Avand in vedere ca tot primesc intrebari de genul "ce e nou in versiunea cutare" sau "ce s-a modificat in firmware-ul cutare", am decis sa adun toate changelog-urile pentru update-urile consolei PlayStation 4 si sa le pun in acelasi loc. In felul acesta puteti afla mai usor ce s-a schimbat, ce a fost imbunatati de-a lungul timpului sau ce functii noi au aparut. Desigur, ma bazez pe ceea ce a comunicat Sony in mod oficial. Va reamintesc ca nu va puteti intoarce la o versiune anterioara si ca Sony nu permite accesul la Store, multiplayer si multe alte functii, daca nu aveti ultima versiune de firmware.
Daca aveti PS4 varianta US, puteti descarca firmware-ul necesar de aici: Download & Install PlayStation®4 System Software Update from PlayStation®. Daca aveti PS4 varianta US si aveti nevoie sa descarcati firmware-ul de restore/initializare, il puteti gasi aici: PlayStation®4 New Install System Software Update Method - PlayStation®.
Daca aveti PS4 varianta UE, puteti descarca firmware-ul necesar de aici: Update your PS4 system software - PlayStation Official news. Daca aveti PS4 varianta US si aveti nevoie sa descarcati firmware-ul de restore/initializare, il puteti gasi aici: Initialise your PS4 system - PlayStation Official news.
So, here we go with the changelog:
Inainte de 13 Nov 2013 - versiunea 1.01 - 1.07
- Unknown changes
13 Nov 2013 - versiunea 1.50 (oficial launch release)
- Sharing
- Ability to record and share video clips
- Ability to broadcast gameplay to Twitch or Ustream
- Remote Play support
- Support for second-screen experiences through the PlayStation mobile app
- Ability to play games while they're being downloaded
- Multiple users can log into the system at once
- 'Party' group chat functionality
- Facial recognition and voice commands via PlayStation Camera
- Ability to play music from Music Unlimited in the background, while using games or other applications
- Online multiplayer support
- Blu-ray Disc and DVD support
19 Nov 2013 - versiunea 1.51
- System stability has been improved.
- Minor elements of the user interface have been refined.
11 Dec 2013 - versiunea 1.52
- System stability has been improved.
4 Feb 2014 - versiunea 1.60
- Eject/insert disc icons now appear in the upper right corner of the screen when a disc is ejected/inserted.
- System now beeps upon eject button press.
- Picture quality during DVD playback has been improved.
- Wireless stereo headsets (CECHYA-0080 / CECHYA-0083 / CECHYA-0086) and a stereo headset (CECHYA-0088) are now supported.
- The microphone for the PlayStation Camera can be muted.
18 Feb 2014 - versiunea 1.61
- Stability has been improved during the use of some system software features.
18 Mar 2014 - versiunea 1.6230 Apr 2014 - versiunea 1.70
- Image quality for some applications has been improved.
- Sharing
- A rich video editor called ''SHAREfactory'' is now available
- [Best HD] (720p) has been added as a supported resolution for broadcasts using Ustream or Twitch
- Broadcasts to Ustream or Twitch can now be saved
- The screen layout for broadcasting has been improved
- Notifications of new viewers and comments are displayed when streaming in full-screen mode
- Ability to share video clips and screenshots while streaming
- Video clips and screenshots can now be copied to USB storage
- The length of video clips that will be saved can be selected. The length can be 1, 3, 5, 10, or 15 minutes.
- Screenshots and video clips will not be saved when [Broadcast Gameplay] is selected in the menu for the Share feature. To save screenshots, select [Upload Screenshot] or press the triangle button. To save video clips, select [Upload Video Clip] or press the square button.
- The audience on Facebook for sharing screenshots and video clips can now be set (previously a system-wide option set the same audience for all uploads)
- Option to share multiple screenshots to Facebook in a single post
- Music Unlimited now has 'Share' capabilities
- System
- HDCP can now be turned off, allowing video capture over HDMI
- The DualShock 4 light bar can be set to three brightness levels: bright, medium or dim[24]
- Full functionality for PlayStation Vita TV remote play with PS4 systems added (Japan only)[25][26]
- PlayStation Plus icon displayed for members
- Option to sort Trophies by rarity
- Additional voice commands
- Deep color output option within video output settings
- New notification type: "From PlayStation"
- The login screen no longer appears when a controller is disconnected and reconnected
- Option to send crash reports automatically
- Option to attached a video clip to crash reports
- Option to force 5.1 audio output over HDMI, even if the system detects 7.1 channel support
- Timestamps are now displayed in the "Whats New" section
- 'Capture Library' has been added to the home menu (a shortcut to view captured videos and screenshots)
- While watching Blu-ray movies, it is now possible to go back to the PS4 main menu without closing the player entirely
- Adjust microphone level settings within Audio Device Settings.
- PlayStation Store
- Games pre-ordered on PlayStation Store can now be pre-downloaded allowing immediate access on release date[27]
- Alternative payment options for PS4 content are now available
- Friends
- New Friends options, making it easier to find friends, friends of friends, mutual friends, and accept friend requests more quickly
3 Jun 2014 - versiunea 1.71
- Stability has been improved during the use of some system software features.
24 Jun 2014 - versiunea 1.72
- Stability has been improved during the use of some system software features.
22 Jul 2014 - versiunea 1.74
- Stability has been improved during the use of some system software features.
29 Jul 2014 - versiunea 1.75
- Playback of Blu-ray 3D is now supported.
- Sound quality has been improved during 1.5x playback with Blu-ray Disc and DVD videos.
- System messages previously displayed on the top-right corner of the screen are now displayed on the top-left corner of the screen.
- [Featured Content] has been added to (Settings) > [System] > [Automatic Downloads and Uploads]. When this setting is enabled, featured content from the PlayStation Store is automatically downloaded while the PS4 system is either powered on or in standby mode.
*Se va updata!