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Thread: Clubul PlayStation 4

  1. #1181 SP
    Member Tomcraft's Avatar

  2. #1182 SP
    Senior Member OlBlueEyes's Avatar
    You'll Be Able to Download 100GB Movies to Your PlayStation 4 - Push Square

    The future is 4K, apparently
    You won’t be able to play games in the fledgling 4K format on the PlayStation 4, but you absolutely will be able to watch videos in the swanky resolution via the system. And, speaking with The Verge, Sony’s Phil Molyneux has hinted that the next generation platform will take advantage of the conglomerate’s impending 4K movie download service.
    However, there’s a catch. While the platform holder is lining up a summer launch for the online initiative, it anticipates that downloads will exceed 100GB in size. You’ll be able to download content overnight on the PS4, of course, but you’ll need a whopping hard-drive and an incredibly lenient Internet service provider to cope with files of that magnitude.
    Molyneux explained that the company still has some “challenges to work through” with regards to exactly how it will deliver 4K content, and that it’s researching improved compression techniques to bring file sizes down. Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like they’ll be ready in time for the first generation of ultra-high definition products. We suppose it's a good thing that no one actually owns a 4K television, then.

  3. #1183 SP
    Senior Member OlBlueEyes's Avatar

    Working in perfect harmony

    Consoles are getting more and more complex. There was a time when we expected our favourite system to play games and little else – but now we demand video streaming, direct communication with our friends, network-wide achievements, and more. Sony’s current flagship console, the PlayStation 3, wasn’t designed with such functionality in mind, and it has suffered as a result. Patches take an age to download and install, firmware updates are the ultimate first-world problem, and the entire user experience feels cobbled together. But while we’ve put a brave face on those issues for the past six years, the PlayStation 4 looks set to rectify them all – and it’s one of the primary reasons that you should be excited for the next generation machine.
    There’s a philosophy that suggests that Sony should not be commended for fixing issues that shouldn’t have existed in the first-place, and it’s true to a degree – but both the PS3 and Xbox 360 were constructed in a different era, at a time when the importance of Netflix and full digital downloads were just a twinkle in each platform holder’s eye. Microsoft, to its credit, had much more forethought than Sony, augmenting its system with a smarter online infrastructure that made the turning of the tide a little easier to navigate. But now we’re back on firm ground, and the PS4 looks more than equipped to cope with the wealth of tasks tossed at it.
    While last month’s PlayStation Meeting offered plenty of compelling information about Sony’s next generation system – we’re still squinting over that Killzone: Shadow Fall reveal – the biggest take away as far as we’re concerned was the promise of more traditional values like ‘plug and play’. It’s true that the impending platform will be more complex than its predecessor ever was, boasting a wealth of social connectivity functionality and plenty more besides. But, bizarrely, it will also be much more intuitive than its current generation counterpart – and that's the true value of the imminent hardware transition.
    Consoles have always thrived on their ability to simply work, and the PS4 understands that. You’ll be able to suspend your game at any point and pick up directly where you left off at a later date. To think that it’s taken until 2013 to make this simple feature a core function of a platform’s underpinning is staggering, but it’s refreshing to find it finally on the agenda. Life does not simply stop for a Hideo Kojima cut-scene, but now it doesn’t matter. Similarly, the system will automatically update overnight, putting an end to firmware update concerns.
    But those are just the small improvements. The platform will also allow you to play digital games as they are downloading, transforming lengthy delays into almost immediate access. While you’ll still have to wait for the main files to be pushed onto your machine, the time it takes to pull down 100MB or so is vastly different to a couple of GB. And if the promise of Gaikai is fully realised, you won’t even have to wait to try a game – it’ll be available immediately, at the push of a button.
    It’s no surprise that these features were glossed over during Sony’s press conference – they hardly carry the same gravitas as system-wide broadcasting and high-performance RAM. But it’s the removal of barriers, the return to basic usability, that’s got us most excited about the PS4. And while we’ll haplessly plod along with our PS3 until Holiday 2013, the promise of the future is making dealing with the current generation console’s laundry list of problems increasingly hard to swallow.

  4. #1184 SP
    Member bartonn's Avatar
    All Games Beta: Nvidia Announces PhysX and APEX Support for PS4

    Nvidia Announces PhysX and APEX Support for Sony Computer Entertainment's PlayStation 4

    Nvidia today announced support for Sony Computer Entertainment's PlayStation 4 with the popular Nvidia PhysX and Nvidia APEX software development kits.

    Game designers use PhysX and APEX technologies for collision detection and simulation of rigid bodies, clothing, fluids, particle systems and more across a wide range of platforms, including desktop PCs, game consoles, and mobile and handheld devices.

    Nvidia PhysX technology is the world's most pervasive physics solution for designing real-time, real-world effects into interactive entertainment titles. The PhysX development environment gives developers unprecedented control over the look of their final in-game interactivity.

    Taking PhysX technology content creation to the next level, Nvidia APEX technology lets artists create intricate physics-enabled environments. They can expand the quantity and visual quality of destructible objects; make smoke and other particle-based fluids integral to game play; and create life-like clothing that interacts with the character's body to achieve more realism in their games.

    "Great physics technology is essential for delivering a better gaming experience and multiplatform support is critical for developers," said Mike Skolones, product manager for PhysX at Nvidia. "With PhysX and APEX support for PlayStation 4, customers can look forward to better games."

  5. #1185 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Hmm, ma mir ca face nVidia asa ceva... mai ales pentru un sistem unde totul e AMD/ATI...

  6. #1186 SP
    Senior Member RaverX's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by MonkY View Post
    Hmm, ma mir ca face nVidia asa ceva... mai ales pentru un sistem unde totul e AMD/ATI...
    Banii sunt bani, daca n-au prins contract cu procesoare grafice, macar din licente software sa ciuguleasca si ei un pic.

  7. #1187 SP
    Senior Member Tudoran's Avatar
    Arkane Studios says PS4′s 8GB of RAM is “a joy” | VG247

    Speaking with Eurogamer at the BAFTA awards, with lead designer Christophe Carrier said this was “a joy,” to hear, as many times developers have to cut content to meet internal memory requirements.

    “We need memory, you know? As a level designer we are struggling against memory every day,” he said. “We cut things, we remove things, we strip things, we split the levels, we remove NPCs from levels because there’s not enough memory.

    “So knowing that memory is something that is going to be improved in the next generation of consoles: to us, it’s a joy. It’s something that we were waiting for. We were PC gamers at the beginning.

    “We love PC games, and we had to make games on consoles. But the main problem was memory. The processors are good, but the memory, for our games, is the most important. So it’s great.”

    Dishonored took top honors at the British Academy Games Awards Tuesday night with the award for Best Game.

  8. #1188 SP
    Member MSlv's Avatar
    cred ca PS4 va fi prima consola pe care o iau in primul an de la aparitie... daca nu vor fi probleme cu hardware-ul

  9. #1189 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by MSlv View Post
    cred ca PS4 va fi prima consola pe care o iau in primul an de la aparitie... daca nu vor fi probleme cu hardware-ul
    Hehe, multi nu vor rezista sa-l achizitioneze repede. Doar ca de obicei de-abia dupa primul an poti spune cu adevarat ca exista o statistica a defectelor si eventual se lanseaza o noua versiune (vezi YLOD si RRoD).

  10. #1190 SP
    Member PayneKiller's Avatar
    Cu un procesor pe 28nm nu poti da niciodata fail

  11. #1191 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by PayneKiller View Post
    Cu un procesor pe 28nm nu poti da niciodata fail
    Ce legatura are dimensiunea cu faptul ca poate fi un fail? Mai ales ca stim cu totii ce "succesuri" au avut pana acum chip-urile de tip "2 in 1" (GPU integrat in pastila CPU). Sper sa nu faca rabat la racire, sau la lipituri (in caz ca va fi din nou chipul lipit pe placa de baza)...

  12. #1192 SP
    Senior Member RaverX's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by MonkY View Post
    Sper sa nu faca rabat la racire, sau la lipituri (in caz ca va fi din nou chipul lipit pe placa de baza)...
    Uhmmm, good point. 99.99% va fi chip-ul lipit pe placa de baza, dar ideea ta e atat de simpla si geniala in acelasi timp: un chip cu pini (sau cu "puncte" si placa de baza cu socket cu pini) ar preveni problemele cauzate de cretinismul din spatele directivei rohs, dar in acelasi timp probabil ca ar creste costurile de productie. Asa ca probabil se va prefera o consola cu 3 dolari mai ieftina, dar cu problemele de fiabilitate.

  13. #1193 SP
    Senior Member mark's Avatar
    E si normal, dupa 2 ani de uz vin gusterii sa cumpere alta consola.

  14. #1194 SP
    Senior Member OlBlueEyes's Avatar
    Foarte multi developeri sunt multumiti cu hardware-ul PS4-ului sa speram la cat mai multe jocuri bune si aratoase.

    Avalanche: PS4 will 'out-power PCs for next few years' -- PlayStation Universe

    The developer behind the Just Cause series has heaped praise on Sony’s decision to include 8GB RAM in the PlayStation 4.

    Speaking during an interview with GamingBolt, Avalanche Studios’ chief technical officer, Linus Bloomberg, said that PS4’s meaty innards will give it the edge over PCs for years to come.

    “The consoles desperately need a boost since having been oveortaken in terms of performance by PCs several years ago, and also losing market share to mobile platforms,” he said.

    “I’m glad Sony decided to go with 8GB RAM because it means that the PS4 will out-power most PCs for years to come.”

    Bloomberg also praised the social connectivity of Sony’s next-generation console, and says this functionality is ‘perfect’ for the type of games Avalanche makes.

    “The PS4 will not only be a very powerful gaming machine from a hardware perspective, but it will also be a social tool and integrated marketplace more akin to the successful mobile devices,” said Bloomberg.

    “It’s the best of all worlds in a way; great performance for demanding high-end gaming, good social ecosystem and connectivity, and integrated business marketplace.

    “For Avalanche Studios as an open-world games developer this is super exciting and opens up many new opportunities. It’s a perfect fit for the types of games we do, and we are confident that we’ll bring open-world gaming to a whole new level because of it.”

    Whilst God of War: Ascension lead game designer Mark Simon has been praising the sheer power of the PS4, colleague and lead combat designer Jason McDonald believes it's the social features that will really set the console apart.

    "Very excited!" said McDonald when asked for his thoughts on the PS4. "We don't get hardware leaps like this that often, so to have one coming up is very exciting.

    "The social stuff in particular. The power is going to be awesome, and we'll have amazing artists and engineers who will be able to draw so much out of it – but the social stuff is great. It's something gaming is moving towards so the more features that support people playing together, the better."

    So the overall message from Sony Santa Monica is that the PS4 is going to be totally awesome all round.

  15. #1195 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Mi s-a luat de pupatul ăstora in dos, numai, bla, bla, bla. Se bat cu pumnii in piept ca gorilele.

    Uite inca una

    PS4 is still a games console at its core, despite a slew of social and multimedia features. That’s the claim of Sony’s Worldwide Studios VP Michael Denny. He also explained why the system’s PC-based architecture is the result of Sony’s first-party developer requirements.

    Speaking with*OPM
    , the exec said of PS4′s PC-like architecture, “I think the main reason behind it is that’s what the development community wanted. That’s what the development community want in terms of ease of development and making the best games they possibly can.”
    But the console’s PC innards won’t make it any less of a gaming console, Denny advised, “This is still a console made for gaming, with gaming at its heart. I think that we learn from all the platforms we launch & systems we’ve developed.
    “Part of PlayStation 4 is learning from previous platforms and making things better. Then part of it is the new experience as well, adding extra features, and you put those together for a much better package and much better experience for the gamer”.
    Tech-babble aside, games remain king for Denny and his team, “At the end of the day it’s about the output. It’s about having the best games and the best experiences. To do that you’ve got to have the best creators on board, the best development teams.
    “That’s the whole philosophy behind it and we’ve architected a system that we believe will get us the best content. Making decisions like having the 8GB high speed system memory on board is just a massive win for developers in terms of the sort of games they can create, and the ease of game development”.
    “I think that ultimately great content always wins the day”, he concluded.
    The PS4′s prowess has certainly made a lot of developers happy. Just check out this shortlist of outspoken developers happy to slap Sony on the back


  16. #1196 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    DanTe23: nu-ti place sa folosesti Quote-ul? Ca m-am plictisit sa ti le editez eu... Asa e fair, daca citezi pe cineva

  17. #1197 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Nu pot de pe mobil(tapatalk) sau nu stiu la ce te referi. Daca te referi la ce am dat copy/paste, de ce sa sa dau quote? Atata timp cat scriu sursa si pun ghilimele...

  18. #1198 SP
    Senior Member OlBlueEyes's Avatar
    PS4 release date in October or November, hints Assassin's Creed IV director -- PlayStation Universe

    Assassin's Creed creative director Jean Guesdon has indicated that Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag will launch simultaneously on all platforms later this year.

    Guesdon made his comments during an interview with Outside Xbox (via Videogamer). Shortly after asking about the struggles developing for current- and next-gen platforms simultaneously, the interviewer asked if a delay would occur between "all the versions." To this, Guesdon replied, "Same ship."

    Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag is currently slated for North American release on October 29 and EU release on November 1. Presumably, then, PlayStation 4 (and the next-generation Xbox) will have launched by that time, in both North America and European territories.

    The wording of Guesdon's reply isn't entirely concrete, so it's best to take this news with a small grain of salt. Still, Guesdon's comments echo those of PSU's industry sources, who indicated exclusively to PSU that PS4 will, in fact, launch in November 2013.

  19. #1199 SP
    Member MSlv's Avatar
    se zvoneste ca jocurile next generation vor costa la lansare 70$ fata de 60$ cat ar fi acum... ceea ce pe la noi ar insemna un 269,99. La ce pret v-ati astepta sa apara in magazine jocurile ps4? eu unul cred ca am avea noroc daca nu sar de 299 lei.

  20. #1200 SP
    Senior Member OlBlueEyes's Avatar
    La fel avand in vedere ca pe PC BF 3 costa mai putin ca pe console desi are grafica mai buna + online de 64 de playeri eu zic ca preturile vor fi la fel.

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