Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood - Multiplayer Gameplay - Wanted [San Donato]
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Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood - Multiplayer Gameplay - Wanted [San Donato] (10 min 38 sec)
Uploaded on 18-06-2011 at 03:03 PM by dragos_mihaiy
Gameplay movies - YouTube

Gamertag: Zwoosh
Want to be in a Brotherhood multiplayer video? Add my newly created gamertag on Xbox Live. Gamertag: Zwoosh

I never was, or will be, a professional gamer. The videos I upload aren't to showcase my skill. I'm an average guy who just so happens to have the means to record video games, likes to help and produce content. Most if not all my videos are recorded first take and never scripted, so yes there'll be mistakes, yes I might die, but I'm having fun, so leave your criticism at the door Mister-angry pants.

All my videos will be STORY spoiler free AND HD!

Multiplayer gamemode: Wanted
Map: San Donato
Persona: The Captain

Alright, finally got to play some multiplayer tonight! Played 4 games, but I'm only going to upload my two most recent videos.

Sorry if you were in my first two games, but I have to think about what would be enjoyable to watch, and I got my ass handed to me in both of those, and for a viewer it won't be very interesting.

Keep in mind - this is my third game so I'm not very good. Hopefully not too bed. Enjoy the video!

People who I played with (Not including randoms)
Fr3sh cut salad
o Sicarius o
Zwoosh (me!)

Tags: ambergris, arrow, assassins, assassins creed, bandit, brotherhood, captain, cardinals, creed, crossbow, diamond, donato, dye, elephant, ezio, ezio hideout, farming, free, freerunning, gameplay, hideout, indian, ivory, multiplayer, nigrum, objects, papaver, piper, purple, recruit, recruiting, running, san, sapphire, silk, silvaticum, the, trade, trade objects, training, virtual, vlad the impaler coin, vr training, wanted, zwoooooosh

Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood - Multiplayer Gameplay - Wanted [San Donato]
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