Device-ul Kinect ne-a luat pe toti prin surprindere, prin distractia si tehnologia inovativa pe care le oferea, dar si prin vanzarile si succesul pe care le-a avut inca de la lansare. Singura problema deocamdata pe care o vad eu la acest motion controller, sunt jocurile in sine. E adevarat ca sunt cateva titluri care te vor tine in fata TV miscandu-ti membrele in toate directile posibile, dar acestea au un public tinta destul de casual. Publisherul Majesco a cofirmat ca lucreaza la inca 2 jocuri pentru Kinect, pe langa "Hulk Hogan's Main Event", insa din pacate nici acestea nu vor fi pe placul jucatorilor hard-core. Cele doua jocuri sunt "Take Shape" si "Mind 'n Motion", iar pentru mai multe detalii va recomand sa cititi quote-ul de mai jos si sa urmariti E3 de saptamana viitoare.
"Take Shape: Turn game night into a hilarious interactive party with the fast-paced Take Shape for Kinect! Twist, stretch and shrink your body into hundreds of different shapes, animals and symbols. "Shape yourself" solo to beat the fastest time or team up in multiplayer mode to unite your on-screen silhouettes in fun new ways. Fit through forms, bend into shapes and animals, match a mirrored image...even clear stacked shapes lightning fast in this fun-for-all-ages experience. Be flexible; be quick; be the life of the house party in Take Shape!
Mind 'n Motion: Think fast and stay coordinated in Mind 'n Motion! This fun, family-friendly experience puts your motor skills to the test with activities that keep your entire body moving as fast as your mind can trigger your next move. From juggling to dodging shapes to jumping hopscotch, Mind 'n Motion packs in ten levels per activity and mixes it up throughout with additional gameplay elements like inverse controls, faster pace and new tricks to make you think quick on your feet!