Darkness Falls. Heroes Rise: The Wizard
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Darkness Falls. Heroes Rise: The Wizard (3 min 17 sec)
Uploaded on 01-05-2012 at 11:43 AM by OEE
PC Games videos - YouTube

The wizards. Brilliant practitioners of the arcane arts who deftly wield the energies of fire, ice, lightning, and even time itself in the pursuit of their enigmatic goals. Bedecked in archaic charms, clad in runes, and wrapped in free-flowing robes to allow for the somatic components of their spells, wizards are a veritable thunderstorm of lethal powers who can strike from close or long range. There is no safe way to approach an angry wizard.


Tags: blizzard, blizzard entertainment, darkness falls, diablo, diablo iii, gameplay, hereos rise, heroesrise, tyrael, wizard

Darkness Falls. Heroes Rise: The Wizard
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