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Thread: Battlefield V

  1. #321 SP
    Member 495's Avatar
    Skill gap mai mare?

    Assault joc cu stg, lvl 10 arma, toate proficiency alea terminate, skin de “haur”.
    Support am tras tare pana am deschis lewis gun si nu am mai dat jos arma si nici schimbat clasa! Dupa hellriegel, cele mai multe kills le aveam cu lewis gun in bf1.

  2. #322 SP
    Senior Member poiuyt's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by westy9009 View Post
    Vs B1 asta zici ca sunt toti codati .pe ps4 ..jur ...ori eu mega praf ...cei drept am lasat b1 parcat in ultima luna dar parca de la deseori in primii 5 ...acum maxim 12 ,13 la scoreboard..deja devine super frustrant .

    Ontopic > cu ce arme jucati pe Assault/Support ?

    Sent from my SM-N950F using Tapatalk
    Pentru ca TTK este mai mic in BFV fata de BF1 , la assault e buna pt close combat sturmgewer ( prima arma ) , iar pt medium range Selbstlader , la suport mie unul imi place Bret inca n-am level maxim pe clasa asta si deci nu am toate armele

  3. #323 SP
    Member westy9009's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by poiuyt View Post
    Pentru ca TTK este mai mic in BFV fata de BF1 , la assault e buna pt close combat sturmgewer ( prima arma ) , iar pt medium range Selbstlader , la suport mie unul imi place Bret inca n-am level maxim pe clasa asta si deci nu am toate armele

    Merci de info --- vad ca nu sunt Singurul care se plange/s-a plans
    However, many players believe that the times are too fast, and it doesn’t really give them a chance to get to cover or even figure out where the bullets are coming from, which makes them feel that the game is unfairly balanced. DICE has listened to the pleas from the fans, and hence the Battlefield 5 TTK and TTD changes will be coming soon.

  4. #324 SP
    Member Andrei260191's Avatar
    A ajuns si la mn jocul. Add:Andreiu26

    Sent from my SM-G965F using Tapatalk

  5. #325 SP
    Senior Member naz's Avatar
    Mai multe site-uri fac afirmatia ca Battlefield 5 costa 30$ pentru PS4 si Xbox One. Are cineva idee unde il gasesc la pretul acesta? P.S In stirea respectiva nu se face referire la nici un magazin ce l-ar avea la un pret redus.

  6. #326 SP
    Member blondutzu's Avatar
    La 30$ nu l-am vazut, insa e ~40$ pe site-uri gen cdkeys/g2a

  7. #327 SP
    Senior Member BizZare's Avatar
    Devine agasant lmg+ 3x scope. Ori pui glint pe toate ori scoti glintul de pe 3x scout.

  8. #328 SP
    Member SepticEye's Avatar
    Peci Dec 4

    Revive Mechanics

    With the update, we are providing improvements that will make the Revive experience better on both ends (for the “reviver” and receiving “revive”). We identified a few delays that prevented players to get full control after the animation was completed - this is now resolved and will virtually make the reviving experience “faster”. We want to see if what we are addressing improves the quality of the experience enough. Increasing the revive speed is something we still keep in mind but aren’t implementing just yet.

    Medic Class Balance

    We will be introducing some weapon balance changes that will help most of the Medic weapons to perform better at-range, more specifically for the slower rate of fire SMGs that struggled to find a good place where they could compete against other weapons like Assault Rifles or Light Machine Guns. All the specific changes can be found in the weapon notes below but here is an outline of the changes we targeted:

    Increased muzzle velocity and reduced bullet drag to allow more consistent range combat.

    Increased the 5-hit kill range of SMGs to 30m instead of 25m.

    Improved sustained fire accuracy of SMGs while aimed and stationary.

    Weapon Balancing/Changes


    Decreased M1928A1 maximum damage to 25.1 (previously 30)

    Increased the 3 hit kill range of the Gewehr 1-5 to 30 meters (previously 25 meters)

    Increased maximum damage for the Sturmgewehr 1-5 and StG 44 to 25.1 (previously 24)

    Reduced the range at which the Turner SMLE can kill with one headshot and one body shot to 30 meters (previously 35 meters)

    Increased the 4 hit kill range of all assault rifles, LMGs, MMGs and SMGs to 10 meters (previously 9 meters) to make close quarter damage more reliable

    Increased all SMG 5 hit kill range to 30 meters (previously 25 meters)

    Slightly extended pistol damage drop-off distances

    Bolt actions no longer deal slightly reduced damage when hitting the lower body or upper arms, this means the minimum damage will never go below 55 damage.


    Increased horizontal recoil of the KE7 to 0.45 (previously 0.36)

    Increased horizontal recoil of the M1907 SF to 0.41 (previously 0.39)

    Decreased horizontal recoil of the STEN to 0.38 (previously 0.4) and increased the efficacy of the Ported Barrel specialization


    Increased the effect of the Slings and Swivels specialization. Switching to your primary weapon is now an additional 50 ms faster for all weapons and firing after sprinting is allowed an additional 16 ms earlier for bolt actions, assault rifles, semi auto rifles and SLRs

    Changed the specialization for the KE7. Recoil Buffer has been removed. Quick Aim has been added. Specialization tree has been reordered


    Increased the reload speed of the KE7. Base reload time is now 3.55 s (previously 3.75 s)

    Increased the reload speed of the MG34 with the double drum magazine. Tactical reload is now 3.7 s (previously 4 s) and empty reload is 5.083 s (previously 5.5 s)

    Increased the reload speed of the M1907 SF. Tactical reload is now 2.7 s (previously 2.9 s) and empty reload is 3.3 s (previously 3.5 s)


    Improved sustained fire accuracy of SMGs while aimed and stationary

    Decreased sustained fire accuracy of assault rifles while aimed and moving

    Increased muzzle velocity of all SMGs as follows:

    MP34: 495 m/s (previously 450 m/s)

    MP34 (High Velocity Bullets): 560 m/s (previously 520 m/s)

    STEN: 495 m/s (previously 430 m/s)

    MP40: 455 m/s (previously 400 m/s)

    EMP: 420 m/s (previously 380 m/s)

    MP28: 345 m/s (previously 320 m/s)

    Suomi KP/-31: 330 m/s (previously 300 m/s)

    M1928A1: 330 m/s (previously 280 m/s)

    Decreased drag of SMG bullets from to 0.005 (previously 0.007) for regular bullets and 0.0035 (previously 0.005) for High Velocity Bullets

    Dragging Downed Teammates

    You will not see the ability to drag downed teammates with this update. We are still investigating feasibility around this mechanic.

    Max Rank Company Coin Accrual

    We have a backend fix we have proposed (server side, so no client update needed). We are still testing to ensure stability and will update everyone once it’s live.

    We are also working on a way to retroactively award Company Coin for hours played at Max Rank and hope to have an update for you soon that we can share.

    User Interface

    Syncing Loadouts Across Factions

    Although we won’t have improvements implemented for the upcoming update, we are actively working on a solution.

    ‘Apply All’ to Weapon Skins

    This is coming in next week’s update!


    What are Airlifts? - Battlefield V Deluxe Edition players and Origin Access Premier subscribers are granted 20 Airlifts, one new Airlift each week (each Airlift containing a single customization item) starting on the day that they receive the Deluxe Edition entitlement (whether through a pre-order, upgrade, or full code redemption method). Upon logging into Battlefield V for the first time, you will notice you have received Shipments in your Armory. Depending on when you received the Deluxe Edition entitlement you may have more than one Shipment waiting for you. In other words, if you received Deluxe Edition entitlement 5 weeks prior to actually playing Battlefield V for the first time you’ll have 5 Shipments waiting for you. At that point, you will have 15 more Shipments to be delivered, once a week for 15 weeks.

    When do I start getting my Airlifts? - Your 20 Airlifts start deploying, one per week, when your Deluxe Edition entitlement is added to your account. This would be either by completing the purchase of Battlefield V Deluxe Edition, upgrading to Deluxe Edition, or redeeming a Deluxe Edition code.

    What is in the Airlifts? - We’ll have a detailed rundown on what everyone gets in their Airlifts coming out soon. The 20 Airlifts consist of 2 emblems, 13 weapon part skins, 2 sidearm skins, and 1 uniform set.

    Please note we are also working on a blog that will dive into Airlifts in much greater detail to clear up recent confusion.

    Endless EOR (End of Round)

    Resolved! This was fixed with the recent Battlefield V 11-26-2018 Server Update. If you’re still experiencing issues, please let us know so we can refine.

    Spectator Mode Improvements

    Two new features added to Spectator Mode including:

    “Look at Player” Free Camera Option - When enabled, the camera automatically rotates to always be looking at that soldier/vehicle that's selected in the center player card. You can still move the camera while this is enabled which we do in a couple parts of the video below. It should be useful for players that make cinematics since they can make some unique shots with it. Its’s also useful for broadcasting tournaments since broadcasters won't need to rotate the camera manually to follow a certain player.

    “Smooth Rotation” - You can see at the start of the video below. It's a PC-only addition to get smoother rotation when rotating the camera with the mouse.

  9. #329 SP
    Banned heroes3's Avatar
    Nota 5 de la Angry Joe

  10. #330 SP
    Member Mishy's Avatar
    ^Alex_Khan iar ti-ai facut cont? Macar ai jucat sa te convingi singur cum e? In ziua de azi nu are rost sa te iei dupa un reviewer ca tipul asta care face content doar pentru vizualizari si sa creeze controverse.

  11. #331 SP
    Senior Member GabiCutlac's Avatar
    Nu stiu cum e jocu si la BF n-am vazut review-ul, da' Joe nu face pentru controverse review-uri. Din ce am vazut la el in review-uri spune exact ce crede despre jocuri, și bune si rele, inclusiv la cele care i-au plăcut. Stiu ca unora nu va place sa vi se evidențieze punctele slabe la jocurile preferate si de aia probabil vi se pare mai antipatic.

  12. #332 SP
    Member Mishy's Avatar
    Eu vorbesc pentru am jucat jocul, am vreo 50 de ore deja, si chiar daca are minusurile lui jocul e departe de nota 5.

  13. #333 SP
    Banned heroes3's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Mishy View Post
    Macar ai jucat sa te convingi singur cum e? In ziua de azi nu are rost sa te iei dupa un reviewer ca tipul asta care face content doar pentru vizualizari si sa creeze controverse.
    Da, am testat open-beta si am vizualizat suficient e multe clipuri de gameplay sa ma conving ca BFV e o mizerie fata de BF1 a carei editie Revolution o am cumparata, avand sute de ore in el si e cu ani lumina mai bun calitativ.
    Pe deasupra, hartile mi se par plictisitoare si eu voiam harti MP cu Stalingrad, Iwo Jima, Normandia, El Alamein, voiam gameplay tactic si axat pe cooperare, o poveste single-player memorabila pe motorul frostbite in asa hal incat sa-i faca pe aia de la Activision sa planga, asteptam o varietate mare de arme si vehicule cu acuratete istorica, cat mai multe factiuni, si mai putina propaganda SJW.
    Exact ce ne-a oferit Battlefield 1942

    Joe a fost cam indulgent cu nota, eu in locul lui ii acordam fix media userscore-ului de pe metacritic, adica 2,1, atat cat merita jocurile nefinisate, pline de buguri, pline de probleme (si vad cateva pagini de plangeri care sa-mi dea dreptate), cu o campanie single-player facuta in bataie de joc, cu gameplay inspirat dupa Call of Duty in care toti joaca pentru kill-uri ca sa primeasca bonusuri, cu continut incomplet avand in vedere ca multe harti si chiar ultimul capitol al povestii vor aparea anul viitor si sunt numai doua factiuni si arme si vehicule bagate cu zgarcenie. Daca nici notele unor hateri nu te convinge, uita-te la ce vanzari catastrofale a avut jocul, poate cea mai teribila performanta din istoria curenta EA.

    ---------- Post added 03-12-2018 at 17:15 ----------

    Ca idee, Battlefield 1 ne-a facut o incursiune pe toate fronturile primului razboi mondial, ne-au dus pe frontul de vest, pe frontul oriental, pe frontul italian, pe frontul din est.
    In Battlefield V ai doar Norvegia, Creta, sudul Frantei si Olanda cu chitrosenie mare, neincluzand nimic despre frontul african, frontul de est sau frontul din Pacific.
    Au crezut ca daca livreaza continut incomplet precum cei de la Activision o sa scoata profit mare.
    Ca sa vedeti si voi cui luati apararea, unei companii care va da teapa pe fata.

    Apropo de povestea SP: nu-i spectaculoasa, nu-i sinistra, e doar oribila.

  14. #334 SP
    Senior Member Xander RO's Avatar
    Khan ia o pauza tata ca esti mai rau ca add-urile alea la Cappy Pulpy.

    Battlefield V este de departe cel mai bun Battlefield de la Bad Company 2 incoace. Punct.
    Se poate rostogoli suparatul Joe de 7 ori peste cap precum Greuceanu ca tot in musca se transforma.
    Jocul are minusuri, destule, insa sa afirmi ca merita nota 5 sau mai rau, nota 2, ar trebui sa primesti viza inainte de a avea voie sa votezi.

    Reveniti-va in fire cu criticile duse la absurd ca in stilul asta se vor lansa 2 jocuri pe an, Witcher_N si RDR_N.
    Am 70 de ore in Multiplayer si abia astept sa revin in Frontlines diseara.
    Campania este scurta si ok-ish, putin fada, cu AI putin retardat si cu grafica superba, in stilul campaniilor Battlefield de la facerea lumii incoace. Nimic spectaculos (in afara de grafica), nimic sinistru. Nu mai copiati cu Ctrl-C toate criticile de pe internet.
    Ce sa-ti povestesc o protagonista care invinge singura armata germana, hai sa-i dam nota 3, de parca nu exista si alte jocuri de genul in care main character arunca harta in aer.

    Restul, e rea intentie...
    Battlefield V este ce trebuia sa fie un Battlefield, nu se poate mai bine in ritmul in care compania mama impune releasurile, life goes on.

  15. #335 SP
    Banned heroes3's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Xander Ro View Post

    Battlefield V este de departe cel mai bun Battlefield de la Bad Company 2 incoace. Punct.
    Inainte sa dai cu punct, ai jucat Battlefield 3? Sau Battlefield 4? Sau Battlefield 1?
    Au un continut net superior fata de mizeria asta.

    Si ca sa arat ca nu vorbesc prostii, am aproape toata colectia de jocuri al seriei din 2010 incoace pe Origin.
    BF V si Hardline sunt singurele pe care nu le-am cumparat pentru ca sunt niste mizerii.
    Attached Images Attached Images fae-rae-titlu.jpg

  16. #336 SP
    Member SepticEye's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by heroes3 View Post
    Da, am testat open-beta si am vizualizat suficient e multe clipuri de gameplay sa ma conving ca BFV e o mizerie fata de BF1 a carei editie Revolution o am cumparata, avand sute de ore in el si e cu ani lumina mai bun calitativ.
    O sa trec peste faptul ca tu ai o opinie despre un joc pe care nu l-ai jucat inca sau peste faptul ca pari a fi ceva parazit al forumului de care numai nu poti scapa. Insa nu trec peste faptul ca BF1 e battlefield-ul tau de referinta. Singurele 2 lucruri pe care jocul ala le-a facut bine sunt autenticitate si modul Operations. In rest gameplay sedat ce vizeaza o audienta noua, Casualfield.

    BFV are o gramada de lipsuri, sunt de acord insa pentru mine scapa deoarece formula de baza e solida, gunplay-ul. Atata timp cat asta nu se schimba, restul se patch-uieste,continut se adauga. Daca esti mare veteran BF ar trebui sa stii deja ca jocurile astea sunt sub-standard la lansare.

  17. #337 SP
    Banned heroes3's Avatar
    Eu nu pot sa trec peste faptul ca m-ai insultat. Stii cum se numeste ala care ia apararea unui joc prost? Sunt patru variante: Fanboy, lingau, ceva angajat al companiei respective, fie pur si simplu nu se poate numi gamer cu experienta.

    Quote Originally Posted by SepticEye View Post
    Insa nu trec peste faptul ca BF1 e battlefield-ul tau de referinta. Singurele 2 lucruri pe care jocul ala le-a facut bine sunt autenticitate si modul Operations. In rest gameplay sedat ce vizeaza o audienta noua, Casualfield.

    BFV are o gramada de lipsuri, sunt de acord insa pentru mine scapa deoarece formula de baza e solida, gunplay-ul. Atata timp cat asta nu se schimba, restul se patch-uieste,continut se adauga. Daca esti mare veteran BF ar trebui sa stii deja ca jocurile astea sunt sub-standard la lansare.
    BF1 a avut mai mult continut la lansare decat are BFV.
    A avut din start toate capitolele incluse in poveste
    A avut sapte factiuni, nu doua
    A avut mai multe harti si alea mai interesante.
    A avut o varietate mai mare de arme si vehicule
    N-a fost primul Casualfield, ci BF3 care s-a indreptat spre arcade. Dar nu in asa hal in care este jocul actual.

    Nu au ce sa mai patchuiasca, e prea tarziu, lumea are deja pareri negative despre joc, vanzarile s-au anuntat catastrofale, reputatia jocului ramane pentru totdeauna patata.
    In prima faza, EA o se apuce de concedieri masive si va desfiinta DICE din cauza esecurilor colosale consecutive din ultimii doi ani- Star Wars Battlefront 2 si Battlefield V.
    Asa a procedat de fiecare data cand jocuri ca Crysis 3, Dead Space 3, Medal of Honor Warfighter, Command and Conquer 4 Tiberian Twilight si Mass Effect Andromeda au avut vanzari sub asteptari si defecte ce au enervat comunitatile de jucatori.
    EA are obiceiul de-asi ruina si desfiinta francizele, probabil ca in mod voit au vrut sa distruga si seria Battlefield ca sa se concentreze doar pe jocurile de baza: FIFA, NFS, Madden, UFC, NBA, NHL si Sims. Se aude ca urmatoarele francize care vor fi distruse sunt Titanfall si Dragon Age.

    Sa nu te miri ca Battlefield V va fi ultimul joc al seriei si ca nu o sa mai vedem un Battlefield nou sa vreun alt Star Wars Battlefront vreodata sau cel putin in urmatorii 10 ani.

  18. #338 SP
    Senior Member PoisonRemedy's Avatar
    Se mai numesc si gameri naivi deci sunt 5, si cam asta e majoritatea.

  19. #339 SP
    Senior Member poiuyt's Avatar
    Eu sper ca battlefield sa nu dispara, altceva momentan nu pot juca.. sau sa apara ceva asemanator caci COD iarasi ,nu pot juca.

  20. #340 SP
    Banned heroes3's Avatar
    Vor aparea tot mai multe shootere militare de genu' asta in viitor, dezvoltate de companii mai mici.

    In rest ce sa facem?
    Piata shooterelor s-a orientat tot mai mult spre Battle Royale fiindca multi copii joaca Fortnite si PUBG.

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