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Thread: Zombie Army Trilogy: data de lansare anuntata pentru Xbox One, PS4 si PC

  1. #1 SP
    Cons. Mercedes-Benz djleo666's Avatar

    Zombie Army Trilogy: data de lansare anuntata pentru Xbox One, PS4 si PC

    Nimic nu poate fi mai bun decat un shooter frenetic cu zombie nazisti! Asa cum ne anuntase cu ceva timp in urma, Rebellion va aduce Zombie Army Trilogy pe Xbox One, Playstation 4 si PC pe data de 6 Martie 2015. Lansat global initial ca digital download in 6 Martie, jocul va contine Sniper Elite: Zombie Army 1,2 si 3, utilizatorii putand achizitiona si varianta pe disc dar la o data neconfirmata inca. Shooterul frenetic va putea fi jucat single player, co-op sau survival, va include 15 misiuni, un nou mod Horde, precum si caractere customizabile.

    Zombie Army Trilogy va include:
    - Battle through 15 gut-wrenching missions spanning THREE epic campaigns across the irradiated, demon-infested ruins of World War Two Germany.
    - Wrestle the occult powers in the campaign and across FIVE terrifying horde maps. Face the horrors alone or fight back-to-back in 2-4 player online co-op.
    - Fight as elite sniper, Karl Fairburne or one of EIGHT playable heroes including FOUR new female characters, armed with over 25 iconic weapons and explosive traps.
    - Take on legions of Undead Super Soldiers, Armoured Skeletons, Zombie Snipers, Chainsaw Elites, Fire Demons and more, before facing the demonic Hitler himself in a final stand to decide the fate of mankind!
    - Bask in the gruesome glow of the infamous X-Ray Kill Cam, and watch in gory detail as rotting flesh and organs are shredded from the inside.
    - Experience haunting environments and intense-action, all framed in bloody beautiful 1080p.
    Un trailer al jocului il puteti urmari mai jos.
    Attached Images Attached Images zombie_armie_trilogy.jpg

  2. #2 SP
    Junior Member Ionut Laurentiu's Avatar
    din trailer arata spendid..pacat ca nu va fi lansat si pe consolele old gen..ps3 si xbox..

  3. #3 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    Attached Images Attached Images 0.jpg 1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg 4.jpg 5.jpg 6.jpg 7.jpg 8.jpg 9.jpg 10.jpg 11.jpg 12.jpg

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