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Thread: PlayStation Vita-ul va fi region free

  1. #1 SP
    Senior Member Tudoran's Avatar

    PlayStation Vita-ul va fi region free

    Aceasta stire a fost confirmata de catre Shuhei Yoshida, presedinte la Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide Studio, cand acesta a fost intrebat pe Twitter daca cea mai noua consola portabila a lor va fi region free, spre deosebire de consola 3D a celor de la Nintendo. Asta inseamna ca indiferent de unde veti cumpara consola, pe aceasta vor rula jocuri din orice colt al lumii. Dar mai presus de toate, asta inseamna ca o sa va puteti cumpara un PSV in decembrie (daca nu mai aveti rabdare), cand aceasta se va lansa in Japonia si veti putea achizitiona jocuri atat de acolo (bine-nteles daca intelegeti limba si toate celelalte) cat si din restul lumii cand se vor lansa acestea incepand din 2012.

    Daca sunt doritori, aflati ca pretul versiunii cu 3G va fi de �29,980 in timp ce modelul fara va costa �24,980.
    Attached Images Attached Images 9524ps-vita-e3-1024x724-1280x720.jpg

  2. #2 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    O veste buna... legata de una rea. Daca cea buna e ca va fi region-free, cea rea este ca PSV-ul nu va putea duce mai mult de 3-4 ore de gameplay. Cei de la Sony insa ne asigura ca vor exista periferice de tip "external battery" (oh no): Don't worry (or do), PS Vita will have external battery peripheral | Joystiq

  3. #3 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    PlayStation Vita-ul va fi region free
    ...asta se stia de LUNI DE ZILE.

    Am si discutat pe tema asta, daca bine-mi amintesc, pe aria dedicata consolei.

  4. #4 SP
    Senior Member Tudoran's Avatar
    si totusi am zis sa o scriu ca stire pentru ca e o chestie destul de importanta. nu toti intra pe thread-ul consolei . Chestiile mai importante spun ca trebuie mentionate sub forma unei stiri.

  5. #5 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by RonanN1 View Post
    ...asta se stia de LUNI DE ZILE.

    Am si discutat pe tema asta, daca bine-mi amintesc, pe aria dedicata consolei.
    RonanN1: e o diferenta intre discutii/zvonuri si stirile care se bazeaza pe declaratii oficiale. Pana acum ceva vreme era un zvon. Acum 2 zile Shuhei Yoshida (Sony Computer Entertainment president of Worldwide Studios) a confirmat faptul ca jocurile de PSV vor fi region free, devenind astfel o informatie oficiala ce merita o stire.

    P.S. Cum a zis si Tudoran, poate multi nu intra pe threadul dedicat... si vad acest lucru via Facebook, RSS, email...

  6. #6 SP
    Senior Member Tudoran's Avatar
    in caz ca va nu stiti daca sa cumparati din Japonia sau nu consola, uite un motiv sa NU o faceti. Nu pare mare lucru da tin minte si cand ma jucam FF 7 ca ma enervat ca X era back su O accept...grrrr. abia dupa 27 de ore de gameplay (dupa ce am terminat disk 1) m-am obisnuit.
    PlayStation Vita is Region Free, Sony Says Do Not Import | PlayStation LifeStyle
    A launch date for the PlayStation Vita was announced for Japan at Sony’s Tokyo Game Show press conference last week. Since a date hasn’t yet been revealed for other regions, it has many gamers salivating over the Vita considering importing, especially since it’s been confirmed to be region free. But Sony doesn’t think that’s the most wise of ideas.

    President of Sony Worldwide Studios, Shuhei Yoshida, confirmed on Twitter that the PlayStation Vita was going to be region free. This led myself, and many others to consider importing a Vita when it launches in Japan on December 17th. But Yoshida doesn’t “recommend” it.
    Yoshida goes on the explain that although there’s nothing wrong with importing (it is region free, after all), that there will be minor “nuisances” or inconsistencies, such as the X and O buttons being swapped. (Note: This may not seem like a big deal, but I imported a Japanese PSP and the X and O being swapped can be very confusing and annoying)
    To help ease the mind of impatient potential importers, Yoshida said that Sony “will update the launch dates outside of Japan soon”.
    Does that change anyone’s mind? Or are you still planning on importing?

  7. #7 SP
    Member ossaur's Avatar
    ps vita 3G poate fi folosita si ca telefon?

  8. #8 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by ossaur View Post
    ps vita 3G poate fi folosita si ca telefon?
    nu, dar se zvoneste ca s-ar putea instala Skype

  9. #9 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Probabil va fi exact ca la iPad 3G. Adica te va ajuta in principal la GPS (A-GPS sau Assisted GPS) si pentru date (internet). No voice calls (ca altfel nu si-ar mai vinde telefoanele).

  10. #10 SP
    Member tudort's Avatar
    Oricum va fi buna treaba cu region-free...era si de asteptat datorita compatibilitatii cu ps3-ul si pentru ca acesta din urma e RF.

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