In aceasta dimineata continuam seria de prezentari cu un alt joc Ubisoft si anume Far Cry 4. In acest joc al seriei jucatorii vor calatorii in Kyrat, o regiune open-world din muntii Himalaya care se afla sub controlul lui Pagan Min. Pentru prima data in serie este introdus si modul de co-op care va fi de tip drop-in si va putea fi folosit pe toata durata campaniei. De asemenea, cei care vor cumpara jocul pe PlayStation 3 sau PlayStation 4 si au activ serviciul PlayStation Plus vor putea sa invite pana la 10 prieteni care nu detin jocul intr-un "free trial of online co-op" (mai multe detalii nu avem inca). Jocul se va lansa in Europa pe data de 18 noiembrie 2014 pe PC, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360 si Xbox One. Si acum sa trecem la lucruri cu adevarat serioase, prezentarea editiei de colectie, care comparativ cu Assassin's Creed Unity este doar una. :evil:
Kyrat Edition ($129.99 USD / €100 EUR / $149.95 AUD) contine:In Europa aceasta editie poate fi comandata de la Ubishop,, cu preturi cuprinse intre £70.00-£80.00.
- 20 cm figurine of the game’s villain Pagan Min seated on an elephant throne
- Travel Journal
- Pagan Min Propaganda Poster
- The game Map
- Hurk’s Redemption Missions
- Mission 1 (20 mins): Fight dangerous enemies in the ice caves of snow-capped mountains to retrieve a rare artifact
- Mission 2 (20 mins): Fight waves of enemies while riding an unusual vehicle with Hurk by your side
- Mission 3 (20 mins): In this epic bro-tastic conclusion, chase down an enemy convoy and save Hurk from certain death
- Exclusive Weapon: Harpoon gun “the Impaler”! Use this modified whale hunting Harpoon with a Unique Skin Pack to shoot harpoon stakes
Dar Ubisoft fiind Ubisoft, o sa avem cateva bonusuri in functie de retailer, printre care:Posibil sa fie mai multe, dar atat am gasit momentan.
- Altex - Yak Farm Pack contine o misune extra + Elephant Double-Barrel Rifle;
- Ubishop - Driller Pack: 1 new weapon - Driller Machine gun;
- Amazon: Blood Ruby Pack contine o misiune extra + 1911 Pistol.
De asemenea toate pre-comenzile vor beneficia de free upgrade la Limited Edition care contine urmatoarele bonusuri:
- Hurk’s Redemption Mission 1 (20 mins): Fight dangerous enemies in the ice caves of snow-capped mountains to retrieve a rare artifact
- Hurk’s Redemption Mission 2 (20 mins): Fight waves of enemies while riding an unusual vehicle with Hurk by your side
- Hurk’s Redemption Mission 3 (20 mins): In this epic bro-tastic conclusion, chase down an enemy convoy and save Hurk from certain death
- Exclusive Weapon: Harpoon gun “the Impaler”! Use this modified whale hunting Harpoon with a Unique Skin Pack to shoot harpoon stakes