Pe principiul "dupa una calda vine una rece" si stiind ca tocmai am primit vestea legata de Far Cry ce se va lansa in toamna, automat m-am intrebat care va fi cea rece. Ei bine, din pacate este o veste proasta despre The Division, mult asteptatul titlu de la Ubisoft. Acesta se pare ca va intarzia. Printr-un comunicat de pe pagina oficiala aflam ca The Division va veni pe Xbox One, PS4 si PC undeva in 2015. Imi pare rau sa fiu eu cel care aduce vestile proaste, dar... asta e viata. Mai jos aveti citatul de pe site-ul oficial (pana nu dispare):
Sursa: The Division | Latest news and content about Tom Clancy | The Division game.An update about Tom Clancy's The Division
Today we announced that Tom Clancy's The Division will be available in 2015 for Xbox One, PS4 and PC.
Working on The Division is a once in a lifetime opportunity for all of us at Massive, Reflections, and Red Storm Entertainment. We are creating something we are really proud of and we don't want to compromise on quality. We are going to release the game when it's ready.
We want to thank you again for the exceptional ongoing support. Community is at the heart of what we are doing and we’re very much designing the game with you in mind, so your involvement means a lot to us.
The production is getting stronger every day and we can't wait to show you what we’ve been up to at this year’s E3. :)
Massive love,
The Dev Team