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Thread: Clubul Xbox One

  1. #2361 SP
    Senior Member naz's Avatar

  2. #2362 SP
    Senior Member poiuyt's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by MonkY View Post
    Mie unul nu-mi place ca inca nu distinge foarte bine degetele pe partea de skeleton
    Sunt jocuri de kinect 1 care au ca si modalitate de accesare meniu prin strangerea pumnului sau prin aratarea palmei, m-as mira sa nu stie K2 cum sta treaba cu degetele dar sa stie ce muschi sunt utilizati mai puternic ,plus bataile inimii

  3. #2363 SP
    Member solaru's Avatar
    "One of the benefits of publishing games on Xbox One," Microsoft director of Xbox product planning Albert Penello wrote yesterday on the NeoGAF gaming message board, "ALL game developers get Dedicated Servers, Cloud Processing, and 'storage' (for save games) free."

    Xbox One's Free Dedicated Servers Should Improve Multiplayer Gaming

  4. #2364 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by poiuyt View Post
    Sunt jocuri de kinect 1 care au ca si modalitate de accesare meniu prin strangerea pumnului sau prin aratarea palmei, m-as mira sa nu stie K2 cum sta treaba cu degetele dar sa stie ce muschi sunt utilizati mai puternic ,plus bataile inimii
    Una e sa distinga faptul ca tii palma deschisa sau pumnul strans... si alta e sa distinga miscarea degetelor. Nu, Kinect 2 pe partea de skelet si articulatii nu stie din start asa ceva, asa cum nu a stiut nici primul Kinect. Mai exact, Kinect-ul imparte palma in 2 sectiuni, si atat. Pentru a distinge degetele, ar trebui sa fie cel putin 5 sectiuni (ca doar avem 5 degete). Intelegi?

  5. #2365 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Microsoft's Xbox One and Sony's PlayStation 4 are due for release next month, but chip supplier Advanced Micro Devices is already teasing chip upgrades that could make the game consoles faster and more power-efficient.
    The game consoles will run on chips from AMD, which is already considering manufacturing advances for the chips, said Lisa Su, senior vice president and general manager of the company's global business units.
    Chip makers like AMD are consistently looking to make chips smaller, faster and more power-efficient through new designs and manufacturing advances. Su didn't name Sony or Microsoft specifically, but said game consoles and related chips have a life span of five to seven years, and there will be chances to upgrade components while cutting manufacturing costs.
    "Certainly, when we look at cost reduction opportunities, one of the important ones is to move technology nodes," Su said this week during AMD's quarterly earnings call. "And the reason to do that is both for pure die cost savings, as well as all the power savings that our customer benefits from."
    The PS4 will ship on Nov. 15, and the Xbox One will become available a week later. The consoles have custom chips with eight CPU cores code-named Jaguar and Radeon graphics cores. The PS4 can deliver an estimated 1.84 teraflops of performance, Sony has said. Microsoft has not talked about performance delivered by the Xbox One chip.
    The first Xbox and PS4 chips are being made on the 28-nm process by TSMC (Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co.). TSMC is already making chips using the 20-nanometer process, and in 2015*it will start making chips
    *using 3D transistors -- also called FinFET technology -- using the 16-nm process. 3D transistors will bring power savings and performance boosts to chips, and Intel is already making chips with FinFET technology.
    An AMD spokesman declined to comment on the possibility of upgrading console chips or when they would be produced. But Su said AMD is working on chip designs with its manufacturing partners.
    "We are fully, top-to-bottom in 28-nanometer now across all of our products, and we are transitioning to both 20-nanometer and to FinFET over the next couple of quarters, in terms of designs. So we'll continue to do that across our foundry partners," Su said.
    The console chips will likely be upgraded every two to three years, much like in past consoles, analysts said. The chip in the Xbox 360 was upgraded three times over its lifetime.
    The console chip upgrades are more about shrinking the chip's size and cutting costs than improving performance, said Nathan Brookwood, principal analyst at Insight 64.

    "As they evolve the platform, they use newer chips that lower costs, and allows them to put [the chips] into a smaller and thinner package," Brookwood said.
    Console makers are resistant to change in chip design, Brookwood said. Rewiring of circuits could mean rewriting some code in games, which Microsoft and Sony may want to avoid, he said. That could happen if there is a move to 3D transistors on TSMC's 16-nm process.
    The chips will likely stick to the similar Jaguar CPU and Radeon GPU cores over the lifetime of the game consoles, said Jim McGregor, principal analyst at Tirias Research.
    AMD has the option to move directly from 28-nm chips to 16-nm, but it will likely jump to 20-nm with TSMC in two years, McGregor said.
    The current Xbox One and PS4 chips already deliver tremendous performance and are good enough for gamers, McGregor said. Gamers won't wait for two years to buy a new box with a new chip just for a small performance gain.
    "I'm looking at [the consoles] and I'm thinking overkill," McGregor said. "Most of this stuff is going to the cloud."
    Agam Shah covers PCs, tablets, servers, chips and semiconductors for IDG News Service. Follow Agam on Twitter at*@agamsh. Agam's e-mail address is*[email protected]

  6. #2366 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Tipic AMD. Nici nu a lansat un produs si deja ne spune ce slab e fata de ceea ce ar putea face...

  7. #2367 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Eu nu cred ca o sa vedem procesoare mai puternice pe xbone sau ps4

  8. #2368 SP
    Senior Member poiuyt's Avatar
    " AMD has the option to move directly from 28-nm chips to 16-nm, but it will likely jump to 20-nm with TSMC in two years, McGregor said.
    The current Xbox One and PS4 chips already deliver tremendous performance and are good enough for gamers, McGregor said. Gamers won't wait for two years to buy a new box with a new chip just for a small performance gain."

    deci in 2-3 ani cumparam altele..alta nebunie la preorder..

  9. #2369 SP
    Senior Member sexbobomb91's Avatar
    ^ Nu prea vad sa se intample asa ceva. Este complet impotriva ideei de consola pentru jocuri.
    Posibil sa schimbe componentele ca sa fie mai ieftine sau mai silentioase dar diferente mari nu vor fi deoarece ar complica foarte mult development-ul.

  10. #2370 SP
    Senior Member BizZare's Avatar
    "Gamers won't wait for two years to buy a new box with a new chip just for a small performance gain."

    See this guy gets it!

  11. #2371 SP
    Senior Member AndyZ's Avatar
    Articolul se refera la update-uri pt o fabricare mai ieftina și mai eficienta, nu la creșteri de performanta.

  12. #2372 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    "I'm looking at [the consoles] and I'm thinking overkill," McGregor said.

    Ce ma seaca pe mine fazele astea amediste... developerii se plang deja ca nu le tin jocurile in FullHD 60FPS... si ei zic "overkill". Dupa care arunca faze gen "Most of this stuff is going to the cloud". Pai sa se joace ei pe norisori... eu vreau sa ma joc pe consola. In plus, ori e hardware-ul suficient de bun, ori treci pe cloud... caz in care poti sa te joci si pe aragaz, atata timp cat poate sa faca streaming...

  13. #2373 SP
    Member Quasivasi's Avatar
    Va rog sa ma lamuriti si pe mine in privinta "cloud computing".

    Nu sunt iliterat in IT, inteleg principiul de a descarca date pe niste servere in privinta unu spor crescut de putere de procesare dar nu in timp real.

    Eu nu inteleg insa cum aceste date, de dimensiuni variate, pot fi trimise, procesate si download'ate inapoi in timp real fara a fi influentat de latente etc. pentru a "ajuta" consolele in privinta puterii de procesare. Mie imi pare a marketing bull***t toata treaba asta, principiul de "cloud computing" nu are cum sa creasca performantele reale a consolelor cum se lauda unii "promoteri".

    Celelalte avantaje le inteleg si aprob, insa nu ce se pretinde ca ar creste performanta consolelor.

  14. #2374 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Cel mai simplu mod de a explica cum e cu "cloud computingul" este prin a arata cu degetul spre 2 servicii: OnLive si Gaikai. Practic ce se intampla acolo este cloud computing. Totul se proceseaza pe niste servere (gaming farms) iar tu primesti un stream. Teoretic, daca serverul e o monstruozitate, rezultatul poate fi ca tu sa te poti juca GTA V in 2048 x 1536 pe un iPad 3 (sa zicem)... Un Xbox 360 nu poate face asta... probabil nici Xbox One nu ar face fata, insa pe un "graphic farm" n-ar fi asa o mare problema. Insa apar factorii gen "latenta mare", dependenta de "always online" si alte d-astea.

    Acum, in cazul Xbox One probabil ca nu vorbim de streaming 100%... ci de un mic ajutor din partea serverelor Microsoft. Sa luam ca exemplu un MMORPG next-gen, unde lumea e in continua schimbare si ai parte de multe destructibles. Imagineaza-ti ca prin locatia X a trecut un player care a dat foc la copaci, a aruncat in aer cladiri... a facut dezastru. In mod normal, fiecare consola ar trebui sa stea sa calculeze fizica, particule, texturi noi, etc.. pentru locatia respectiva. Well, in cazul unui mic ajutor de pe cloud, consola ta nu va mai sta sa calculeze toate cele, si va primi direct rezultatul de pe server.

    In teorie, suna bine. Insa in practica, va fi o nebunie. Daca ai net slab, va fi imposibil... si totul va tine de reliability-ul unor servere asupra carora nu ai niciun fel de control. Sper ca a ajutat explicatia mea...

  15. #2375 SP
    Member Quasivasi's Avatar
    Exact aici vroiam sa ajung, totul este influentat de vitaza de net. Degeaba imi proceseaza server'ul un volum de date de 200MB, cand eu pasesc in zona respectiva unde PlayerX a dat foc padurii, acei 200MB procesati in cloud trebuie sa ajunga si la mine, nu vad cum ajung in timp util...

    OnLive si Gaikai sunt servicii de cloud in sensul traditional al conceptului - toate bune si frumoase. Insa promoterii spun ca puterea de procesare a consolei creste cu ajutorului "cloud'ului"...afirmatie care mie mi se pare marketing bulls**t.

    Unde mai pot vedea utilitatea tehnologiei e ca in cazul Forza, unde un "ghost driver" care a adoptat stilul si performantele player'ului poate concura cu alti playeri cant timp tu esti offline de ex. Dar asta nu inseamna ca [virgula] consola XYZ5 are un spor de performanta crescut cu ajutorul tehnologiei cloud

  16. #2376 SP
    Member MSlv's Avatar
    sa nu uitam ca serverele costa bani si dupa un timp se vor inchide, vezi multiplayer inchis la mai orice joc mai vechi de 2-3 ani, vezi scandalul cu EA care a oprit multe jocuri online pe facebook desi inca mai era lume care se juca si multi aveau bani investiti prin microtransactions (mesajul EA: cheltuiti tot pana pe data "X" cand vom inchide jocul).

    si cum cloud e doar un cuvant mai sofisticat pentru server(e)...

  17. #2377 SP
    Senior Member ReNeGaDe124's Avatar
    Microsoft a inceput campania de marketing:

  18. #2378 SP
    Senior Member Rasko's Avatar
    mai tare decat "perfect day", dar tot degeaba

  19. #2379 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar
    parca ar fi si greu sa faci o reclama mai buna, sa nu uitam ce reclame ne-a putut oferi pe parcusul timpului japonezii si inclusiv si PS, doar una singiua a fost mai buna, cea cu KB (care erau geniale de fapt) . oricum super tare clipul

  20. #2380 SP
    Cons. Mercedes-Benz djleo666's Avatar
    Foarte tare frate !

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