Well, cum nu toata lumea este disperata dupa grafica de ultima generatie, cei de la Blaze au scos o noua consola portabila pentru pasionatii de jocuri arcade si retro, denumita GameGadget! Partea frumoasa este ca in afara publisherilor si developerilor cunoscuti, GameGadget este si un sistem OpenSource, prin urmare oricine poate contribui pe partea de gaming development la acest proiect.
Jucaria (pentru ca nu-i pot spune altfel) a inceput sa fie livrata din 22.03.2012 si este deja disponibila pe majoritatea shop-urilor mari (amazon.co.uk, thehut, zavvi, play.com), la pretul de 99 Lire Sterline. Partea interesanta este ca in aceasta perioada (pana pe 30 Aprilie), beneficiati de un discount de 20 de Lire Sterline si 30 de jocuri gratuite! Prin urmare, puteti avea un GameGadget la 79 Lire Sterline si 30 de jocuri incluse! Nu-i rau pentru o consola portabila, nu?
Sa nu va asteptati la cine stie ce specificatii hardware. Nu e totusi un PSV, dar isi face treaba pentru ceea ce a fost conceput. Mai exact, GameGadget-ul se "lauda" cu urmatoarele:CPU core: 433mhz dual coreMai multe detalii gasiti pe site-ul oficial: GameGadget-Like an Ipod for retro games. Go Anywhere � Play Everything
CPUInternal Ram: 64MB RAM / 2GB Flash
RAMInput: D-Pad, 2 shoulder, 4 face, Start, Select & Reset buttons
Outputs: Stereo Speakers, Headphones
Jack & TV-outDisplay: 3.5�
LCDScreen Resolution: 320 x 240 pixels resolution (16 BIT colour)
Battery: Li-Ion (rechargeable)
Additional Storage: SD/SDHC
Connectivity: Micro USB
Dimensions: 140 W x 75 H x 16 D (mm)
GameGadget is like an iPod for games - you can enjoy all of your favourite retro video games, music and eBooks and you can access the GameGadgetGames Marketplace to download new content instantly!Each GameGadget is capable of playing potentially over 100,000 classic titles across multiple platforms from the early years of gaming to more recent times.
GameGadget is also a powerful multimedia device capable of storage and playback of audio, e-books and photos.
You can expand the internal memory of your GameGadget with additional SD Memory cards that work seamlessly with your GameGadget.
All GameGadget's come with a 12 month warranty, USB Charge/transfer cable and rechargeable battery.
�GameGadget has been designed with the ultimate goal of playing every game on a single device, just as the �iPod� was for music. Hundreds of thousands of games are currently �archived� and no longer being enjoyed by Gamers, with no value being generated for the Developers and Publishers. The launch of GameGadget creates a market for gamers to play the games they want to play. The GameGadgetGames service, just like �Apple�s App Store�, allows the owners of these games, to re-market their back catalogue, in their original format, set the appropriate pricing and gain incremental revenue, BUT with no additional investment�.