PS4 slim 500 gb
second hand - stare excelenta
A) 699 RON - fara niciun joc
B) 1099 RON - cu cont PSN US care include
Witcher 3 Goty
Destiny 2 Deluxe
Horizon Zero Down+DLC
Final Fantasy X/X2 HD
Bloodborne + DLC
Dark Souls 3 + 2x DLCs
Shadow of Mordor GOTY
Borderlands Handsome Collection
Rocket League
Oferite in trecut pt abonament PS+
(si accesibile la reactivarea abon)
Metal Gear Solid V Phantom Pain
Darksiders 2 DE
Deus EX Mankind
Day of Tentacle remaster
Infamous 2nd Son
Invisible INC
Lords of the Fallen
Tropico 5
Titan Souls
Until Dawn
Cont Let it Die cu access la end game
+ inca 20 titluri
Nu am cutie, nu mai are garantie
1 Controller si cablu
1 cablu hdmi
Bucuresti , sector 3. Diham/Arena Nationala
Nu trimit in tara, nu fac schimburi.
Telefon 0722 151001 Marian