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Thread: Clubul Xbox Series X

  1. #661 SP
    Banned Phil Spencer's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by KurtKnispel View Post
    Aproape ireal. Ar fi ceva ca TES VI sa fie timed exclusive sau chiar exclusiv pe platforma MS. Cred ca au invartit o suma colosala pentru bomba asta de piata.

    Un lucru e cert. Generatia asta, Microsoft ia lucrurile (foarte) in serios. Bravo, deci se poate!

    Phil, unde esti? Ai cuvantul.
    7.5 miliarde $. Este suma în care intra și eliminarea bugs din jocurile care vor urma.

    PS: TES VI release date 2023

  2. #662 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by paul View Post
    big news MS asta trebuie facut. sa vedem ce vor scoate pe XSX. planuiam sa iau XSX la sf lui 2021 ca atunci pare sa se lanseze marea majoritatea a jocurilor dar daca continua cu vestile bune pot sa iau si la anul

  3. #663 SP
    Member KurtKnispel's Avatar

  4. #664 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar

  5. #665 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Ce zice Todd Howard:
    Quote Originally Posted by Bethesda Game Studios
    I have had the pleasure of working with, and partnering with, many of the best gaming and tech companies in the world. But our longest, and closest partner during my career, has been Microsoft.

    I have been incredibly blessed to spend my entire career at, and help build, one of the best places to make games in the world - Bethesda.

    And I’ve had the joy of doing it with some of the most talented, humble, and passionate people there are. They are part of my family, and my good friends. I have also had the pleasure of working with, and partnering with, many of the best gaming and tech companies in the world. But our longest, and closest partner during my career, has been Microsoft.

    Today we join them, and I wanted to share some personal thoughts on what it means and our shared vision.

    The trajectory of Xbox, and the trajectory of Bethesda, in many ways have gone hand in hand.

    From our beginning, we had primarily been a PC developer. In 1999, two things happened. One, Bethesda became part of a brand-new startup - ZeniMax Media. And Microsoft started development of their first video game console - The Xbox. I can remember my first trip to Redmond to discuss the new system and bringing our next game, Morrowind, to the Xbox.

    I was dubious Xbox Morrowind would be worth the time, somewhat on a technical level, but more so from taking a hardcore RPG and moving it from a PC desktop experience to a controller-and-sofa experience. If we made it work, would people want it?

    Microsoft and their new Xbox crew had a view, that I came to share completely. Shouldn’t we allow anyone to have this experience? Why does it matter where the screen is or what the controller is? There are many people without the same access, and we can bring it to them.

    Morrowind would go on to become one of the best-selling Xbox games of all time, behind Halo, another PC style game some said wouldn’t work. Its success paved the way for the growth of our company, and proved the point - people wanted this experience, regardless of device.

    Microsoft quickly let us in on their next system, the Xbox 360. More than a PC port, our aim with our next game, Oblivion, was to usher in the next generation of gaming. With each game, from Fallout 3 to Skyrim, our studio and company grew, adding brilliant and like-minded studios across the globe. All of us sharing in the belief that expanding the reach of gaming was fundamental, whether it was on a pc, console, your phone, or the cloud.

    With each new console cycle, we evolved together. From bringing mods to consoles with Fallout 4, now over a billion downloads, to the latest technologies fueling Xbox Series X/S. These new systems are optimized for the vast worlds we love to create, with generational leaps not just in graphics, but CPU and data streaming as well. It’s led to our largest engine overhaul since Oblivion, with all new technologies powering our first new IP in 25 years, Starfield, as well as The Elder Scrolls VI.

    Like our original partnership, this one is about more than one system or one screen. We share a deep belief in the fundamental power of games, in their ability to connect, empower, and bring joy. And a belief we should bring that to everyone - regardless of who you are, where you live, or what you play on. Regardless of the screen size, the controller, or your ability to even use one.

    We can’t think of a better group of people to do that with than those at Xbox. We have friendships that go back to those original days. From Phil to his senior leaders to developer support, they don’t just talk about putting players first, they passionately live it.

    At Bethesda, we’ve been lucky enough to create games we love, and have an audience who loves them as much as we do. I have personally been humbled by the many industry honors I have received, as they belong to the entire studio. But one has always stood out to me for a special reason. When I received the Lifetime Achievement Award at GDC, I joked in my acceptance “I wonder how many achievement points this one is worth?” At the end of the ceremony, some good friends from Microsoft congratulated me and said they’d find out. A few months later I was given a code to a game they had created, named after me and locked to my account. When ran, it unlocks a single achievement - “Lifetime - 1000pts.”

    It still sits in my list when I check, and I smile every time.
    It has been a lifetime. But there’s more to come and achievements to unlock together. We hope you join us.

    All the best,

    Todd Howard
    Bethesda Game Studios
    Todd Howard On Joining Xbox
    Attached Images Attached Images bgs_xbox_largehero.png

  6. #666 SP
    Member fdkenzo's Avatar
    O mutare foarte buna pentru Game Pass, daca mai achiziționează un studio mare in viitorul apropiat, Microsoft ii pune doliul pe usa celor de la Google cu STADIA.

  7. #667 SP
    Member KurtKnispel's Avatar
    Xbox Game Pass Now Has Over 15 Million Subscribers. Fac tone de bani anual numai din GP. Acum un an, doi, aveau putin peste 10 milioane.

    Daca mai cumpara si vreun conglomerat japonez gen Square Enix, s-au aranjat pe vecie.

  8. #668 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar

    Attached Images Attached Images 4fqk1r.jpg

  9. #669 SP
    Senior Member Khufu's Avatar
    Oho, big chess moves here. Bravo, pun osul la treaba, sa nu se culce nimeni pe o ureche

  10. #670 SP
    Cons. Mercedes-Benz djleo666's Avatar
    Microsoft a scos unitatea blue ray din consola cu un scop precis (game pass + anuntul de acum + probabil altele care vor mai urma). Sony a scos si el unitatea si acum se uita uimit la ea. )

  11. #671 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Sony are bani doar de timed-exlusives:

  12. #672 SP
    Member biagyydog's Avatar
    Iti dai seama ca acum or sa te iubeasca si mai mult baetii de la $ony

  13. #673 SP
    Member KurtKnispel's Avatar
    Cand multi spuneau despre Spencer ca e genial in gandire, credeam ca e vreun soi de gluma sarcastica la adresa lui.

    Se pare ca omul chiar stie ce face, plus ca e o persona incredibil de modesta. Faceti doar o mica comparatie intre Mattrick si Spencer.

    Chiar merita un reviriment MS, la cat de oropsiti de soarta au fost generatia asta...

  14. #674 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar

  15. #675 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by biagyydog View Post
    Iti dai seama ca acum or sa te iubeasca si mai mult baetii de la $ony
    Asta e adevarul. Chiar daca divizia PlayStation e mai profitabila decat divizia Xbox, Nadella e de acord cu strategia lui Spencer si ii da bani.

    Tango Gameworks (seria The Evil Within, Ghostwire: Tokyo) este primul studio japonez al Microsoft. Shinji Mikami e acum team Xbox.
    Attached Images Attached Images eiccnnpxsaimhiv.jpg

  16. #676 SP
    Member KurtKnispel's Avatar
    O chestie foarte misto.

    The New Xbox Mobile App Allows You To Download Games Before You Buy

    "In order to access this feature, all you need to do is download the new app via the Google Play Store, and search for the title you're interested in. From there, you'll be prompted to download the game to your console, and the install will begin as normal. A great option for those who like pre-ordering physical discs"

  17. #677 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Da, e misto:
    Parerea lui John Carmack:

  18. #678 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by KurtKnispel View Post
    Chiar merita un reviriment MS, la cat de oropsiti de soarta au fost generatia asta...
    Si-au facut-o si cu mana lor, nu e nici macar vina concurentei. Totul a luat-o razna din momentul in care au decis ca pentru ei conteaza mai mult PC gaming-ul decat sa tina exclusivitatile pe Xbox. Probabil pentru ca le si suflau in ceafa Steam, Epic & Co. Dar incet-incet, daca o tin tot asa, s-ar putea chiar sa fie un mega deal sa ai combo-ul PC/Xbox. Sa cumperi varianta mai ieftina (usually de PC) si sa poti juca pe Xbox. Sau invers.

  19. #679 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Introducing a new way to share:

  20. #680 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by MonkY View Post
    Si-au facut-o si cu mana lor, nu e nici macar vina concurentei. Totul a luat-o razna din momentul in care au decis ca pentru ei conteaza mai mult PC gaming-ul decat sa tina exclusivitatile pe Xbox. Probabil pentru ca le si suflau in ceafa Steam, Epic & Co. Dar incet-incet, daca o tin tot asa, s-ar putea chiar sa fie un mega deal sa ai combo-ul PC/Xbox. Sa cumperi varianta mai ieftina (usually de PC) si sa poti juca pe Xbox. Sau invers.
    Cred ca ar fi cel mai nefericit combo, bani aruncați aiurea pe un PC acum când ai cu 500 de euro un super Xbox.

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