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Thread: Clubul Xbox Series X

  1. #921 SP
    Cons. Mercedes-Benz djleo666's Avatar
    Un 20$ tot le ramane la fiecare consola. In mod legal nu poti produce si vinde in pierdere un produs nou nici daca iti doresti asta.

  2. #922 SP
    Senior Member Se7en Fury's Avatar
    Poate nu ai înțeles afacerea, nu ii interesează ce profit au la device-uri, pe ei îi interesează să vândă cât mai mult pe partea de soft.

  3. #923 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Guys, s-a mai discutat de cateva ori situatia asta. Nu fiti naivi. Nu vinde nimeni, nimic in pierdere. Totul se face pe baza unei estimari initiale si in pretul final de vanzare este inclus si marketing si asamblare si shipping si absolut tot. Si da, exista si profit pe fiecare unitate vanduta, atat la Sony cat si la Microsoft sau Apple sau you name it.

    Iar legat de estimarile pe care le fac anumite site-uri, toate sunt bazate strict pe valoarea produsului pe piata, dar toate astea se super negociaza la cantitatile pe care le achizitioneaza ei (si nu e doar 1 time thing ci e ceva contract semnat in avans pentru x ani, cat este durata de viata a produsului respectiv), astfel ca ajungi la niste costuri infime pentru anumite lucruri, mult sub pretul pietei si mult sub estimarile lor.
    Iar pretul real de productie nu-l vom afla niciodata, cum nici pana acum nu stim cat au costat day 1 componentele din PS4 sau din PS3, samd, comparativ cu pretul de vanzare.

  4. #924 SP
    Cons. Mercedes-Benz djleo666's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Se7en Fury View Post
    Poate nu ai înțeles afacerea, nu ii interesează ce profit au la device-uri, pe ei îi interesează să vândă cât mai mult pe partea de soft.
    Poate nu ai inteles legea: nu ai voie ca si comerciant sa produci ceva si sa vinzi cu profit 0 sau chiar pe pierdere deoarece nu mai platesti nimic statului. Gandeste-te ca statul trebuie sa incaseze 16% din profit si 19% TVA.
    Deci suma minima pe care Microsoft si Sony o castiga la fiecare consola e 1 cent. Dar cei de la Forbes sau The Verge (chiar nu mai stiu care ca citisem prin August) aproximasera un profit de 20-30$ la fiecare consola produsa, profit care poate fi chiar mai mare de atat (nu cu mult oricum ca si magazinele vor o felie din placinta

  5. #925 SP
    Senior Member Se7en Fury's Avatar
    Nu cunosc legea dar ce ai scris tu mai sus este o aberație, din moment ce ai bătut bon fiscal pe o anumită sumă statul își oprește partea, statul nu știe cât te costă pe tine să produci acel lucru.

  6. #926 SP
    Cons. Mercedes-Benz djleo666's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Se7en Fury View Post
    Nu cunosc legea dar ce ai scris tu mai sus este o aberație, din moment ce ai bătut bon fiscal pe o anumită sumă statul își oprește partea, statul nu știe cât te costă pe tine să produci acel lucru.
    Pai nu are de unde sa stie ca nu ai facturi de intrare pe respectivul bun...
    Be smart, don‘t be like Dorel
    Da, Microsoft poate “convinge” Foxconn sa le dea facturi de productie per bucata la 298$ (cand de fapt costa sa zicem 449$) si ei sa le vanda consolele la 299$ (pe pierdere). Dar asta ar insemna ilegalitate (daca se prinde departamentul de finante al USA au belit-o ca platesc sute de milioane amenda) si in plus Microsoft nu are inima atat de mare incat sa se gandeasca “hai sa le dam mai ieftin ca recuperam noi dupa din subscriptii...”.
    Nu, Microsoft gandeste ca face 20$ profit la consola * 40 mil console vandute = 800 mil $, plus 15$ luna de gamepass ultimate * 12 luni * 10 milioane de console vandute = 1,8 miliarde $
    Cam asa gandesc la nivelul lor...

  7. #927 SP
    Member ymess's Avatar
    E o strategie veche de cand lumea sa vinzi deviceuri care nu aduc profit pe fabricatie.
    Ganditi-va cu OnePlus, voi chiar credeti ca OnePlus One, OnePlus Two aveau reteta smartphoneurilor ieftine, profitabile de fabricat, cu specificatii high-end dar nu puteau produce atatea dispozitive? Sistemul lor de invitatii progresive a fost o schema de marketing. OnePlus ca firma era cu istoric zero, dar au vandut in pierdere un numar limitat de deviceuri miraculoase la vremea aceea in raport calitate / pret. Si acum mai produc miracole? Nu, dar tot vand la scara larga dar vand produse bune, si lumea nu se mai teme ca e cine stie ce brand chinezesc, ci e unul de top.
    Mai pune la socoteala si Amazon Kindle. Sunt o multime de produse digitale care, daca nu bagi bani in servicii, nu ai ce sa faci cu ele.
    Dar cred ca e si un exemplu clasic, daca nu ma insel cu lamele Gilette, aceeasi poveste cu aparatele ieftine de barbierit si cu lamele la suprapret. Sigur nu cred ca se interpreteaza asa legea.
    Adaosul pe consola vanduta e nimica toata (daca e). Si din gamepass da, se fac bani okay. Dar ganditi-va ca la fiecare joc AAA vandut, Sony / Microsoft ia un procent din asta. Cei ala 800 milioane profit cand in 2019 (an slab de final de generatie), tot sectorul xbox scoate 10 miliarde pe an?

  8. #928 SP
    Member lukecelmare's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by djleo666 View Post
    Pai nu are de unde sa stie ca nu ai facturi de intrare pe respectivul bun...
    Be smart, don‘t be like Dorel
    Da, Microsoft poate “convinge” Foxconn sa le dea facturi de productie per bucata la 298$ (cand de fapt costa sa zicem 449$) si ei sa le vanda consolele la 299$ (pe pierdere). Dar asta ar insemna ilegalitate (daca se prinde departamentul de finante al USA au belit-o ca platesc sute de milioane amenda) si in plus Microsoft nu are inima atat de mare incat sa se gandeasca “hai sa le dam mai ieftin ca recuperam noi dupa din subscriptii...”.
    Nu, Microsoft gandeste ca face 20$ profit la consola * 40 mil console vandute = 800 mil $, plus 15$ luna de gamepass ultimate * 12 luni * 10 milioane de console vandute = 1,8 miliarde $
    Cam asa gandesc la nivelul lor...
    Scuza-ma dar in viata mea nu am citit ceva mai aberant . Uneori e ok sa luam 5 minute si sa recunoastem ca nu le stim pe toate si este ok . Tu nu ai habar absolut deloc de economie , comert international si legislatia fiscala a SUA .

  9. #929 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Inca un unboxing, dar in spaniola: 1:34:

  10. #930 SP
    Cons. Mercedes-Benz djleo666's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by lukecelmare View Post
    Scuza-ma dar in viata mea nu am citit ceva mai aberant . Uneori e ok sa luam 5 minute si sa recunoastem ca nu le stim pe toate si este ok . Tu nu ai habar absolut deloc de economie , comert international si legislatia fiscala a SUA .
    E foarte usor si simplu sa faci prost pe cineva fara sa aduci argumente. De asemenea am muncit vreo 5 ani ca economist si am avut o constanta legatura cu contabilitatea. Clar nu le cunosc pe toate, dar am impresia ca tu cunosti chiar TOTUL inca nu te mai obosesti sa mai explici la toti prostii..

  11. #931 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    PlayStation cu Travis Scott, Xbox cu Snoop Dogg:
    - frigider Series X:

  12. #932 SP
    Senior Member keanustar's Avatar
    Si unboxing pt frigiderul Xbox. Jos palaria pt ce au facut.

  13. #933 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Pfoai, ce misto arata. Vreau si eu! Hai ca poate intra Microsoft si pe piata de frigidere.

  14. #934 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Series X|S official next-gen walkthrough:

  15. #935 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar

  16. #936 SP
    Senior Member Se7en Fury's Avatar
    @djleo666 nu te face nimeni, te faci singur prost.

    Există modelul asta de business și oricum din articolul asta îți dai seama singur că vorbești numai aberați și nu ai habar.

    Articolul este din 2013.

  17. #937 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar

    Quote Originally Posted by Xbox Wire
    A Closer Look at How Xbox Series X|S Integrates Full AMD RDNA 2 Architecture

    We here at Team Xbox would like to congratulate and celebrate our amazing partners at AMD on today’s announcement of the Radeon RX 6000 Series of RDNA 2 GPUs. It was incredible to see AMD demonstrate the power and potential that the new AMD RDNA 2 architecture can deliver to gamers around the globe. AMD continues to be an industry leader in CPU and GPU innovation, bringing next-generation capabilities to the PC, console and cloud.

    The long-term strategic relationship between Xbox and AMD over the past 15 years, beginning with the Xbox 360, is at the heart of the Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S. With the upcoming launch of the Xbox Series X|S on November 10, together we are ushering in the next generation of gaming delivering a level of power, performance and compatibility never before seen in console gaming, powered by AMD’s latest “Zen 2” and RDNA 2 architectures. Xbox Series X|S are the only next-generation consoles with full hardware support for all the RDNA 2 capabilities AMD showcased today.

    AMD’s latest RDNA 2 architecture delivers a significant increase in performance and efficiency over previous architectures, as well as adding new hardware acceleration capabilities including hardware accelerated DirectX Raytracing, Mesh Shaders, Sampler Feedback and Variable Rate Shading. Hardware accelerated DirectX Raytracing, showcased at launch by titles such as Ubisoft’s Watch Dogs: Legion, enables developers to deliver a new level of visual fidelity and immersion through techniques such as realistic lighting, shadows, reflections and acoustics. Mesh Shaders can manipulate geometry in real time to provide a high level of fidelity and flexibility that developers have never had before. Sampler Feedback greatly improves memory efficiency by allowing games to load into memory, with fine granularity, only the portions of textures that the GPU needs for a scene, as it needs it, providing an effective 2.5x memory and bandwidth multiplier beyond the raw hardware capabilities. Sampler Feedback also enables efficient creation and shading of textures on-demand.

    Finally, Variable Rate Shading (VRS) delivers much finer grain control on how developers can leverage the full power of the Xbox Series X|S by enabling developers to focus their GPU resources on the areas of a frame that most benefit without reducing the overall image quality. By leveraging techniques like VRS, games such as Gears 5 can see performance increases up to 15% and beyond resulting in higher, more consistent frame rates and resolution at the exact same image quality. All of these next-generation capabilities are available via hardware in both the Xbox Series X and Series S and we are excited for them to also come to PC, providing a common set of features that developers can rely on when developing their games across console and PC.

    At the very beginning of development of the Xbox Series X | S, we knew we were setting the foundation for the next decade of gaming innovation and performance across console, PC and cloud. To deliver on this vision we wanted to leverage the full capabilities of RDNA 2 in hardware from day one. Through close collaboration and partnership between Xbox and AMD, not only have we delivered on this promise, we have gone even further introducing additional next-generation innovation such as hardware accelerated Machine Learning capabilities for better NPC intelligence, more lifelike animation, and improved visual quality via techniques such as ML powered super resolution.

    In our quest to put gamers and developers first we chose to wait for the most advanced technology from our partners at AMD before finalizing our architecture. Now, with the upcoming release of Xbox Series X|S and the new AMD Radeon RX 6000 Series GPUs, developers have a common set of next-generation tools and performance capabilities that will empower them to deliver transformative gaming experiences across both console and PC.

    We are extremely proud of the results gamers will see at launch from titles such as Gears 5, Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, Dirt 5, and many, many more, but we are even more excited by how developers will be able to take further advantage of these next-generation innovations in the future, resulting in a level of visual fidelity and immersion never before thought possible in console gaming.

    We want to thank AMD for their continued partnership, and we congratulate them on the announcements today as they usher in the next generation of graphics technology into the PC ecosystem. With less than two weeks from the global launch of Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S on November 10, we can’t wait to kick off the next decade of gaming with you.
    A Closer Look at How Xbox Series X|S Integrates Full AMD RDNA 2 Architecture - Xbox Wire
    Attached Images Attached Images rdna2_hero.jpg

  18. #938 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Daca este adevarat ce zice in articolul asta si nu este doar "omis" faptul ca si PS5 ca avea ceva identic, este fff nasol si absolut stupid din partea lui Sony

    Efectiv ar ramane singurii cu implementare diferita pentru unele chestii si nu face deloc sens, atata timp cat hardware-ul e 100% DX12U compliant si toate engine-urile de jocuri vor avea full support pt vii cu ceva diferit...incurci pe toata lumea.
    Daca este asa, e posibil sa revedem situatia lui PS3, care era o consola foarte puternica dar pe care nu au putut programa decat putine studiouri, restul scotand jocuri calitativ mai slabe decat pe X360.

    Sper sa aflam mai repede ce anume e non-standard in PS5

  19. #939 SP
    Junior Member jormungandr86's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by razvanrazy View Post
    Daca este adevarat ce zice in articolul asta si nu este doar "omis" faptul ca si PS5 ca avea ceva identic, este fff nasol si absolut stupid din partea lui Sony

    Efectiv ar ramane singurii cu implementare diferita pentru unele chestii si nu face deloc sens, atata timp cat hardware-ul e 100% DX12U compliant si toate engine-urile de jocuri vor avea full support pt vii cu ceva diferit...incurci pe toata lumea.
    Daca este asa, e posibil sa revedem situatia lui PS3, care era o consola foarte puternica dar pe care nu au putut programa decat putine studiouri, restul scotand jocuri calitativ mai slabe decat pe X360.

    Sper sa aflam mai repede ce anume e non-standard in PS5
    Sony nu are acces la Directx12U, este exclusiv Microsoft.

    "Xbox was working with AMD to create mesh shaders and Directx ray tracing"

    RDNA 2 – The custom designed processor in the Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S leverages RDNA 2, the latest next generation graphics architecture from our partners at AMD. RDNA 2 provides a significant advancement in performance and efficiency as well as next generation graphics features such as hardware accelerated raytracing and variable rate shading. Our new Xbox consoles are uniquely positioned to take advantage of the full feature set of RDNA 2 in hardware, only possible on Xbox consoles.
    Nu am auzit ca PS5 sa aiba urmatoarele:

    Variable Rate Shading (VRS) – Variable Rate Shading increases GPU efficiency by concentrating shader work where it’s most needed and reducing shader work in areas where it won’t be noticeable. With minimal developer effort, VRS significantly improves GPU performance resulting in more stable and higher resolutions and frame rates with no perceptible loss in visual quality.

    DirectML – Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S support Machine Learning for games with DirectML, a component of DirectX. DirectML leverages unprecedented hardware performance in a console, with Xbox Series X benefiting from over 24 TFLOPS of 16-bit float performance and over 97 TOPS (trillion operations per second) of 4-bit integer performance on Xbox Series X. Machine Learning can improve a wide range of areas, such as making NPCs much smarter, providing vastly more lifelike animation, and greatly improving visual quality.

    DirectStorage – DirectStorage is an all new I/O system designed specifically for gaming to unleash the full performance of the SSD and hardware decompression. It is one of the components that comprise the Xbox Velocity Architecture. Modern games perform asset streaming in the background to continuously load the next parts of the world while you play, and DirectStorage can reduce the CPU overhead for these I/O operations from multiple cores to taking just a small fraction of a single core; thereby freeing considerable CPU power for the game to spend on areas like better physics or more NPCs in a scene. This newest member of the DirectX family is being introduced with Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S and we plan to bring it to Windows as well.

    Dynamic Latency Input (DLI) –Another innovation we are making to reduce latency for Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S is Dynamic Latency Input (DLI). With DLI, developers can more accurately synchronize the player’s input with the game’s simulation and render loop, even further reducing input latency while playing the game.

    GPU Work Creation – Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S add hardware, firmware and shader compiler support for GPU work creation that provides powerful capabilities for the GPU to efficiently handle new workloads without any CPU assistance. This provides more flexibility and performance for developers to deliver their graphics visions.

    Hardware Accelerated DirectX Raytracing (DXR) – From improved lighting, shadows and reflections as well as more realistic acoustics and spatial audio, raytracing enables developers to create more physically accurate worlds. For the very first time in a game console, Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S include support for high performance, hardware accelerated raytracing. Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S use a custom-designed GPU leveraging the latest innovation from our partners at AMD and built in collaboration with the same team who developed DirectX Raytracing. Developers will be able to deliver incredibly immersive visual and audio experiences using the same techniques on PC and beyond.

    Hardware Decompression – Hardware decompression is a dedicated hardware component introduced with Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S to allow games to consume as little space as possible on the SSD while eliminating all CPU overhead typically associated with run-time decompression. It reduces the software overhead of decompression when operating at full SSD performance from more than three CPU cores to zero – thereby freeing considerable CPU power for the game to spend on areas like better gameplay and improved framerates. Hardware decompression is one of the components of the Xbox Velocity Architecture.

    Mesh Shading – Mesh shading will enable developers to dramatically improve the performance and image quality when rendering a substantial number of complex objects in a scene. As an example, mesh shaders could enable the player to experience asteroid belts and fields of flowers in more pristine detail without seeing a loss in performance.

    Dpmdv diferenta de putere e mult mai mare decat acei 10.3tflops vs Series X este sustained performance, ma indoiesc ca PS5 ofera mereu acei 10.3tflops, mai degraba peak power!

  20. #940 SP
    Cons. Mercedes-Benz djleo666's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Se7en Fury View Post
    @djleo666 nu te face nimeni, te faci singur prost.

    Există modelul asta de business și oricum din articolul asta îți dai seama singur că vorbești numai aberați și nu ai habar.

    Articolul este din 2013.
    Articol vechi de 7 ani, care contine „According to Eurogamer’s “well-placed sources” Sony will take a loss of $60 per hardware unit sold of the PlayStation 4.“
    Cuvantul eurogamer are fix aceasi valoare cand vorbim de zvonuri ca si opinia ta = 0. Uite acum Microsoft or sa faca consola de 1.000€ si or sa o vanda cu 499€ (din care mai dau ceva profit si la magazine) fiindca gamerii or sa le cumpere subscriptia aia de 15$. Apropo gamerii xbox se joaca pe pc, iar subscriptia aia o cumpara numai pe reduceri

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