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Thread: Skyrim-uind prin casa...

  1. #1 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar

    Skyrim-uind prin casa...

    Well, pentru fanii Skyrim, incepand de luna aceasta, skyriming-ul prin casa va deveni o realitate, cei de la Bethesda adaugand suport pentru Kinect, cu cel putin 200 de comenzi. Bineinteles, pentru jocul The Elder Scrolls V si doar pentru consola Xbox 360 (sorry PC guys). Sunt curios cat de fericiti vor fi vecinii vostrii la aflarea acestei vesti. Anyway, mai jos aveti un mic "demo".

    Fully knowing that you can�t get enough of your favorite dragon shouts, we�re pleased to announce that Kinect for Xbox 360 support is coming to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Available for free as a title update slated for release this month, Skyrim Kinect for Xbox 360 Support will feature more than 200 Voice Commands� including the game�s dragon shouts. In addition to Dragon Shouts, the Kinect for Xbox 360 integration offers voice commands throughout the game including Hotkey Equipping, Follower Commands, and all Menus (Items, Magic, Map, Barter, Container, Favorites, and Skills). With Voice Commands, quickly create and load saves during gameplay and access menus and inventories. Skyrim�s Kinect for Xbox 360 Support also adds new functionality including special map functions, additional hotkey options, and the ability to sort inventory items by name, weight, and value.
    To get an early look at Kinect for Xbox 360 support, watch the video above featuring programmer Ricardo Gonzalez, who put together the preliminary concept for Kinect for Xbox 360 Support during the Skyrim Game Jam.
    A full list of Voice Commands will be revealed in the coming weeks, and we�ve got more Skyrim news coming. Bethesda Game Studios has been hard at work on creating the first set of game add-ons that will be exclusive to the Xbox 360. This additional content will add new quests, locations, features, and much more to the world of Skyrim. Stay tuned for more details.
    Sursa: Kinect Support Coming to Skyrim | Bethesda Blog
    Attached Images Attached Images skyrim_kinect.jpg

  2. #2 SP
    Member RELOADED9's Avatar
    fus ro dah in casa. e interesanta ideea. as juca skyrim doar pt. kinect.

  3. #3 SP
    Member Sosetila's Avatar
    Foarte tare faza cu bind, chiar daca l-am jucat pe PC unde 1234567890 sunt foarte accesibile, de obicei se buguia si trebuia sa intru in inventory sa le pun manual.

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