Stiu foarte bine ca sunt unele achievementuri de multiplayer care facute pe Live cu necunoscuti sunt absolut teribile. Asadar hai sa facem aici un fel de "bazar".
Fiecare spune de ce achievement are nevoie si ne rezolvam.
Stiu foarte bine ca sunt unele achievementuri de multiplayer care facute pe Live cu necunoscuti sunt absolut teribile. Asadar hai sa facem aici un fel de "bazar".
Fiecare spune de ce achievement are nevoie si ne rezolvam.
...�nsf�rșit văd un asemenea thread și aici. E bine că a fost făcut de Bobby, că de-l făceam eu...eram pus la zid și executat (ca de obicei).
Ca și pe, eu ajut pe oricine la următoarele jocuri (respectiv achievement-uri):
Assault Heroes
Twin Medal - 20G
Finish a zone in Co-op mode.
Assault Heroes 2
Wonder twins - 10G
Zone Battle: Use all 4 Co-Op attacks, kill 10 units with each: Medium or Hard in one session.
Zoned Out - 20G
Zone Battle: Complete 6 Zones, each with the help of a different LIVE enabled friend.
Smoothie Heroes - 20G
Co-op Campaign: Kill 100 infantry, one player freezes & the other shatters, on Hard in one session.
Underground Hunters - 20G
Co-Op Campaign: Finish all underground areas with the help of a friend: Medium or Hard difficulty.
Heroes Campaign - 30G
Co-Op Campaign: Complete all areas on Hard difficulty with the help of a friend.
Guitar Hero III
Meet Your Maker - 20G
Beat one of the creators of Guitar Hero 3 at their own game
Guitar Wizard - 10G
Complete all Co-op as the lead guitarist
That's What Friends Are For - 25G
Complete Co-op Career
Two by Four - 5G
Get an 8X multiplier in a Co-op game
A Couple of Streakers - 5G
Earn a 200 note streak in a Co-op match
Dynamic Duo - 15G
Earn a 1000 note streak in a Co-op match
Streak Masters - 20G
Earn a 2000 note streak in a Co-op match
Millionaire Club - 20G
Score 1,000,000 on any song in a Co-op match
Higher Than Most - 20G
Score 700,000 on any song in a Co-op match
Half Mill' Club - 10G
Score 500,000 on any song in a Co-op match
Leaders of the Pack - 10G
100% a song in a Co-op match
Living Legends - 75G
5 Star all Co-op songs on Expert
Bomberman LIVE
You die so good! - 15G
Score 25 Frags in an Xbox Live Zombie Match.
Completely Unstoppable! - 10G
Remain undefeated for five consecutive 4+ player Xbox Live games.
Girl Power! - 25G
With a full female outfit win an Xbox Live 4+ player girl only match.
The Bomb! - 15G
Win 30 Xbox Live games.
The Good, The Bad and The Bombed - 20G
With the full cowboy outfit, Frag another cowboy in an Xbox Live match.
Partnership - 20G
Complete the game in Xbox Live Co-op mode.
Team Work - 10G
Score 100,000 points in an Xbox Live Co-op game.
1942: Joint Strike
Concerted Combat - 10G
You destroyed 30 enemies using a Joint Strike.
Wingman 15G
You completed 3 levels of the game while playing Co-Op.
Streets of Rage 2
Online Warrior - 5G
You have defeated 10 opponents on Xbox Live in versus mode.
First Versus - 10G
You won an online versus match.
Online Co-op - 10G
You completed an online co-op game.
Fly The Co-op - 15G
Beat our time in ranked versions of "Deal Breaker", "Hangman's NOOSE" and "Bomb da Base II".
WOTB: Commando 3
Combined Assault - 40G
You completed the game with at least one other player.
Armored Attack - 6G
You got in the tank with two other players.
You can't catch me! - 25G
Used time shield to escape time field 25 times.
DLC 2 Expert - 25G
Won ranked matches on every DLC 2 map.
Jump of the year! - 25G
Used time powers or time fields to prevent falling damage 3 times.
DLC 1 Expert - 25G
Won ranked matches on every DLC 1 map.
You won't even know how! - 25G
Killed opponent using reverse grenade 3 times.
Master Miner--Crowned! - 25G
Got 25 kills using land or laser mines.
Regicide Rules! - 25G
Killed king 25 times.
Flag Snag! - 25G
Reversed your flag from enemy in multiplayer.
Off. Off. Damned Clutch… - 25G
Reversed clutch grenade from yourself 3 times in multiplayer.
Ride My Rockets! - 25G
Killed flying opponent with rocket launcher 11 times.
TimeShift Champion - 50G
Won 100 multiplayer games.
TimeShift Veteran - 25G
Played 100 multiplayer games.
Have It Your Way - 10G
Hosted and completed 10 games with custom presets.
Anytime, Anyplace - 25G
Won a Ranked match on every map.
Not Even Close - 25G
Won a Ranked 1v1 game without dying once.
Jack of All Frags - 25G
Won a Ranked match in every game mode.
Boy in the Bubble - 30G
Scored 30 kills while trapped in a Time Grenade.
MVP - 20G
Captured 25 flags in Capture the Flag.
Keep Away! - 20G
Won a Ranked Capture the Flag game without the other team capturing your flag.
Yoink! - 20G
Retrieved 50 flags in Capture the Flag.
…Is On Your Side - 25G
Killed 50 opponents in Time Grenades or Time Fields.
Nuclear Winter Wonderland - 25G
Won a Ranked Meltdown Madness game by at least 30 seconds.
King Me! - 25G
Won a Ranked King of Time game by at least 5 points.
I Don't Rent, I Own - 25G
Won a Ranked Deathmatch game by at least 5 kills.
Are You Cheating? - 20G
Score 30 headshots with any weapon in multiplayer games
Berserker - 30G
Went on a Reaper Spree.
Double Dragon
Invade the Base - 15G
Reach mission 4 in a co-op game without continues.
Get the Girl - 20G
Beat the other player at the end of a co-op game.
...etc! (nici săptăm�na viitoare nu
�mi dați un mesaj via XBL, cu numele jocului (respectiv numele achievement-ului) și se rezolvă �n cel mai scurt timp.
Vad ca nu prea e folosit thread-ul asta, dar ma gandesc ca ar putea fi de ajutor. Eu pot ajuta cu Gears 2, Kane & Lynch, Rock Band 2 si inca cateva care nu-mi vin acum in minte. Cereti si poate va vom putea ajuta sau invers .
Update și la mine
...sunt prea multe de scris așa că...cine are nevoie de help să posteze aici și cineva tot �l va ajuta
Salut,daca este cineva care are la Fable 2 achievementul The Collector si vrea sa ma ajute ii sunt recunoscator.
Cei de la microsoft au trisat cand au pus cateva expresii la pub games care trebuie cumparat si astfel nu pot face achievementul,trebuie sa ma conectez cu cineva care il are deja.
And btw,pot sa va ajut si eu la Fuzion Frenzy 2,NBA Street Homecourt,Top Spin 3,Lips,Fifa 09 si Fable 2.
Te ajut eu (zilele astea - de preferat dimineața c�nd n-am așa mare activitate la consolă - adică joc arcade-uri lol ). Dă-mi add - RonanN1 și vorbim.
Am si eu nevoie de ajutor pentru 3 achievementuri la halo 3 odst in firefight pt hartile rally point,security zone si last exit.Ma ajuta cineva?
Cine are G.R.A.W. si ma poate ajuta cu achievement-ul asta?
Falcon (Multiplayer)16 Shoot down 100 helicopters in multiplayer
---------- Post added 06-10-2009 at 07:10 PM ----------
Si daca are cineva achievement-ul asta as ramane recunoscator :
Assassin (Multiplayer)15 Find and kill an opponent who has the Assassin Achievement
Guitar Hero III
Meet Your Maker - 20G
Beat one of the creators of Guitar Hero 3 at their own game.
scuze dar nu inteleg cum e achievementul asta...tre sa joci cu creatorul jocului? mot-a-mot?
de unde faci rost de el?
...ăla e un achievement viral. Cine-l are, dacă-l bați, automat primești achievement-ul.
Brutal Legend
Six Degrees of Schafer
Played with or against another player who has this Achievement
daca are cineva si ma poate ajuta.