Pentru a2a saptamana la rand Call of Duty 4 a reusit sa detroneze Halo 3 de pe prima pozitia in topul celor mai jucate jocuri pe Xbox Live. Asadar, Call of Duty 4 a reusit sa ajunga unde nu cred ca a sperat (inainte de lansarea jocului) sa ajunga. Daca inainte imi spuneai ca noul joc al celor de la Activision, Call of Duty 4, ce era cu totul schimbat fata de celalalate jocuri din serie avea sa devina cel mai jucat de pe Xbox Live probabil as fi ras. Probabil.
Xbox 360 Top Live Titles (based on UU�s)
1 Call of Duty 4
2 Halo 3
4 Star Wars: TFU Demo
5 Madden NFL 09
6 Gears of War
7 Guitar Hero III
8 Rock Band
9 Battlefield: Bad Company
Top Arcade Titles (Full Versions)
1 Fable II Pub Games
2 Galaga Legions
3 Braid
4 BC:Rearmed
5 Geometry Wars Evolved�
7 1942: Joint Strike
9 N+
10 Marble Blast Ultra
The above arcade list is based on full versions purchased.
Original Xbox Top Live Titles (based on UU�s)
1 Halo 2
2 Star Wars: Battlfrnt 2
3 Fable
4 Counter-Strike
5 Fable: Lost Chapters
6 Splinter Cell Chaos
7 Conker: Live Reloaded
8 Doom 3
9 Battlefield 2: MC
10 Call of Duty 3