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Thread: Clubul Xbox 360

  1. #1 SP
    Senior Member Mika's Avatar

    Clubul Xbox 360

    Cred ca merita facut un astfel de thread, deoarece intotdeauna or sa apara stiri, zvonuri, informatii, etc. legat de aceasta consola care vor trebui dezbatute. De asemenea si problemele tehnice vor putea fi rezolvate aici (cu exceptia RROD ).
    Attached Images Attached Images xbox-wall.jpg

  2. #2 SP
    Junior Member gatsu10's Avatar

    John Carmack 'QuakeCon 2008 Interview' - John Carmack 'QuakeCon 2008 Interview' Video (id Software co-founder praises and bashes consoles. In this interview, John Carmack gives his thoughts on the PS3 and Xbox 360)

    Nu are legatura doar cu 360ul insa sunt niste informatii interesante spuse in acest interviu pe care...cel putin le stiam.

  3. #3 SP
    Senior Member Mika's Avatar
    foarte interesant interviul din partea unei persoane echidistante si cu mintea la cap.

  4. #4 SP
    Junior Member I Zuben I's Avatar
    Extraordinar interviu, id Software revine in forta!

  5. #5 SP
    Member Sanjuro's Avatar
    C�t de demni de �ncredere sunt cei de la tothegame, nu știu, dar! conform paginii destinate lui Alan Wake, jocul apare pe 31.10.2008! Remedy spune despre joc că �n nici un caz nu este anulat sau (nice term btw) abadonware.

  6. #6 SP
    Senior Member Mika's Avatar
    ar fi frumos sa se lanseze pe 31.10, odata cu Left 4 Dead, dar totusi daca il lanseaza peste cateva luni cred ca ar fi avut parte de un marketing mult mai agresiv (trailere, interviuri, etc.).

  7. #7 SP
    Senior Member Bobby's Avatar
    Conform forumul oficial declaratia lor este urmatoarea :

    Yeah at the moment, as covered in the FAQ, it's still "When it's done". Don't believe anything you see on any other sites.
    Alan Wake Forums - View Single Post - Alan Wake release date?

  8. #8 SP
    Member Sanjuro's Avatar
    Bobby, post-ul ăla e datat 01.04.2006 și a �mplinit vineri 2 ani și 4 luni. Timp suficient să se mai schimbe lucrurile...sper...

  9. #9 SP
    __The Game__ GreyhounD's Avatar
    Data de pe tothegame este data anuntata oficial de catre producator, data care intre timp nu s-a schimbat. Bineinteles ca daca producatorul doreste sa amane, comunica alta data. Deci pana la noi informatii Alan Wake iese pe 31.10.2008

  10. #10 SP
    Senior Member Bobby's Avatar
    Da. My bad

    Uite. 14 iulie 2008

    A note about the release date - please read before posting
    First of all, the official release date of Alan Wake is TO BE DETERMINED. It will remain that way until Remedy/Microsoft Game Studios say otherwise.

    When will that happen? To quote Remedy:

    Originally Posted by MikaRMD
    The release date will be published when everything is ready for it. Do not believe anything you may read on websites other than or
    I will personally guarantee that the release date information (when official) will be available here on the boards posted by a Remedy employee. Which makes these boards kind of special...

    In our experience, a large number of websites and online retailers report what we call placeholder or 'speculative release dates'. In other words, they�re making an educated guess until the real date is published. Unfortunately, while they may have their reasons for doing this, as far as I'm concerned this misinformation is both confusing to you and unhelpful for us. So again, unless you hear official confirmation from Remedy (not forum staff); please consider these dates as nothing more than rumour/placeholder.

    Moreover, please do not post threads about possible release dates, because they will be locked (and possibly deleted).

    To illustrate the point, the following is a (non-exhaustive) list of some of the dates that have proven false.

    Confirmed as false:

    November 15, 2005 -
    November 29, 2005 -
    September 1, 2006 -
    29th September, 2006 - Amazon UK
    October 10, 2006 -
    January 1, 2007 - EBGames
    January 5, 2007 -
    January 31, 2007 - Bestbuy
    January 2007 - IGN
    July 6, 2007 - Eurogamer
    July 7, 2007 -
    December 2007,
    February 29, 2008 - Gameplay
    March 13 2008 - unknown site
    March 21, 2008 - unknown Xbox360 site
    March 21, 2008 - (For PS3!?)


    September 5th/30th, 2008 -
    September 21, 2008 -
    September 26th, 2008 - Gamefaqs
    September 26, 2008 or TBA 2009* - IGN
    October 1, 2008 -
    October 31, 2008 - Gameplay
    November 28, 2008 -
    December 31, 2008 - EB Games
    December 31/January 2, 2009 - Gamestop
    The eagle-eyed members of the forum will notice a few repeat offenders in that list.

    Further things to wary of:

    *Fake box art (using screenshots circa 2005/6).
    *Lack of previews, reviews, and marketing/promotion
    *People who claim they have insider info - almost certainly just seeking attention.
    *Inconsistent dates
    *Fiscal quarters and constantly changing dates...

    ...You should especially be wary of dates that fall within a week of the beginning and end of the fiscal quarters:

    * 1st Quarter: October 1 � December 31
    * 2nd Quarter: January 1 � March 31
    * 3rd Quarter: April 1 � June 30
    * 4th Quarter: July 1 � September 30

    Online retailers often use these dates as standard, presumably because they're more plausible (publishers tend to release big games close to the start of quarters - especially around Christmas). It also means you can get several sites reporting the same date, or similar -- again just because it sounds plausible, doesn't mean it's the real deal.

    Furthermore, most sites continually update their dates (usually by 6-9 months) as they're proven wrong or when more reliable information comes out. This is not because the game is slipping behind schedule -- odds are the date was false to begin with.

    Estimating a game's release date is like firing a cannon at a target that's running towards you -- the first shot might miss, so you adjust your aim and fire again. You miss once more, but the target is now closer, so it's a little bit easier to hit. You keep going until you eventually hit the target - even if it's only a few feet away. In other words, yes, eventually they will be correct, but for all we know, they're just shooting blindly. Believe them at your own risk.

    Thanks for reading, and please refer to this thread for links to the FAQ and more information about Alan Wake.
    A note about the release date - please read before posting - Alan Wake Forums

  11. #11 SP
    Member SpitFire's Avatar
    Xbox 360 Common Controller
    Controller Arcade pentru XBOX360

    Vreau sa-mi iau inca un controller ce sa aleg intre astea doua? Care-i diferenta?

  12. #12 SP
    Senior Member Bobby's Avatar
    Uite aici la Donely.

    X-BOX 360 joypad wireless = 120 lei

    La emag e 125 ron ala cu fir. And playing without wireless is not fun

  13. #13 SP
    Member SpitFire's Avatar
    A, pf, mersi nu stiam ca vinde asa ceva la pretul asta Voi vorbii cu el pe Y!M, multumesc!

  14. #14 SP
    Senior Member nops66's Avatar

    Xbox 360 - Pune o intrebare, primeste un raspuns

    Dumnezeu a zis "cere si ti se vada"

    Eu zic: intrebati si vi se va raspunde
    Attached Images Attached Images microsofts-xbox-360_faq.jpg

  15. #15 SP
    Junior Member Cezar3ro's Avatar
    Cum pot vedea si eu filme in format .mkv???
    vad ca nu recunoaste formatul iar aproape toate filmele HD sunt in acest format...stie cineva ce trebuie facut???mersi

  16. #16 SP
    Senior Member Dj Mo's Avatar
    streaming de pe pc prin media center cu transcode sau cu tversity... altfel nu merge

  17. #17 SP
    Junior Member gatsu10's Avatar

  18. #18 SP
    Senior Member Bobby's Avatar
    Nu merg filmele de pe sectiunea User Movies. Nu mai incercati sa atasati. Daca vrei neaparat sa puneti un link catre User Movies deselectati optiunea " Automatically embed media (requires automatic parsing of links in text to be on). " atunci cand postati.

  19. #19 SP
    Junior Member gatsu10's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Bobby View Post
    Nu merg filmele de pe sectiunea User Movies. Nu mai incercati sa atasati. Daca vrei neaparat sa puneti un link catre User Movies deselectati optiunea " Automatically embed media (requires automatic parsing of links in text to be on). " atunci cand postati.
    Nu gasesc optiunea respectiva....poate imi poti spune si mie unde este plssssss

  20. #20 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Lasa man, ca merge si asa. Oricum e link cu filmuletul in header. Pt. cine e interesat, da click acolo si gaseste. Intre timp, speram sa facem sa mearga si User Movies de pe Gametrailers... si fiind deja linkurile introduse, ar trebui sa "plece" automat

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