII in 2006 tot a avut grafica inferioara ps2-ului care a fost lansat in 2000, si in prezent situatia la fel sta.Nu-mi imaginez God of War 2 ruland pe un Wii...

  14. #14 SP
    Member emanuel's Avatar
    Avof, aici nu ai dreptate, Gamecube e mai puternic decat playstation 2, iar Wii e cam de 1,5/2 ori mai tare decat gamecube, deci evident e peste ps2. Nu ca asta ar insemna mare lucru. Totusi tura asta se pare ca nintendo vrea sa recucereasca hardcore gamerii, asa ca, cine stie...
    In alta ordine de idei, vad ca nintendo tot amana aparitia lui Dragon quest X -cine stie, poate va fi unul din titlurile de lansare. S-ar vinde consola ca painea calda. Cred ca jocul asta m-ar putea convinge sa cumpar consola de la lansare (cu conditia sa fie totusi un pret decent).
    Iar parca cei de la ign spuneau ca e posibil ca noul nintendo sa treaca la blue-ray, ca sony

  15. #15 SP
    Senior Member Christien's Avatar
    Ma intreb daca Micro si Sony au vreo replica pregatita ..

  16. #16 SP
    Senior Member Madk91's Avatar
    Mai devreme am auzit cum ca viitorul controler de la Wii2 va avea un ecran lcd cu touchscreen (ca la sega dreamcast).
    Si ca o sa fie un hibrid intre vechiul controller de gamecube si wiimote.

  17. #17 SP
    Member Dasani's Avatar
    Un link cu mai multe detalii despre noul controller,cica se va numi Project Cafe dar inca sunt doar zvonuri.Dissecting the Project Cafe Controller Rumors - Gear News at IGN

  18. #18 SP
    Junior Member quarterpunk's Avatar
    Frate! Atatea console si eu nu am niciuna... OWNED

  19. #19 SP
    Banned cryyo's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Christien View Post
    Ma intreb daca Micro si Sony au vreo replica pregatita ..
    Nu, vor sta sa-i faca de cacao in vazul lumii cei de la Nintendo.

  20. #20 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Christien View Post
    Ma intreb daca Micro si Sony au vreo replica pregatita ..
    Nu au sau mă vor avea.

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