Nu te supara ca intreb ,dar poti sa imi dai un link de unde pot cumpara reedemuri? Pe nu e romania intre tarile existente.
Nu te supara ca intreb ,dar poti sa imi dai un link de unde pot cumpara reedemuri? Pe nu e romania intre tarile existente.
si ca sa se poata ce ar trebui sa fac ?nu se poate face un downgrade la F/W
sau trebuie sa mai astept un nou relese la LT+
Am incercat asta inainte sa postez pe forum si n-a mers. Oricum problema s-a rezolvat de la sine dimineata aceasta.
Xbox Live's Major Nelson � Xbox 360 System Update coming this Tuesday
Sometime during the day tomorrow (Tuesday, July 19th) when you sign in to Xbox LIVE you’ll receive a prompt to accept a mandatory system update. If you are signed into LIVE already, you may be signed out and asked to accept the update and you’ll be back online in a few moments.
There are no new features that will show up once your system has been updated.
This update is preparation for additional system enhancements coming to Xbox 360 later this year.
Welcome to Windows Live
aparent unora updateu asta le da anumite erori la instalare = un oarecum ban
din cate am vazut pan acu la unele console modate da' extrem de aleatoriu, iar altele nu au nimic chiar daca au aceasi revizie/dash/modare
sunt interesat daca cineva de pe aici are probleme cu updateu, tinand cont la cat de random e treaba ma gandesc sa nu fie vreo greseala de la M$ si problema aparuta la o consola nemodat ar confirma banuiala mea
Sunt oameni care au pus firmware-ul original inainte de update si tot isi iau coduri de eroare cand sa faca update-ul.Sunt doua variante.Ori au fost flaguiti dinainte (au facut update la penultimu update cu CFW ,care i-a readus la stock si apoi iar au modat, fapt ce poate a dus la flag) ori e nasol update-ul ,cu buguri.
Mi-a aparut si mie sa fac update .....ce aduce nou acest update ?...voi ce parere aveti ?....trebuie facut ?
We're Sorry...
Unfortunately, residents of your area are not eligible to participate in Xbox LIVE Rewards. Please see the Terms and Conditions for full eligiblity details.
As the program grows in the future your region could be included, so please check back.
Am făcut și eu ultimul update și pot spune că mi-a reparat o problema ce o aveam cu statusul. Mereu c�nd mă uitam la prieteni �mi apărea că sunt IDLE. Bine, bine...dar toti?!
Alte schimbări n-am observat.
Microsoft unveils Indie Games Summer Uprising line-up | VG247
‪Indie Games Summer Uprising 2011‬‏ - YouTubeThese eight games were chosen by independent developers themselves as ambassadors to represent the whole Xbox Live Indie Games program to gamers. The other two remaining titles will be chosen by a special voting procedure which will kick off next month.
Here are the titles:
There’s also a video showing the lot which you can view below.
- T.E.C. 3001
- SpeedRunner
- Raventhorne
- Take Arms
- Train Frontier Express
- Cute Things Dying Violently
- Doom & Destiny
- Battle High: San Bruno