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Thread: Titanfall

  1. #61 SP
    Senior Member Walkman's Avatar
    Is it just me sau sunt aberante preturile la CE? Pentru US este 250 usd ceea ce e ok dar cand vine vorba de preturile pentru alte regiuni au dat cu bata in balta.
    We are taking this initial deposit in US Dollars, but when you come back to pay the balance (and shipping charges) we will translate that deposit into your local currency. The retail price in the currencies we will support are €299.99 EUR, £249.99 GBP, and $399.99 aud.
    Cum poti domle sa ceri pe ceva pe care in US ceri 250 usd, 250 lire in uk, 300 euro si 400 cad in Australia. Diferenta dintre cad si us e 40 bani maxim. Oare nu putem face nimic in legatura cu asta? Mi se pare aberant!
    Conform xe:
    400.00 CAD = 377.840 USD
    250.00 GBP = 407.175 USD
    300.00 EUR = 412.258 USD

  2. #62 SP
    Senior Member sol1d's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by RonanN1 View Post
    Eu recomand sa-l iei pe PC (asta daca ai PC bun care sa-l duca) - eu unul pe PC mi-l iau.
    Am PC pe care o sa joc pe Ultra++ tot ce va aparea si peste 2 ani, dar parca tot pe consola imi vine sa joc TitanFall-ul. Nu stiu, o fi el FPS dar parca e facut pentru X1 cu gamepad/TV. Sper doar sa fie 1080p, sau macar sa aiba AA din belsug pe X1.

  3. #63 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    Titanfall pe X1 o sa fie 720p.

  4. #64 SP
    Senior Member sol1d's Avatar
    ..speranta moare ultima!
    Poate de voie de nevoie o sa se chinuie sa-l faca 1080p din cauza lui PS4

  5. #65 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    Generatia asta de console din start e depasita. Pe PS4 respectiv X1 merita sa joci doar exclusivitati (ex. Killzone: Shadow Fall sau Dead Rising 3) in rest PC all the way (cel putin asa vad eu lucrurile - defapt asta-i realitatea n-are rost sa ne ascundem dupa vorbe). La jocurile multiplatform (in caz ca e si PC-ul pe lista) PC-ul are de castigat.

    E adevarat ca asta inseamna un efort financiar in plus dar uneori...merita

  6. #66 SP
    Senior Member sol1d's Avatar
    Nu suport in ultima vreme sa ma mai joc pe PC, probabil am intrat in starea aia de plictiseala care la mine dureaza vreun an sa-mi treaca (sau pana apare vreun MMO bun, gen Wildstar sau TESO, ca GW2 m-a suparat rau la cat de prost a ajuns).

  7. #67 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar

  8. #68 SP
    Senior Member nameless_fear's Avatar
    Imi explicati si mie de ce atat hype pentru acest joc cand el este defapt COD cu un jetpack si un robotel in plus?
    Grafic e identic, gameplay e identic, parca vad si perkurile la fel.
    Si atunci cum de COD=zero si Titanfall=infinite?

  9. #69 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    Eu unu' sunt un SUPER FAN "mechs" si mereu mi-au placut jocurile in care au fost implementati si ei daca-mi aduc amine primul joc cu "mechs" pe care l-am jucat a fost Project Horned OWL de pe PSX

    si in plus a fost si on-rail deci din start un joc excelent pt. mine

  10. #70 SP
    Senior Member sol1d's Avatar
    Iti iei din prima zi Oculus Rift sa joci Hawken?
    On-Topic: nu prea mi se pare a fi identic sau ca ar semana cu seria CoD.. Cel putin din cat am vazut pana acum.

  11. #71 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    Oricum niciun joc nu se compara cu P.O.D Capsule (asa-i zic eu)

    Attached Images Attached Images 1463939_10201228123171812_1683934862_n.jpg

  12. #72 SP
    Senior Member sol1d's Avatar
    Titanfall is a futuristic military shooter that will feature snipers, Respawn Entertainment has confirmed.
    "Sniping is in the game, but due to how the game plays it's a pretty different animal than you'll find in your run of the mill modern military shooter," said Titanfall developer "scriptacus" on the official forums. He goes on to explain that, "Quick scoping and no scoping are ineffective."
    He's referring to a few tactics used in many of today's military shooters. Quick scoping involves shooting a player as soon as the reticle lines appears, rather than taking the time to aim down the scope. No scoping, usually done up close, is when a sniper doesn't even use the scope of his gun to aim, instead he just relies on the power of the rifle to take down the target.
    Respawn didn't go in to more detail, so for now it's not clear how strong sniping will be in Titanfall, nor how it will be used to take down the massive Titans.

    Snipers Confirmed For Titanfall, Quick Scoping And No-Scoping Will Be "Ineffective" - IGN

  13. #73 SP
    Senior Member sol1d's Avatar
    Titanfall won't launch with mod support though it could be added later, according to developer Respawn.
    Taking to Twitter, studio co-founder and Call of Duty co-creator Vince Zampella explained that the mech-focused shooter definitely wouldn't be getting mod support or mapping tools at launch, with no firm guarantees they'll ever become a reality.
    Discutiile de pe Tweeter si link-ul de unde am luat stirea: Titanfall Won't Have Mod Support at Launch - IG

  14. #74 SP
    Senior Member Khufu's Avatar

  15. #75 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    Imi place 6v6 sunta excelent, chiar competitiv

  16. #76 SP
    Senior Member Rasko's Avatar
    daca n-are free for all ii degeaba

  17. #77 SP
    Senior Member ReNeGaDe124's Avatar
    Numarul mai mic de playeri din multiplayer poate fi un semn bun. Intotdeauna am preferat un numar mai restrans de jucatori in modurile online; nu se creaza asa mult haos si poate fi jucat mai tactic. Ce mi se pare stupid insa, este combinarea de playeri reali cu boti.

    Titanfall pads out each team with a bunch of AI soldiers--occasionally described by Respawn as "popcorn enemies"--that will allow players an opportunity to score points in the game without facing off against their more challenging human adversaries.
    Cu alte cuvinte, sa ofere satisfactie oricarui noob ca reuseste si el sa omoare pe cineva.

  18. #78 SP
    Sunt Eco Dj Mo's Avatar
    Are si o parte buna totusi. Sunt foarte multi care ies si asa macar un bot mai atrage atentia.

  19. #79 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Attached Images Attached Images uploadfromtaptalk1389817146449.jpg uploadfromtaptalk1389817135327.jpg

  20. #80 SP
    Senior Member sol1d's Avatar
    parca e cu stickere pe el

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