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Thread: China ar putea debloca vanzarea consolelor dupa 13 ani!

  1. #1 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar

    China ar putea debloca vanzarea consolelor dupa 13 ani!

    Eu unul sunt ferm convins ca nu sunt multi dintre voi cei care sa cunoasca faptul ca in anul 2000 China a interzis vanzarea tuturor consolelor pe motivul ca se doreste protejarea dezvoltarii copiiilor. Dar sunt sigur ca v-ati intrebat cel putin macar odata de ce in rapoartele de vanzari anuale sau trimestriale, nu apare nicaieri China... care la ce numar de locuitori are, ar fi trebuit sa se regaseasca in toate topurile in primele pozitii. Noi am mai discutat despre asta, insa asa cum au interzis Google si alte nebunii, niciun fel de discutie, petitie sau revolta nu a reusit pana acum sa rezolve situatia.

    Well, not anymore! China Daily a facut un reportaj prin care s-a prezentat faptul ca reprezentantii guvernamentali care au blocat vanzarea oricarei console acum 13 ani, au reinceput discutiile in ideea de a ridica acest ban. Ca urmare al acestor speculatii, preturile la actiunile Sony si Nintendo au crescut brusc. Mai exact, cele ale Sony au crescut cu 9.1% pana la 1,407 yen per share (cea mai mare cifra din Aprilie 2012) iar cele ale Nintendo au crescut cu 3,4% pana la 9,630 yen per share (cea mai mare cifra din 7 Decembrie 2012).

    Sincer eu nu pot decat sa ma bucur vazand cum se ridica o astfel de bariera... Pentru mine pare o victorie echivalenta cu daramarea Zidului Berlinului... doar ca aici nu vorbim de Marele Zid Chinezesc, ci de demolarea unor bariere psihologice fara noima si fara sens. Acum, sa creasca vanzarile!
    Attached Images Attached Images great_wall_of_china_free_mario.jpg

  2. #2 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar
    acum vor domina si in MP chinezii, nu doar la olimpiada

  3. #3 SP
    Junior Member cozonacel's Avatar
    Situatia asta nu poate decat sa ma bucure .... buna stire Monky

  4. #4 SP
    Member eneea's Avatar
    am citit si eu ieri stirea si chair nu stiam de blocada asta mai zic unii ca e mai bine in comunism

  5. #5 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar

  6. #6 SP
    Senior Member Rasko's Avatar
    WOW, uan billion customers!!!!!

  7. #7 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    *reports that the Dongfang Daily paper followed up with the Chinese Ministry of Culture following the supposed effort to lift the country's*ban on game consoles, finding no conclusive evidence that such an effort was underway.

    Furthermore, the whole situation regarding the "ban" is more complicated than it first seemed. Engadget notes that the original 2000 bill was aimed primarily at restricting arcades for the sake of keeping kids out of trouble, with game equipment imports "strictly limited" as part of the deal. Limited, but not outright forbidden.

    That's how Sony pulled off a two-city launch of the PS2 in 2004, and that's how Nintendo got the iQue Player out, both categorizing their consoles outside of the normal "game console" term. Neither took off, but as Engadget notes, it's not impossible to launch a console under current Chinese law, as long as the government is convinced nothing "unhealthy" will come for it.


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