Daca tot avem un astfel de thread pentru PS4 aici, m-am gandit ca nu ar strica sa avem si un changelog pentru consola Xbox One. Pentru mai multe informatii va recomand sa aruncati o privire pe threadul http://www.consolegames.ro/forum/f11...ghid-xbox-one/. Desigur, ma bazez pe ceea ce a comunicat Microsoft in mod oficial referitor la aceste update-uri. So, here we go!
Inainte de 22 Nov 2013 - versiunea 6.2.9781.0
- Factory-default installation.
22 Nov 2013 - versiunea 6.2.10210.0 (oficial launch release)
- Day-one update installs the console's main operating system.
10 Dec 2013 - versiunea 6.2.10217.0
- Stability and performance improvements
- Improvements to SmartGlass connected standby feature
- Improvements for users rejoining games
- Improvements to notifications
- Improvements to dashboard stability
- Improvements to console's update services
- Improvements to wireless networking drivers
14 Feb 2014 - versiunea 6.2.10542.0
- Added features
- Improved My Game & Apps menu; users can now use sort options for games, apps and queued install menus
- Added ability to delete content save data
- Improvements to management of content installations
- Added battery power indicator for connected controllers
- Improvements to interfaces for accessing friends, achievements and messaging/chat features
- Added Game DVR app to Xbox OneGuide as a channel
- Improved progress indicators for system updates
- Improvements to update/content installation process
- Added separate lists for games, applications and queued installs
- Added support for USB keyboards
- Stability and performance improvements
- Improvements to overall performance/stability, NAT detection, Network troubleshooting and Blu-ray player
4 Mar 2014 - versiunea 6.2.10698.0
- Multiplayer improvements
- Party members can chat with each other even if in different games
- Chat is turned on by default
- Improved processes for inviting players to join parties and for players joining parties
- Added ability to see current party members' current activities
- Friends list improvements
- General improvements to functionality and speed
- Added list of players recently met in multiplayer games
- Added indicators for when friends are broadcasting content; added content thumbnails to activity feed
- Added "type-ahead" function to locate profiles faster
- Added context-sensitive menu options
- Added more options during profile views, such as sending invitations and joining parties
- Added 54 new gamerpics
- Twitch TV options
- Added ability to broadcast gameplay through Twitch.TV
- Added support for voice-overs to open and close broadcasts
- Social improvements
- Added list of friends currently online and broadcasting content
- General improvements
- Changes to notification center, including ability to silence the feature
- Game clips can be snapped
- Added password protection to console settings
- Internet browser improvements
- Mapping sites (Google Maps, Bing Maps) can be controlled using Kinect gestures or controller input
- Added search function to highlighted text
- Added Internet Explorer link to show additional results when using console's Bing search function
- Peripheral improvements
- New Xbox One controller firmware adding support for Xbox One Stereo Headset adapter
- Improved support for both Microsoft and third-party headsets
- Updated drivers for Xbox One Media Remote
- SmartGlass improvements
- Added notifications for Xbox Live messages
- Added ability to observe current activity of friends
- Improved access to game clips and game progress
- Snapped apps can be closed through SmartGlass
- Live TV improvements
- Added improved settings for users to display live TV content at 50 Hz
- Added option to change increments in volume changes using Kinect voice commands
- Added IR blasting for power on/off & volume to all regions
- Improved options for AVR setup
- Audio improvements
- Added support for 5.1 Dolby Digital when using SPDIF (optical out)
- Added support for stereo uncompressed, 5.1 uncompressed, 7.1 uncompressed or 5.1 Dolby Digital live or 5.1 DTS through HDMI
14 Apr 2014 - versiunea 6.2.10812.0
- System update improvements
- Added ability for console to complete system updates, including needed reboots, while in "instant-on" mode.
- Added indicators to show what games/apps have recently received updates.
- Added ability for users to get updates themselves instead of waiting for them to be pushed to the console.
- Added game-save progress bar.
- Friends improvements
- Added notifications for when users on friends list sign onto Xbox Live.
- Added notification on friends list for when users are in multiplayer games.
- Blu-ray 50 Hz video output support for content recorded at 50 Hz
- Resolved problem with users in Europe who were experiencing problems with video playback.
- Kinect voice and motion improvements
- Continued improvements to voice and gesture recognition.
- Improved GameDVR video quality
- Improvements to video compression routines.
- Updates to Xbox One device management
- Improvements to control of outside devices thanks to user feedback.
16 May 2014 - versiunea 6.2.10951.0
- New sound options
- Sound Mixer controls volume of apps when the Snap feature is in use, allowing users to choose which audio feed gets priority.
- Chat Mixer controls volume during Kinect Chat usage.
- Speech recognition options
- Users may opt-in to allow Microsoft to collect voice data to improve Kinect's speech recognition abilities.
- System update options
- Users have the option to apply system updates as soon as they become available.
3 Jun 2014 - versiunea 6.2.11064.0
- Additional storage options
- External hard drives now supported. Up to two drives can be connected at one time. Drives must be USB 3.0-compatible or better and 256GB or larger in size.
- Games, apps and other content can be installed to external drives and can be moved between consoles.
- Storage locations can be managed through console interface.
- Friends options
- Users can make their real name known to other users, enabling others to locate them faster. Users control what other users can see their real names; users can maintain their anonymity or names can be visible to all users on the friends list, the friends of those users on the friends list, or to selected friends.
- Xbox Live Gold features
- A new area accessible only to Xbox Live Gold members provides information on various Gold-level features, such as Games with Gold (games offered free of charge) and Deals with Gold (special pricing on content), as well as members-only announcements.
- Sign-in options
- Users can identify a single account that will automatically log-on at system start-up.
- Online store features
- New search features to enable faster searching for content.
- TV and OneGuide features
- Expanded command & control database, permitting access to more devices to be controlled by the console.
- Improved power management settings.
- Premium TV options added for: Canada, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Spain, Italy
7 Jul 2014 - versiunea 6.2.11274.0
- Achivements app improvements
- Achievements app can be snapped into a game, showing all available achievements and progress towards completion.
- Help option launches Bing search of online tips for completing achivements.
- Snap feature improvements
- Pressing controller's Xbox button twice rapidly opens Snap Center, allowing access to any Snap-enabled application while in another app.
- When an app is currently snapped, pressing Xbox button twice rapidly switches between primary and snapped apps.
- Language improvements
- Spoken language chosen for Kinect voice control now independent of region selection for console.
- Content delivery improvements
- Publishers can create content bundles and compilations for sale in Xbox Store.
- Game DVR improvements
- Using SmartGlass, activity feed items and game clips can be "liked".
- Blu-ray drive improvements
- The disc drive can now read user-recordable BD-R/BD-RE discs
* Se va updata!