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Thread: Gears of War 4

  1. #1 SP
    Senior Member Rasko's Avatar

    Gears of War 4

    Microsoft Studios acquires rights to Gears of War franchise

    Today we're excited to announce that Microsoft Studios has acquired the rights to the “Gears of War” franchise from Epic Games, including rights to all existing and future games, entertainment experiences and merchandise. In addition, we are excited to announce that Black Tusk Studios in Vancouver, BC will take over development of the “Gears of War” franchise and that Rod Fergusson, former Director of Production at Epic Games on the “Gears of War” franchise, will join Microsoft and play a key studio leadership role at Black Tusk on the development of the franchise going forward. We had a chance to chat with Phil Spencer, Head of Microsoft Studios, Hanno Lemke, General Manager of Black Tusk Studios at Microsoft Studios, and Rod Fergusson about the big news.

    Se pare ca cei de la Black Tusk se ocupa exclusiv de Gears of War, cu Rod Ferguson ca un "pion" important in construirea acestui proiect. Veste foarte buna, e motivul pentru care imi voi cumpara One.
    Attached Images Attached Images gowxb1.jpg

  2. #2 SP
    Member BlackSnake's Avatar
    Ce urat . Ma asteptam sa faca trecerea pe playstation. Acuma s-a terminat cu el gata.

  3. #3 SP
    Senior Member Rasko's Avatar
    Este ca si cum te-ai fi asteptat ca Uncharted sau God of War sa vina pe Xbox One, adica aiureli.

  4. #4 SP
    Member BlackSnake's Avatar
    Nu e adevarat ce zici tu si nici nu avea sens pana acuma. Ip-ul era a lui Epic si puteau sa il puna pe orice platforma vroiau ei si sigur aparea urmatorul Gears pe ps4, asa ca Microsoft s-au asigurat ca nu o sa apara si ca atare l-au cumparat. God of War si Uncharted sunt ale lui Sony fiindca sunt first party games, Gears of War era third party exclusive.

  5. #5 SP
    Senior Member ReNeGaDe124's Avatar
    Eh, asa parca mai merge. Xbox One devine mai atragator din acest moment. Un pas important in directia cea buna pentru Microsoft.

  6. #6 SP
    Member solaru's Avatar
    Mai trebuie sa anunte Crackdown 3 si gata... vom avea un an spectaculos!

    News: Microsoft and Crackdown 2 studio tease new game reveals - Total

  7. #7 SP
    Member SwingShot's Avatar
    Acum doar mai trebuie sa se apuce sa faca si un nou Gears....eventually Urasc asteptarile astea. Cya in 3 years

  8. #8 SP
    Member solaru's Avatar
    CEi de la Black Tusk lucreaza deja la un joc neanuntat de peste 1 an...f probabil sa fie Gears. asa ca mai degraba prin martie 2015?!

  9. #9 SP
    Senior Member ReNeGaDe124's Avatar
    Cum sa lucreze la Gears of War daca nu detineau drepturile pentru franciza? Se pare ca cei de la Black Tusk au renuntat momentan la noul IP la care lucrau pentru a incepe munca la noul Gears: What happened to Black Tusk's "highly ambitious" new IP? • News • Xbox One • Cred ca de abia prin 2016 o sa mai aflam informatii noi despre joc.

  10. #10 SP
    Senior Member ReNeGaDe124's Avatar
    A venit si confirmarea. Se lucreaza doar de o saptamana la joc:
    Attached Images Attached Images h6jlwiz.png

  11. #11 SP
    Senior Member Rasko's Avatar
    Probabil lansare late 2015 sau 2016.

  12. #12 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    At this point it's a common sentiment: the world of indie game development is packed with designers who exchanged the high-octane world of AAA gaming for freedom and flexibility, and all sorts of pundits have declared that consoles as we know them won't be around for many more decades. Still, it's fascinating to see this coming from Cliff Bleszinski, the guy who helped create one of last generation's biggest franchises. Is the world of traditional retail AAA games really dying?

  13. #13 SP
    VIP Member OEE's Avatar
    Dafuq is wrong with people today! Intai el, apoi Ken Levine, geez..

  14. #14 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar

  15. #15 SP
    Senior Member sol1d's Avatar
    din interviu:
    "As far as [Gears], at the end of the day, you're shooting ****ing lizard-men in the ****ing face with a ****ing chainsaw gun," he says candidly. "It didn't wind up what I'd hoped; I'd pitched it as 'Band of Brothers with monsters' -- you know Band of Brothers is well-done and emotional, telling the story of the Greatest Generation and what they did in the war. Yet somehow we landed on 'Predator'... the characters being all 'buff and manly', I'd never planned on that."

  16. #16 SP
    Member Plavs's Avatar
    inca nu am x1 dar daca vor scoate gears sigur mi-l voi lua deja sunt inebunit dupa TITANFALL

  17. #17 SP
    Senior Member BizZare's Avatar
    Xbox One Gears of War Making "Massive Progress"

    Desi acest controller e "fake" arata interesant.
    Attached Images Attached Images controller-x1.png

  18. #18 SP
    Senior Member BizZare's Avatar
    Pana la Gow4 e posibil sa primim o ....remasterizare.

    It looks like the original Gears of War could be remade if the Marcus Fenix collection drops for the Xbox One.
    Previously, Phil Spencer was seen teasing fans on Twitter regarding the Gears of War: Marcus Fenix collection in which Gears of War 1, 2 and 3 are going to be released on the Xbox One, similar to the Halo Master Chief Collection.

    And now, it seems that Gears of War 1 would be remade or at the very least, remastered, for the Marcus Fenix Collection.
    In a report by Cyberland, Microsoft is going to use the Gears of War 1 remake/remaster to learn the development method needed to make a good Gears of War game for the Xbox One, performance and optimization wise. The report notes that Microsoft wants to have consistent 60fps on their "killer app" shooters and that the Gears of War remake/remaster would be a good way of learning how to do it.
    This report comes in line with Phil Spencer admitting that the team in charge for making Gears of War is getting good with using the tools needed to make Xbox One games.
    As reported by KpopStarz, Phil Spencer implied on a tweet that the team is getting more adept with the Xbox One hardware.
    "As happens on any [platform, the] longer teams have w/ [hardware] the better they get at using n better the tools get," he wrote.
    The report also mentions that the head of marketing for Xbox Games, Aaron Greenberg, replied to Phil Spencer to concur with his assessment, writing "agree, super impressed with this team. #DreamTeam."

  19. #19 SP
    Senior Member iry's Avatar
    Foarte bine, sa vina cat mai repede

  20. #20 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    The Gears of War franchise has been absent for quite some time, since the release of Gears of War: Judgement a couple of years ago. There’s definitely some work being done, and details about the future of the series are coming soon. There’s a brand new team at Black Tusk after the acquisition from Epic by Microsoft. Former series producer and director Rod Fergusson was hired to oversee the franchise at the time of the acquisition and now it has been announced that he has officially taken over as head of Black Tusk and the Gears of War franchise as a whole.

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