In urma cu cateva luni (mai exact in septembrie anul trecut) se anuntase oficial Resident Evil 6 in cadrul gaming event-lui Tokyo Game Show. Ieri a fost publicat si primul trailer oficial si in acelasi timp si data de lansare a jocului: in Statele Unite jocul va fi lansat in 20 noiembrie 2012,iar in Japonia jocul va veni doua zile mai tarziu,22 noiembrie 2012 (PlayStation 3,Xbox 360,PC).Deocamdata nu se stie o data oficiala si pentru Europa. Dar ce stim totusi e ca protagonistul va fi Leon Scott Kennedy. Conform celor de la Capcom povestea,citez:
"It has been ten years since the Raccoon City incident and the President of the United States has decided to reveal the truth behind what took place in the belief that it will curb the current resurgence in bioterrorist activity. Due to be by the President's side is his personal friend and Raccoon City survivor, Leon S. Kennedy, but when the venue suffers a bioterrorist attack, Leon is forced to face a President transformed beyond recognition and make his hardest ever decision. At the same time, Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance member Chris Redfield arrives in China, itself under threat of a bioterrorist attack. With no country safe from these attacks and the ensuing outbreaks, the entire world's population is united by a common fear that there is no hope left."