FINAL FANTASY XIII-2 - Time Travel Trailer
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FINAL FANTASY XIII-2 - Time Travel Trailer (2 min 02 sec)
Uploaded on 24-01-2012 at 01:57 PM by MonkY
Game Trailers - YouTube

The video contains brand new footage of an important element of FINAL FANTASY XIII-2, the ability to travel through time. Mysterious gates are positioned around the game's towns and landscapes. Once these portals are activated by finding hidden artifacts, Serah and Noel can be transported to new, distinct locations to continue their adventure. These settings change over time, so be sure to revisit them to investigate how they've changed over the years.

This is the seventh video in a series of new gameplay videos; stay tuned for the next installment.

Tags: clevver, explore, final fantasy xiii-2, games, gate, mysterious, portal, time travel, trailer

FINAL FANTASY XIII-2 - Time Travel Trailer
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