Evolution Studios, cei care au lansat Motorstorm: Pacific Rift pe PlayStation 3 au terminat un update pentru acest joc care rezolva mai multe probleme. Una dintre cele mai bune parti ale patch-ului este ca inlatura restrictia de a copia salvarile si de asemenea scade drastic sansele de a corupe salvarile. De asemenea un glitch care implica boost-ul a fost scos de acest patch/update. Lista completa poate fi vazuta mai jos.
- Restrictions to the copying of Saved Data have been removed. This will make it possible for Saved Data to be backed up and then restored to the User Account it was created under (whether that’s on the same PLAYSTATION 3 or not).*
- Changes to the way the game handles data. These changes will help to prevent Saved Data corruption.
- Visual notification of critical save progress has been added. A ‘MotorStorm Helmet’ icon will be displayed on-screen to warn users that critical data is being saved. This is in addition to the HDD Access light which currently flashes while the game makes a critical save.
- The glitch which enables a player to exploit the Boost system has been removed. The development team are working to identify which times have been achieved using this glitch; Action will be taken to ensure that the Leaderboards become genuinely competitive again.
- Time Attack times and Rank information will update correctly for all players. Any pending Time Attack times will begin to filter through systematically and the online Ranks should display correctly once the update is released.
- Additional fixes and improvements to gameplay. Many thanks for your feedback on these and other issues so far; we are still investigating the other issues that have been brought to our attention.