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Thread: XBOX 360 nu porneste

  1. #1 SP
    Junior Member Thynetx's Avatar

    XBOX 360 nu porneste

    Am si eu o consola XBOX 360, care mergea bine pana intr-un anumit moment, cand intr-o zi nu a mai vrut sa se deschida. Totul a inceput cand, deodata, consola s-a blocat in timpul unui joc si am fost fortat sa o inchid din buton. HDMI-ul este ok, incercand-ul la o alta consola, iar cablul AV este, de asemenea, ok. Consola nici fara HDD nu porneste, iar adaptorul are led verde. Led-ul verde din interior palpaie 1 data la 5 secunde, ceea ce reprezinta ca incearca sa booteze, dar nu poate. Ce ar trebui sa fac?

  2. #2 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Intreaba-l pe Donely, el se pricepe:

  3. #3 SP
    Banned Crbl2001's Avatar
    Asta e prima data cand ai probleme cu ea?

  4. #4 SP
    Junior Member Thynetx's Avatar
    K, so I searched on net and found that I have a Trinity console and that: "if the green light from the chip blinks for more than 5 minutes it may be the nand flash that is bad". What do u think about it?

    P.S.: I can't run Xell, booting console neither. How can I get my CPU KEY and DVD KEY to make another nand? The only way is with JR Programmer?

    ---------- Post added 26-11-2019 at 13:48 ----------

    Scz pt. engleza. Am intrebat si pe alte forum-uri care sunt din Anglia...

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