Uncharted 3 MP Beta Week 2 gameplay pt1
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Uncharted 3 MP Beta Week 2 gameplay pt1 (9 min 49 sec)
Uploaded on 11-07-2011 at 01:10 PM by sam
Gameplay movies - YouTube

Uncharted 3 multplayer beta during week 2, to explore a new map and several new game modes.

Tags: 3rd, all, beta, darksyde, darksydephil, deathmatch, dog, drake, dsp, dspgaming, footage, for, free, game, gameplay, hero, heroes, match, matches, multiplayer, nathan, naughty, objective, open, person, phil, playstation, plunder, ps3, pt1, shooter, sully, team, treasure, uncharted, video, villain, villains, week

Uncharted 3 MP Beta Week 2 gameplay pt1
(click here to watch and comment)