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Forum: Bazar Retro: Jocuri Console

Jocuri console Retro - NES, SNES, Dreamcast

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  1. Normal Threads

  2. Thumbs up Vand jocuri SNES : Killer Instinct + Plok

    Se vand casetele din imagini. Killer instinct = 190 Plok = 80 Ambele = 250

    Started by crispy‎, 30-09-2023 10:22
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    30-09-2023, 10:22 Go to last post
  3. Vand jocuri SNES : Super Mario World + Super Mario All Stars

    Se vand cele 2 casete = 180 lei

    Started by crispy‎, 24-09-2023 11:11
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    • Views: 468
    24-09-2023, 11:11 Go to last post
  4. Vand Final Fantasy Tactics ps1

    Vand final fantasy tactics ps1, cutie si toate cele stare buna, disc sigilat. pret: 555 lei.

    Started by divayo‎, 26-07-2022 09:21
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    26-07-2022, 09:21 Go to last post
  5. Vand jocuri gameboy

    Vand cateva jocuri gameboy, 100 lei per joc. metoda de contact: thread / pm.

    Started by divayo‎, 26-07-2022 09:05
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    • Views: 565
    26-07-2022, 09:05 Go to last post
  6. Vand Cindys Fashion World - Cel mai rar joc PS1

    Cel mai scump si rar joc de PS1 .. Pretul este de 3500 lei - negociabil.

    Started by AlexSB‎, 08-03-2022 19:52
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    08-03-2022, 19:52 Go to last post
  7. Vand Colectie jocuri GBA 428 titluri

    Colectia cuprinde 428 de titluri. Aproximativ 95% sunt doar jocurile, am si cateva in cutie. Nu vand separat. Predare personala in Bucuresti Pret: 14 000 lei. Pentru cei interesati va rog sa ma contactati cat mai repede, sunt nevoit sa le dau asa ca am pus anuntul in mai...

    Started by Cyrax7‎, 22-06-2019 18:00
    • Replies: 16
    • Views: 2,488
    24-07-2021, 20:34 Go to last post
  8. Vand joc Sega Game Gear foarte rar

    Vand joc foarte rar pentru consola Sega Game Gear, The Excellent Dizzy Collection, facut de Codemasters sub licenta Sega. Transport prin posta inclus în preț. Pret 200 lei.

    Started by rero‎, 01-03-2021 10:04
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    01-03-2021, 10:04 Go to last post
  9. Vand casete: GAMEBOY/NES/SNES/DS/3DS/N64/

    Se vand dupa cum urmeaza: GameboyAdvance: DS Fire Link Spungebob Squarepants

    Started by divayo‎, 15-07-2013 20:20
    9 Pages
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    07-02-2021, 01:57 Go to last post
  10. Vand jocuri pt diferite console retro

    Vand urmatoarele jocuri: NES Kirby's Adventure - 100 Gameboy Super RC Pro AM - 30

    Started by snk2‎, 13-06-2020 17:44
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 1,221
    29-11-2020, 20:55 Go to last post
  11. Vand jocuri PlayStation 1

    20 de jocuri, toate discurile sunt ok. Dino Crisis nu are coperta din fata. Majoritatea au manual de instructiuni. Pret 550 plus livrare. Pot livra in Buc miercuri/joi Sent from my SM-G981B using Tapatalk

    Started by ilie11‎, 07-09-2020 12:55
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    22-09-2020, 00:40 Go to last post
  12. Vand colectie jocuri Gameboy

    Salut Jocurile sunt cele din poze, unele sunt sigilate. Au carticele si sunt originale. Pretul e de 2200 lei pentru tot pachetul Predare personala in Bucuresti Contact aici sau PM

    Started by Cyrax7‎, 29-04-2020 17:12
    • Replies: 4
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    05-05-2020, 17:31 Go to last post
  13. Vand colectie jocuri Nintendo Game Boy, Classic, Color si Advance

    Vand colectie de 15 jocuri Nintendo Game Boy, Classic, Color si Advance. Toate au cutie si manual. Pretul este de 1500 lei pentru toate.

    Started by Domnu' Paraipan‎, 03-04-2020 14:53
    • Replies: 4
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    04-04-2020, 21:26 Go to last post
  14. Cumpar consola Sega Genesis americana. Ofer 200 lei

    Cumpar consola Sega Genesis deci varianta americana model 1, cu controller si alimentator. Ofer 200 lei. Locatie Bucuresti, Contact PM.

    Started by Ufu Paun‎, 24-12-2019 18:08
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    • Views: 916
    24-12-2019, 18:08 Go to last post
  15. Vand Casete Nintendo - (Terminator) 402in1

    Vand casete Nintendo-Terminator 402 in 1...Toate jpcurile sunt simple Cum se vede si pe imagini, daca aveti intrebari atunci trimiteti un mesaj. Transport prin Fun Curier cu Verificare colet 10 ron Pretul e fix 150. ron , fara schimburi multumesc.

    Started by miculas10‎, 12-03-2017 20:54
    • Replies: 6
    • Views: 2,597
    13-10-2019, 17:45 Go to last post
  16. Vand jocuri Sega Game Gear

    Vand lot jocuri pentru Sega Game Gear: - Wrestle Mania Steel Cage Challenge - complet - Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - complet - Wimbledon - complet - World Class Leaderboard - complet - Super Kick Off - complet - Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse - doar caseta - The...

    Started by rero‎, 21-07-2019 20:36
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    • Views: 772
    21-07-2019, 20:36 Go to last post
  17. Vand jocuri Nintendo N64

    Vand pachet jocuri Nintendo N64: - Golden Eye 007 - Chameleon Twist 2 - Diddy Kong Racing - GEX 64 - NBA Live 99 - International Superstar Soccer 64 - Pokemon Snap - Pokemon Stadium

    Started by rero‎, 21-07-2019 18:23
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    • Views: 979
    21-07-2019, 18:23 Go to last post
  18. Vand Jocuri Nintendo SNES

    Vand urmatoarele jocuri pentru Nintendo SNES: Donkey Kong Country - 100 lei Final Fantasy II - 200 lei Final Fantasy Mystic Quest -150 lei Kirby's Dream Quest - 70 lei The Legend of Zelda ALttP - 170 lei Secret of Mana - 170 lei Street Fighter II - 70 lei Street...

    Started by solecon‎, 14-11-2018 02:47
    • Replies: 11
    • Views: 2,061
    14-06-2019, 08:00 Go to last post
  19. Vand consola Nintendo NES modata, completa cu un joystick si cabluri

    Vand consola NES modata pentru a permite sa va jucati jocuri produse in USA fara adaptor. Doar introduceti casetele inauntru. Consola a fost curatata si citeste casetele din prima, garantat. Pret 200 de lei. Trimit si in tara prin posta. Locatie Bucuresti. Contact PM sau tel...

    Started by Ufu Paun‎, 30-11-2018 20:58
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    • Views: 1,151
    30-11-2018, 20:58 Go to last post
  20. Vând Arcade stick pentru Snes Super Nintendo produs de HORI

    Vând Arcade stick HORI HSJ-12 pentru Super Famicom/ Super Nintendo? Manetuta are mecanism cu microswitchuri si "clickaie" cand e actionata. Butoanele sunt super responsive. Carcasa este de metal. Preț 190 lei. Trimit și în țară prin poștă. Contact PM sau 0771163979

    Started by Ufu Paun‎, 29-11-2018 16:06
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    • Views: 1,105
    29-11-2018, 17:31 Go to last post
  21. Vand cateva jocuri pt Sega Mega Drive, SNES si Nintendo 64

    Mega Drive Streets of Rage 3 - 250 Castlevania The New Generation - 200 Sonic 1 (cutie+manual) + Sonic 2 (cutie+manual) + Sonic 3(fake, la cutie) + Sonic & Knuckles (se vand doar la pachet) - 150 Shinobi 3 - 120 Streets of Rage 2 - 70 International Superstar Soccer...

    Started by snk2‎, 29-11-2018 12:27
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 1,312
    29-11-2018, 12:29 Go to last post
  22. Vand jocuri pt Playstation / PS1 /PSOne

    International Superstar Soccer Pro - 30 lei Rage Racer - 30 lei Gran Turismo - 40 lei Final Fantasy VIII - 80 lei Pret pachet: 150 lei Unele discuri prezinta urme de uzura insa functioneaza perfect, jocurile fiind testate de mine pe consola proprie. Nu sunt interesat...

    Started by snk2‎, 29-11-2018 11:42
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    • Views: 1,104
    29-11-2018, 11:42 Go to last post
  23. Vand pachet jocuri Playstation 1 / PS1 / PSOne

    Vand urmatoarele jocuri pt Playstation 1: The Next Tetris Porsche Challenge Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo Metal Gear Solid Special Missions Heart of Darkness (germana) Toate jocurile sunt versiuni PAL, in limba engleza, exceptand Heart of Darkness care e in germana....

    Started by snk2‎, 22-06-2018 11:18
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    • Views: 1,446
    30-08-2018, 12:10 Go to last post
  24. Vand jocuri Nintendo Gameboy

    Vand urmatoarele jocuri pt Nintendo Gameboy: Metroid 2 - 50 Turtles - 30 Wario Land - 25 Wario Land 2 - 30 Wario Land 3 (functioneaza doar pe Gameboy Color sau Gameboy Advance!)- 35 King of Fighters - 60 Mystic Quest - 60 Donkey Kong Land 3 - 50

    Started by snk2‎, 23-08-2018 13:22
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 1,700
    30-08-2018, 12:00 Go to last post
  25. Cumpar Doom si Final Doom PS1

    Cumpar Doom si Final Doom pentru PS1. Discul si carcasa sa fie in stare impecabila.

    Started by QuestionArtist‎, 29-08-2018 12:22
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    • Views: 824
    29-08-2018, 12:22 Go to last post
  26. Vand pachet 18 jocuri vintage,SNES ,NES,sistem NTSC , PAL

    vand pachet 18 jocuri vintage,SNES ,NES,sistem NTSC , PAL. pt mai multe detalii despre joc ,PM aici. am postat poze ,cu jocurile care sunt incluse in acest pachet. pret pt tot pachetul 4200 lei . trimit si in tara . plata anticipat in cont bancar sau pt useri-i cu...

    Started by falco69‎, 02-02-2017 12:03
    2 Pages
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    • Views: 4,446
    08-08-2018, 15:35 Go to last post
  27. Vand jocuri NES

    Vand urmatoarele jocuri: Rad Racer - 50 ron Stealth ATF - 40 ron Super Mario Bros + Duck Hunt - 55 ron Super Mario Bros 3 - 70 ron

    Started by claudiu16k‎, 29-07-2018 17:42
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    29-07-2018, 17:42 Go to last post
  28. Cumpar jocuri de PS1/N64/PS2/Gamecube

    Ma intereseaza in special jocuri din seriile Silent Hill si Resident Evil.

    Started by cooppro2‎, 08-07-2018 12:50
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    • Views: 1,132
    23-07-2018, 21:09 Go to last post
  29. Vand Jocuri retro

    Vand urmatoarele jocuri pt. Nintendo 64: - Super Mario 64 - 20 lei - Mario Kart 64 - 70 lei - Yoshi's Story - 50 lei - Lylatwars - 30 lei - Mickey's Speedway USA - 30 lei Plata se face in avans in cont BT iar transportul prin Posta Romana costa 5 lei. Contact: PM

    Started by adistir90‎, 21-03-2015 13:11
    4 Pages
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    21-07-2018, 16:44 Go to last post
  30. Vand pachet jocuri Sega Dreamcast

    Vand urmatoarele jocuri pt Sega Dreamcast: Crazy Taxi (complet cu manual) UEFA Dream Soccer (sigilat) Street Fighter Alpha 3 (complet cu manual, contine si Demo Disc DreamOn vol.2) Sonic Adventure (doar discul) Rayman 2 (doar discul) Sega Rally 2 (doar discul) Toate...

    Started by snk2‎, 22-06-2018 11:27
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 1,111
    26-06-2018, 19:05 Go to last post
  31. Vand pachet jocuri Sega Saturn

    Vand pachet de 8 jocuri pt Sega Saturn: Wipeout Soviet Strike Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo Chaos Control Virtua Fighter Fighting Vipers NHL All-Star Hockey Command & Conquer (doar discul 2, cu campania NOD)

    Started by snk2‎, 17-06-2018 20:47
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 1,052
    26-06-2018, 19:04 Go to last post
  32. Vand Jocuri - SNES / NES / N64 / GAMEBOY / PS1 / PS2 / PS3

    Prince of Persia - 25lei Super Mario Kart - 30lei Super Tennis - 20 lei F-zero - 20 lei WF Raw - 20 lei The Chessmaster - 20 lei NBA live - 20 lei Super Dunkshot - 20 lei {famicom} Sim City - 15 lei {germana} Pilotwings - 20 lei

    Started by broco‎, 25-05-2014 16:43
    8 Pages
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    • Views: 21,606
    22-06-2018, 18:49 Go to last post
  33. Cumpar jocuri xbox classic

    Sunt interesat de urmatoarele jocuri: Forza motorsport (prima versiuine) The lord of the rings the third age/the return of the king Fuzion frenzy Deus ex invisible war Halo 2 Contactati-ma pe PM.

    Started by stevejobs‎, 12-06-2018 18:05
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    • Views: 889
    12-06-2018, 18:05 Go to last post
  34. Cumpăr jocuri Gameboy classic Gameboy color

    Cumpăr jocuri Gameboy classic gen The jungle book, tom and jerry, Mickey mouse, indiana jones și super mario world Iar cele Gameboy color sa fie de genul Donald duck quack attack, Harry Potter, și tom and jerry mouse hunt. Vreau ca jocurile pentru Gameboy classic și Gameboy...

    Started by stevejobs‎, 10-07-2017 14:20
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 1,243
    12-06-2018, 18:01 Go to last post
  35. Schimb/Vand jocuri SNES/NES/N4/GBA/GB (Mario, Metroid,DonkeyKong)

    SNES: Donkey Kong Country - 120 RON Super Mario World - 90 RON Secret of Mana (Franceza) - 120 RON Killer Instinct (Fake) + Cutie - 30 RON Super Mario All Stars - 120 RON NHL 94 - 30 RON Cutii originale SNES: Lost Vikings + Manual (Fara joc) - 120 RON Castlevania 4...

    Started by Painkiller87‎, 27-04-2018 12:18
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 1,492
    10-05-2018, 10:29 Go to last post
  36. Schimb jocuri Super Nintendo/SNES

    Asterix (PAL, ENG) Disney's Aladdin (PAL, FRA) Equinox (PAL, ENG) Michael Jordan: Chaos in the Windy City (PAL, ENG) Super Soccer (PAL, ENG)

    Started by Ninushu‎, 26-03-2018 18:12
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    • Views: 1,576
    09-05-2018, 19:30 Go to last post
  37. Vand Jocuri SNES, GBA si Sega

    Mai jos regasiti lista cu jocurile ce vreau sa le vand. Gasiti si poze pentru a intelege conditia in care se afla. SNES Prehistorik Man Fara cutie 120 Ron SNES GP1 Complet 100 Ron SNES NHL 96 Fara cuite 35 Ron SNES SIM City Complet 160 Ron GBA Shrek 2, Fara...

    Started by ledut1‎, 25-03-2018 17:52
    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 1,354
    08-05-2018, 19:05 Go to last post
  38. Vand dischete Terminator

    57 buc. Toate au fost testate acum ceva timp si functionau ok. Pret 150 Transport gratuit la plata in avans. Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

    Started by ilie11‎, 06-04-2018 15:12
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    06-04-2018, 15:12 Go to last post
  39. Vand Prehistorik Man Snes

    Prehistorik Man Snes, Conditie buna. Pret 120 Ron

    Started by ledut1‎, 21-03-2018 16:55
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    • Views: 984
    21-03-2018, 16:55 Go to last post
  40. Vand GP 1 SNES

    Vand joc GP 1 la cutie. Stare ca nou. Pret 100 Ron

    Started by ledut1‎, 21-03-2018 16:31
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    • Views: 934
    21-03-2018, 16:31 Go to last post
  41. Vand pachet din 3 jocuri pentru Super Famicom

    Yu Yu Hakusho 2: Kakutou no Shou Ultima Gaiden Kuro Kishi no Inbou Benkei Gaiden Pret pachet: 150 Lei Accept schimburi cu alte 3 jocuri SNES (PAL,ENG) sau chiar NES (PAL,ENG) Predare personala in Bucuresti.

    Started by bruudi‎, 27-02-2018 11:30
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 1,142
    07-03-2018, 22:27 Go to last post

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