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Thread: Xbox 360 Error Codes

  1. #1 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar

    Xbox 360 Error Codes

    Am inteles ca s-a updatat lista codurilor de eroare pentru Xbox 360. Sper sa va ajute. Sa nu aveti niciodata nevoie, dar... never say never.
    I noticed nobody has posted the reasons for visual error codes so I figured I'd put out what I know. A lot of these errors can be the results of any number of problems, especially with something like E74. So take these with a grain of salt. The explanation "general hardware failure" is an acceptable description for most of these because you would have to specifically look at each board to see what went wrong, but this might help with a few trivial errors, or help people pinpoint problem areas.

    E64 - Dvd drive timed out during reset
    E65 - Dvd drive is not DMA configured
    E66 - Dvd drive pairing failure
    E67 - Hard drive timed out during reset
    E68 - Hard drive not DMA configured
    E69 - Reading the HD Security sector failed
    E70 - Hard drive not found
    E71 - Error within Xam
    E72 - Error within Xam
    E73 - Couldn't calibrate HSIO Bus from edram
    E74 - HSIO related, could be crc error, or many things.
    E75 - Ethernet - Couldn't read ethernet phy vendor
    E75 - Ethernet - wrong ethernet vendor
    E76 - Ethernet - Couldn't complete ethernet reset
    E77 - Ethernet - phy request is already processing
    E77 - Ethernet - reading reg failed
    E77 - Ethernet - Failed to write reg
    E78 - AsicId check failed
    E79 - Couldn't start xam.xex
    E80 - Wrong LDV version

    The secondary error codes work as follows. Each blinking field represents 2 bits of an 8 bit hex value, or 1 byte. This byte being the "E" error code.

    1 blinking field = 01
    2 blinking fields = 10
    3 blinking fields = 11
    4 blinking fields = 00

    For example, an led field sequence of 1031(crappy naming method) that some people have posted. It should really be be 1431 (that other method of naming is annoying). This means our 8 bit error code is 01001101 which when converted to hexadecimal becomes 0x4D and then to decimal as 77. so, 1031 is E77. So do the same method as before holding sync and pressing eject to get your secondary code, convert each to the proper bits, and then convert those to decimal, and you'll have your "E" error code. Hopefully this will help some people stuck with 3rods out of warranty and nothing displaying on screen to see what's wrong. Thanks to Tmbinc and redline99 for their help.

  2. #2 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    ...ce descriere:

    E74 - HSIO related, could be crc error, or many things.
    lol, Doamne ferește!

  3. #3 SP
    Senior Member SublimingSun's Avatar
    Ar trebui facut sticky thread-ul pe aria asta si updatat din timp in timp, e foarte relevant pt. posesorii de 360.


  4. #4 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Nu-l facem sticky pentru ca speriem lumea. Sa speram ca nici-unul din noi nu va vedea acele erori...

  5. #5 SP
    Member collector's Avatar
    e74 aici ..

  6. #6 SP
    Senior Member SublimingSun's Avatar
    Been there . Rezolvat super bine la garantie (s-a inlocuit consola luata de la Diverta, garantia prin Gameshop).

  7. #7 SP
    Junior Member HIMMNOZZ's Avatar
    Monky o intrebare, ca posesor de un xbox 360 arcade......erorile astea APAR la orice model??? inca ceva ca nu ma prea pricep..arcadeul meu fabricat in 07.08.2008 ce motherobard are?? mersi mult

  8. #8 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by HIMMNOZZ View Post
    Monky o intrebare, ca posesor de un xbox 360 arcade......erorile astea APAR la orice model??? inca ceva ca nu ma prea pricep..arcadeul meu fabricat in 07.08.2008 ce motherobard are?? mersi mult
    Dacă-mi permite Monky:

    Da, acele erori apar la orice model (unele sunt chiar mai vulnerabile). 360-ul tău are o placă de bază Falcon.

  9. #9 SP
    Senior Member eXist's Avatar
    LOL ... o lista de erori ... , este oficiala "? M$ stie de lista asta? ... Pun pariu ca nu stie, altfel le rezolva lol

  10. #10 SP
    VIP Member Donely's Avatar
    Microsoft Explains the E74 Code, Sorta

    When Microsoft announced they were extending their warranty for Xbox 360s that received a E74 error, I was curious how different the code was from the red ring of death. Not very, it turns out.

    I contacted the company earlier this week to find out what a E74 code meant and whether it was possibly just a rebranded red ring of death.

    Here's what they told me:

    Once a repair is made and a person gets their 360 back, does the clock reset for the extended warranty in regards to this error?
    No. The same terms of the three-year warranty associated with three flashing red lights error apply.

    We reported in 2007 that Microsoft was reworking their 360s to no longer give the red rings to report certain errors because people were sometimes misconstruing them. Is that the case?
    No, that is not accurate.

    Can a 360 still get a red ring error, aka the red ring of death?
    Yes, the three flashing red lights error message can still be present on the console in the event of certain general hardware failures. We have made improvements to the console that will reduce the likelihood of an occurrence of this issue. The majority of customers who own Xbox 360 consoles have a terrific experience from their first day, and continue to, day in and day out.

    Is the e74 code a replacement for the red ring of death?
    No. The E74 error message can indicate the general hardware failure that is associated with three flashing red lights error on the console. This issue remains relatively narrow in scope and a very small percentage of our customers have contacted us about this issue. Again, we have already made improvements to the console that will reduce the likelihood of an occurrence of this issue.

    But wait. What's with the contradiction? How can an E74 error message apply to the same hardware failures that are associated with a red ring if they're not the same?

    "In some cases there is no difference. As we said, the E74 error message and three flashing red lights can in some cases indicate the same general hardware failure. However, it is not the same failure mode in all cases and there is no single root cause for these malfunctions."

    So it sounds like there is an overlap between hardware issues that cause the E74 message and hardware issues that cause the red ring of death.

  11. #11 SP
    Senior Member nightprowler's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Donely View Post
    Microsoft Explains the E74 Code, Sorta

    We have made improvements to the console that will reduce the likelihood of an occurrence of this issue. The majority of customers who own Xbox 360 consoles have a terrific experience from their first day, and continue to, day in and day out.

    So it sounds like there is an overlap between hardware issues that cause the E74 message and hardware issues that cause the red ring of death.
    1)mai bine ar rezolva-o de tot
    2)oaia neagra e doar uneori alba pentru ca au aceleasi boli

  12. #12 SP
    Junior Member Derek's Avatar
    E 73 nu inteleg nimic din cel mai poate repara? Daca da, cum, cat costa, cat dureaza, cine o face ?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Am consola de doar 1 zi, nici n-am apucat sa imi iau jocuri si...

  13. #13 SP
    Senior Member SublimingSun's Avatar
    La garantie sau user-ul Donely de pe forum.

  14. #14 SP
    Junior Member Derek's Avatar
    Garantie nu are, e luata SH. La donely trebuia sa merg oricum maine sa o modez. Damn luck....

  15. #15 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Daca e SH si ti-a dat RRoD din prima zi, e clar ca ai fost pacalit. Sunt sigur ca de-asta ti-a si vandut-o la vre-un pret mai bun. Am I right ?

    ---------- Post added at 01:15 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:28 AM ----------

    Derek: o sa te rog sa ne spui daca ai cumparat de la un user de-aici de pe CG. Daca da, iti garantez ca nu va mai vinde nimic aici. Chiar nu acceptam "tzeparii" aici... Asta nu este "Damn luck", este pacaleala pe fata !

  16. #16 SP
    Junior Member Derek's Avatar
    Da, ai dreptate, am luat-o si la un pret "mai bun". Nu stiu daca e de pe forum. Eu am contactat pe cineva pe forum, si apoi am fost sunat de acest tip care zicea ca are numarul meu de la userul pe care l-am contactat. Tipu' pare trecut de 35 de credeam ca s-ar mai preta la astfel de faze...

    Oricum...acum mare lucru nu pot face, decat sa incerc sa o repar.

    Cand am luat-o, am probat-o, apoi a mai mers 5-10 minute la mine acasa, si ....Pa.
    Ieri i-am montat un hdd de 20. Poate fi asta cauza ?

  17. #17 SP
    __The Game__ GreyhounD's Avatar
    Daca dupa ce au avut atatea probleme si a vuit "presa" de ele tu iti iei in continuare Xbox 360 fara garantie ...
    Trage tu concluzia.

  18. #18 SP
    Junior Member Derek's Avatar
    Da, mi-am luat-o. Omu' din greseli invata. M-am entuziasmat la un pret mic, si mi-am luat-o. Morala: Nu faceti ca mine.

  19. #19 SP
    __The Game__ GreyhounD's Avatar
    Vorbeste cu Donely, poate totusi te poate ajuta. Repar-o, vinde-o si ia-ti una cu garantie ca sa scapi de dureri de cap.

  20. #20 SP
    Junior Member Derek's Avatar
    Pai asta as vrea sa fac - sa iau una noua, cu garantie, sa nu ma mai doara capul.

    Nu prea as vrea insa sa o repar, ca ar insemna sa pierd mai multi bani decat am pierdut deja. Eventual sa o vand asa, pe bucati, sa imi recuperez macar o parte din ce-am dat pe ea.

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