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Thread: God of War (2018)

  1. #661 SP
    Member ConuGeo's Avatar
    God of War Novelization

    The book is available now on Amazon in both physical and audio formats. In addition, a bonus for God of War fans: the audiobook is narrated by Alastair Duncan who voices Mimir in the game!
    Attached Images Attached Images 44226968451_44c6a19b2b_h-755x425.jpg

  2. #662 SP
    Member MRC's Avatar
    L-am luat si eu ieri si am inceput sa il joc aseara. E ok-ish...Mi-e un pic greu sa ma obisnuiesc cu noile mecanici de lupta. Nu se pot schimba butoanele? Tot apas x-ul ala in loc de l1 sau l2...Poate o sa ma obisnuiesc, dar deocamdata mor des pe mediu...

  3. #663 SP
    Prophet of the Void IlieRazvan's Avatar
    Ba da. Poți inversa L1 L2 cu X și triunghi.
    În setări

    Trimis de pe al meu Huawei P20 folosind Tapatalk

  4. #664 SP
    Senior Member GabiCutlac's Avatar
    Poti inversa, dar avand in vedere ca trebuie sa controlezi si camera, care e mereu in spatele lui Kratos, e greu sa joci de pe X si triunghi. Nu e ca la GoW 3 unde aveai camera fixa cu perspectiva de mai sus, controlata de joc.

  5. #665 SP
    Member MRC's Avatar
    Multumesc pt raspunsuri. Da, cred ca e chestie de obisnuinta. Dupa 6 jocuri God of War jucate intr-un anumit stil, dureaza un pic sa ma obisnuiesc cu noua mecanica. E clar diferit. Deocamdata e diferit in bine, adica nu mi-ar mai fi placut in stilul celorlalte. O sa incerc sa ma obisnuiesc cu butoanele asa cum au fost gandite, au fost gandite ele cu un scop.

  6. #666 SP
    Member MRC's Avatar
    De ce am renuntat la joc pe la jumatate...

    With the camera pulled back, the player has a better view of the action and the environment and can more easily take care of enemies on multiple sides. I expect the combat to be slowed and the adventure elements to be simplified just because the player can now barely see around them without turning the cam.

    I doubt it will even have platforming. The levels are more realistic and the camera is so zoomed in that it's impossible to create satisfying platforming. Apparently, platforming isn't realistic enough.

    They probably went with an over-the-shoulder view because it's more "cinematic" and it allows them to make the environments prettier.

    I didn't use most of the combos in the old games, but I would hope the combat is a little more fleshed out than hack left, hack right, hack left, hack right, power jump, repeat, QTE. I did like the shield from the new trailer, though. Oh, also, roll like an idiot, often. The old games had a dodge roll, but if you're gonna go in the cinematic, realistic direction, then replace it with something more practical, like a speedy dash, combined with a slight duck where appropriate.

    A hand axe doesn't have enough reach for the long-range combat God of War is known for. You're gonna be running up to enemies a lot and throwing it constantly. I wonder if they're gonna give you alternate melee weapons or if that's not realistic enough anymore. The devs may have just decided, "We've got the close range weapon that can be thrown, we've got the ground pound and we've got the sidekick whose bow the player can aim. Now let's build on those and call it a day." If that is the case, at least provide temporary pickups, like spears and halberts that actually do have reach.

    I don't care about Kratos and his son. When I was playing God of War and God of War II, I didn't think to myself, "I wish I had a companion." I liked going out there on my own and brutalizing every creature in sight. Why would I want that kid helping me through my whole adventure? They have a button just for him. The level design will have to be limited to allow him to maneuver. It's pretty obvious they're doing it because of The Last of Us, rather than in the best interest of the series.

    This isn't Kratos. They basically started over with another character and gave him Kratos' name and (vaguely similar) appearance. Anger defined Kratos. There was no redemption. He was too far gone and basically a cartoon character. It's like turning Daffy Duck into Vito Corleone. The games were never meant to be so meditative and artistic. This new version is painfully pretentious. (At other times, it's embarrassing. Like that joke character they inserted shortly after the middle of the new E3 trailer.) If they cared about Kratos' history, they wouldn't give the game the same name as the original. I would be more intrigued by a new character with new motivations, quirks and flaws.

    It makes no sense to move to a different mythology but keep Kratos. It's like a bad joke. He's killed the gods and made Greece his bitch, so he goes north and finds another pantheon to ruin. Mythologies and religions don't coexist. They have opposing explanations for the nature of the universe. They HAD TO replace Kratos. Mixing mythologies makes them less credible. Same reason why Batman shouldn't exist in Superman's world and why Alien vs. Predator is a mistake. The "DC universe" has always been stupid. It devalues Batman's struggle for justice to know Superman could solve all his problems without breaking a sweat. It also makes the whole world more ridiculous to know that there are so many humanoid superheroes from different planets.

    The old games were far from perfect. But there was plenty they could have changed and improved without turning it into another pretentious walk and talk movie game. Too many games forsake their identities instead of improving on their concepts, all to chase after what's popular at the moment. In this case, The Last of Us. God of War is as much a disservice to the God of War series as Tomb Raider was to the Tomb Raider series. And it bothers me that I have to speak in such confusing terms because they didn't wanna come up with new titles, like God of War IV or God of War: A New Beginning.

    It seems like games are more and more being made for people who don't even like playing games. Who insist games must aspire to higher artistic standards. Pretenders who should probably be watching movies instead.

  7. #667 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Cine a scris asta in engleza, tu?

  8. #668 SP
    Member clovnusor's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Dant3 View Post
    Cine a scris asta in engleza, tu?
    Probabil e o opinie a cuiva de pe vreun forum sau vreun articol care era frumos sa fie linkuit. Oricum ar fi, sunt 100% de acord cu cele scrise. Pe mine m-au pierdut SSM cu directia in care au dus jocul. Ultimul paragraf este foarte adevarat si cu lansarea DMC V o sa se vada si mai bine discrepanta intre developerii jocurilor de actiune vestici si cei din est. Unii pun accentul pe natura cinematica a jocurilor, iar ceilalti pe jocul propriu-zis.

  9. #669 SP
    Senior Member raducucosmin's Avatar
    because you should never evolve and develop. you should just keep kratos as the largely one dimensional character he was and not give him any further depth.

    also, the guy who wrote this, apparently did it without playing the game or after only playing an early demo.

    restul referintelor nu au mare tractiune. aia cu batman si superman e la fel de superficiala precum modul in care atat DC cat si Marvel si-au plimbat caracterele de-a lungul anilor. uneori cu scriitori mai buni, alte ori cu unii mai prosti, dar avand mereu nevoie sa re-inventeze personajele ca sa continue sa publice.

    also, cu ce ***** a stricat noua serie tomb raider conceptul tomb raider?

    ce era asa grozav la gameplay-ul ala din anii 90? controlul stangaci, tzatzele mari si unghiulare, story-urile copilaresti?

    mi se pare ca asta se bazeaza doar pe nostalgie. jocurile tomb raider (de fapt doar vreo 2-3 din ele) au fost capodopere la timpul lor, la fel si vreo 3-4 din cele god of war, dar cu siguranta nu au fost stricate de seriile noi.dimpotriva.

    au importat producatorii ceva retete mai recente de gameplay si le-au amestecat cu parti din gameplay ul jocurilor clasice? da. e asta ceva rau? nu.

    mie mi se pare ca witcher este un mare fassss. un joc mai mult decat repetitiv, incarcat artificial cu useless content, si umflat ca orice open world masiv cu nimicuri neinteresante. gameplay ul nu mi se pare nimic deosebit nici cand vine vorba de content nici de combat, si povestea si personajele mi se par in general neinteresante si prost jucate. la fel si gta V. cat am jucat din ele? din witcher vreo 3 ore si din gta vreo 5. sound fair?

  10. #670 SP
    Senior Member Espiritus's Avatar
    Combatul e genial, cei care zic altceva ori sunt slăbani si isi iau bataie, ori nu au jucat jocul. Cand aud ca jocurile vechi aveau combat mai bun degetul mare apasa instinctiv patrat-patrat-triunghi.

  11. #671 SP
    Member MRC's Avatar
    L-am copiat de pe ceva site, (copiat de pe telefon). Eventual o sa caut linkul cand sunt la pc, daca puneam link nu cred ca citea nimeni tot ce era acolo. Erau multe opinii, asta mi-a placut, e in mare ce gandesc si eu. Mea culpa, trebuia sa pun ghilimele de citat.

  12. #672 SP
    Senior Member GabiCutlac's Avatar
    Omul ala nici n-a jucat jocul, e fain sa-ti dai cu părerea fără sa ai habar despre ce vorbești

    Tu pana unde ai ajuns?

  13. #673 SP
    Member clovnusor's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Espiritus View Post
    Combatul e genial, cei care zic altceva ori sunt slăbani si isi iau bataie, ori nu au jucat jocul. Cand aud ca jocurile vechi aveau combat mai bun degetul mare apasa instinctiv patrat-patrat-triunghi.
    Hai mai lasa-ma. Adica nu poti sa ai o opinie diferita ca automat cad intr-una din categoriile de mai sus? Pffft de-aici; nu ziceai tu cu cateva pagini inainte ca l-ai terminat pe easy? Jocul, in afara de ultimele doua dificultati, e easy peasy. Orice combat system poate fi redus la un buton sau combo. Asta nu scuza cu nimic faptul ca in jocul asta camera e unul din cei mai mari inamici. N-a zis nimeni ca jocurile anterioare erau superbe din pct de vedere al combat-ului dar in nici un caz nu se compara cu greii genului chit ca vbesti de DMC, Ninja Gaiden, Bayonetta, Nioh, MG Rising, etc.

  14. #674 SP
    Senior Member Encman's Avatar
    Eu inca nu l-am terminat, dar ce pot spune, este ca imi place.

    Altfel nu sunt foarte incantat de "world busy work".. "aduna asta, sau aillalta". Are farmecul lui si acest lucru, dar parca imi scade din ritmul jocului. Sunt si un pic.. compulsiv in a deschide fiecare chest peste care dau, sau a rezolva (fara ajutor) anumite puzzle-uri, treasure hunt, etc.
    Pe vremuri aveam mai mult timp la dispozitie, asa dupa munca, vad uneori un stres in plus.. sau cel putin ar fi mers mai degraba un "patrat-patrat-triunghi" dar asta nu inseamna ca "Dad of War" sau "Puzzle Kratos" nu este bun
    Doar ca este mai mult decat un button mashing. Si tocmai asta mi se pare mai interesant, foarte multa emotie si spiritualitate, expuse destul de profund, intr-o lume mitologica deosebit de artistica.

    PS: da, imprumuta foarte multe elemente, de la alte jocuri, dar nu este un lucru neaparat rau. Acelasi lucru il putem spune si despre Horizon Zero Dawn de exemplu.

  15. #675 SP
    Member MRC's Avatar
    Jocul in sine nu e rau, dar e clar ca e altceva fatza de seria GOW. Ala era hack&slash, asta e altceva. Nu e rau, dar daca vrei doar sa bati in stanga si dreapta fara sa te intereseze altceva nu e jocul potrvit. Imi plac jocurile hack&slash. Am jucat Diablo o gramada nu pt questuri si poveste, ci pt a da in monstrii aia ca surdu-n toba. Imi plac si jocurile cu poveste. TLOU e best of pt mine. Dar daca ar aparea un Diablo 4 cu poveste spirituala si camera schimbata peste e Diablo e altceva. La fel daca ar aparea Ellie sau Joel ca personaje in Mortal prea s-ar potrivi . La fel si GOW. E frumos dar nu e GOW. Daca il denumeau insa altfel nu ar fi avut succesul de acum. Fiecare are dreptul la o parere. Nu poate sa existe joc genial pt 100% din populatie. Horizon Zero Dawn acum l-am inceput, mi se pare excelent. Grafica e dementiala, si e super fluid (am impresia ca e 60fps dar cred ca e de la tv cu inteligent frame creation-ul). GOW 4 deocamdata ramane in stand-by pe acolo pe unde te bati cu aia 2 frati zei sau ce or fi si se mira copilu cand il omori pe unul din ei ca cine poate omori un zeu. (sa raspund si pe unde am ajuns)

  16. #676 SP
    Senior Member raduadelin's Avatar

  17. #677 SP
    Member clovnusor's Avatar
    Elocvent, as usual.

  18. #678 SP
    Member MRC's Avatar
    Super tare analiza individului.

  19. #679 SP
    Junior Member ShadowofSparta's Avatar
    Salut,doar ce am cumpărat jocul de doua zile,este grozav,dar spuneți-mi va rog cu pot sa fac misiunile secundare,adică unde le găsesc?Multumesc!

  20. #680 SP
    Member westy9009's Avatar
    innainteaza in joc ... si vin ele singure la tine ...Majoritatea sunt in zona lake of Nine

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