Call of Duty: World at War: Zombies for iPhone/iPod Touch
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Call of Duty: World at War: Zombies for iPhone/iPod Touch (5 min 06 sec)
Uploaded on 21-06-2011 at 04:02 PM by SkyBorg
iOS media - YouTube

Game: Call Of Duty, 8/10.

*Update: when you play the game use the dual stick control method (not the one in the video)*

This game is a very fun first person shooter from the Call of Duty franchise. It does feel like a great port from the Nazi Zombies mode in World at War. The game also, besides single player, offers full online co-op plus local and bluetooth support!! The game only comes with one map so far, but more should be released soon. I also forgot to add that when the zombies are close to you, you can knife them with the knife button on the bottom of the screen! This game is $9.99 in the app store.

Tags: 360, 3gs, app, apple, blood, call, co-op, duty, fps, game, iphone, ipod, modern, multiplayer, nazi, online, ps3, review, shoot, store, touch, war, warfare, wii, world, xbox, zombies

Call of Duty: World at War: Zombies for iPhone/iPod Touch
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