Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Shooting Range Trailer
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Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Shooting Range Trailer (3 min 54 sec)
Uploaded on 05-07-2011 at 03:59 PM by andreicristian9
Devs, Interviews - YouTube
Deus Ex: Human Revolution is the third game in the Deus Ex first-person role-playing video game series, and a prequel to the original game. It is being developed by Eidos Montreal. In the Deus Ex games, augmentations are body modifications that allow the user superhuman abilities. While augmentations in the first two games were nanotech, Human Revolution is set prior to both and instead features mechanical augmentations. These will be divided into four types: Combat, Stealth, Technology and Social. Using social skills, social augmentations and stealth a player is able to play through the whole game killing only the bosses. Every enemy squad will have an identifiable squad leader who will direct the team's actions. If the leader is killed, the squad falls into disarray. Enemies will also react to subtle player decisions, such as a change in behaviour or weapons, etc. Unlike in Invisible War, weapons will fire distinct ammunition types instead of depleting a unified pool. They can also be upgraded to better suit the player.
Tags: deus, human, revolution
Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Shooting Range Trailer
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