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Thread: Bloodborne

  1. #321 SP
    Junior Member Monex's Avatar
    Numai mie mi se pare ca nu merge smooth deloc? Nu are frame drop-uri mari, dar am senzatia ca sunt intr un continuu low fps. Ori m am obisnuit eu cu Dark Souls PC, 60 fps, ori e o problema de la tv ( o sa intru prin setari ). In afara de asta, mi se pare senzational. Atmosfera e absolut geniala, iar combatul atat de diferit si fast peaced fata de Dark Souls. Am murit o singura data si asta pentru ca am vrut sa dau "block" la un atac si apasam ca disperatul pe L1.

    O singura nedumerire am. In timpul luptelor se aude cineva vorbind. Sunt eu? Sunt acele creaturi? Sunt acei oameni care stau in case?

  2. #322 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Monez: daca ai vreun TV cu jde mii de procesari si procesor slab, o sa simti cu varf si indesat latenta (mai ales la genul acesta de jocuri unde conteaza fiecare ms). Vezi ca unele TV-uri au un mod special de Game. La altele (cum ar fi cele Samsung) trebuie sa redenumesti inputul HDMI cu numele PC si se vor reduce procesarile si filtrele atat de mult incat ajungi la jumatate cu latenta.

  3. #323 SP
    Senior Member ReNeGaDe124's Avatar
    Asta poate fi cauza, frame pacing: Performance Analysis: Bloodborne •

    And yet something is awry when playing Bloodborne. Its sub-30fps frame-rate drops may be infrequent, but on close analysis the bigger issue here is in its frame-pacing. As it turns out, From Software's implementation of a 30fps cap means that, as promised, we do get an average refresh at that number near-constantly throughout Yarnham city. The problem? As we've seen with the launch builds of Need for Speed: Rivals and Destiny, an incorrect ordering of frames can cause a nasty stuttering to motion.

    Though its 30fps average is technically correct, Bloodborne often produces two unique frames followed by two duplicates - rather than one after another - creating a perception of frame-rate drops throughout. It's not smooth in motion at all as a result, and frame-time updates swing erratically between 16ms and 66ms - and sometimes higher. It's an unfortunate oversight by From Software. However, we have seen both Bungie and EA Gothenburg react to the issue in each case, correcting their games soon after launch. We hope this will be the case for Bloodborne as well.

  4. #324 SP
    Senior Member nameless_fear's Avatar
    Am pus o parola "cgro" pentru cei care vor sa ne găsim online!

    ---------- Post added 25-03-2015 at 16:11 ----------

    PS: 3 ore mai tarziu sunt tot la primul checkpoint ... macar am facut 5 levelup

  5. #325 SP
    Vires Intus eagle-eye's Avatar
    Cum adica parola? Parola la ce?

  6. #326 SP
    Senior Member Einherjar793AD's Avatar
    Pentru coop. Găsești setarea în opțiunile jocului.

  7. #327 SP
    Banned asperas's Avatar
    Al meu e inca in tipla deoarece inca nu ma dumiresc ce sa (mai) elimin ca si joc din consola pt al instala si pe el..damn Incet incet vom umple spatiul din aceasta consola cu doar 4 jocuri asa ca nu inteleg ce au avut cei de la Sony in cap de au lansat ps4 only 500gb tinand cont ca ps3 super superIOR ultra slim avea tot cam atat ! Totusi vina e a mea aici ca doar dreaku m' pus sa iau atatea ps4 joace far de cap si acu sa ma uit io la ele si ele la mine ca deh nu mai au loc unele de altele! Bataie mare fratioare asa ca ..gata cu vorba va salut baieti/fete si mult spor in/la die again Bloodborne.

  8. #328 SP
    Member jacksonikus's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Rasko View Post
    Din fericire nu mai e cazul. )
    Ba chiar e cazul, ca nu mai ai shield

  9. #329 SP
    Junior Member Monex's Avatar

    Greseala mea.

  10. #330 SP
    Member rockybt18's Avatar
    Mai usor cu spoilers te rog. Suntem unii care inca nu am trecut de primul boss, checkpoint, whatever. Folositi cu incredere butonul de spoilers.
    Revenind, am jucat aseara. Sistemul de combat foarte frumos comparativ cu vechile jocuri From Software. Am lasat balta Lords of the Fallen. Prevad un weekend lung

  11. #331 SP
    Member Wagram's Avatar
    A picat clericul din prima, lvl 15. Imi place la nebunie stilul de lupta, e exact asa cum mi-l inchipuiam.

    Pe ce arme/atribut v-ati axat ? Eu, skill/threaded cane.

  12. #332 SP
    Vires Intus eagle-eye's Avatar
    ^skill/threaded cane, same as you.

  13. #333 SP
    Junior Member Monex's Avatar
    ^ Axe, str. Dar cred ca merg pe un str/dex build. Pana una alta, scopul meu e sa imi cumpar kirkhammer-ul.
    Credeti ca e intelept sa bagi puncte in endurance la inceput?

  14. #334 SP
    Vires Intus eagle-eye's Avatar
    Pai depinde de build. Mie de exemplu imi trebuie mult endurance. Eu zic sa cauti un pic pe net ca sa nu bagi aiurea de la inceput, sa vezi spre ce sa te orientezi.

  15. #335 SP
    Senior Member nameless_fear's Avatar
    Bai se pot adaugă gesturi la mesaje! Ce mișto

    I found out you can add gestures to your messages! This changes everything! All you have to do to add a gesture is press L1 after setting up you message and then you can chose any gesture you want. When other people read your note a blue apparition of yourself appears out of the scroll to gesture

  16. #336 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar

    pentru cei noi, printre care ma numar si eu

  17. #337 SP
    Vires Intus eagle-eye's Avatar
    Haha, ma miram eu ce era cu silueta aia albastra.
    Also, mai are cineva probleme cu spectrele? Dau sa le vad dar nu apare nimic.

  18. #338 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar

  19. #339 SP
    Banned asperas's Avatar
    Altex Bloodborne cu 2 dlc dar unde sunt acele dlc'uri? Voi a-ti gasit vreun voucher in interiorul carcasei? Multumesc.

  20. #340 SP
    Member sinnombree07's Avatar
    joc de ieri seara si nu am reusit sa ajung la boss , dar el nu are arme ca e greu sa bati cu mana goala si sa fugi de nebun

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