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Thread: Totul despre Xbox Cloud gaming (beta)

  1. #1 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar

    Post Totul despre Xbox Cloud gaming (beta)

    Microsoft va incepe din acest an testarile publice ale serviciului de cloud gaming.

    Sunt foarte curios sa vad cum merge pe 4G in Romania, daca va fi disponibil.
    In caz contrar, prin VPN nu cred ca-l vom putea accesa.

    Attached Images Attached Images vamers-gaming-technology-project-xcloud-detailed-05.jpg

  2. #2 SP
    Senior Member Xander RO's Avatar
    Sigur ca va fi disponibil, este ca si cum imi conectez Xbox One-ul la 4G hotspot la telefon, iar compania la care am abonamentul de Internet acasa are mereu grija sa fac chestia asta

  3. #3 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Pai nu e acelasi lucru. Cand conectezi consola la internet, se trimit doar cateva pachete de autentificare, dar procesarea se face hardware la tine, local, deci nu-ti trebe super timp de raspuns pe partea te internet, ci intre consola si gamepad.

    In schimb daca e totul cloud based si se face procesarea in norisor, atunci iti trebe timp de raspuns foarte mic, astfel incat in momentu in care misti de manetuta, sa raspunda instant personajul.

  4. #4 SP
    Senior Member Xander RO's Avatar
    Am inteles acum la ce te referi, da asa este.
    Am crezut ca te referi ca nu vom putea accesa serviciul in sine iar strict din punctul asta de vedere n-ar trebui sa fie blocaje.

  5. #5 SP
    Senior Member Se7en Fury's Avatar
    Tipa aia are impresia ca o să îi meargă ei în Metroul Londonez

  6. #6 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Daca au acoperire buna de 4G, atunci o sa mearga.

    Desigur, nu e acelasi lucru, dar in functie de locatie si eu pot juca PUBG pe telefon in metrou (depinde de statii).

  7. #7 SP
    Member lukecelmare's Avatar
    With Microsoft looking to bring "console quality" streaming to phones and tablets with Project xCloud, how will the company achieve that when touch controls are still pretty bad? It seems the company is looking to bring physical controllers to mobile devices to offset this problem, according to these Microsoft Research papers.

  8. #8 SP
    Member lukecelmare's Avatar
    mai multe detalii in noaptea asta .

  9. #9 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Ars Technica
    Roughly one year after announcing plans for its Project xCloud game streaming service, Microsoft will roll out a public test of xCloud next month for Android users in the United States, United Kingdom, and South Korea.

    Interested players can sign up for the preview now and look for potential invites in the coming weeks. But Microsoft stresses that the test will initially be open only to "a limited number of participants," with invitee totals "slowly increasing" over time.

    Invited testers will need a device running Android 6.0 or higher with Bluetooth 4.0 compatibility, a Microsoft account, and an Xbox One wireless controller to use the free streaming test app, Microsoft said. Testers will be able to stream via Wi-Fi or mobile networks, and Microsoft has partnered with various mobile carriers to analyze and optimize the experience.

    The preview will include access to Halo 5: Guardians, Gears 5, Killer Instinct, and Sea of Thieves to start, and Microsoft is promising more titles will be added as the preview progresses. All games will be available to invited testers for streaming free of charge during the preview.

    Past the free limited test, Microsoft didn't provide any information on launch timing or pricing for the formal xCloud launch. But the company did say that testing will continue "until customers are consistently reporting a great, fun experience and the technology meets our internal quality standards... Project xCloud is a technology, and these trials serve as our opportunity to test, improve and garner feedback."
    Microsoft launching public xCloud streaming test on Android in October | Ars Technica

    Quote Originally Posted by
    There are two ways to stream

    Stream from the cloud

    Project xCloud (Preview)

    Play Xbox favorites on your Android phone or tablet directly from the cloud with Project xCloud (Preview).

    Stream from your Xbox One console

    Xbox Console Streaming (Preview)

    Play Xbox One games installed on your console, including Xbox Game Pass games, on your Android phone or tablet in the Xbox Console Streaming (Preview).
    Xbox Game Streaming (Preview) | Xbox

    Project xCloud Public Preview: Help Us Shape the Future of Game Streaming - Xbox Wire
    Attached Images Attached Images xcloudhero12.jpg

  10. #10 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Xbox
    More Games: 50+ titles available in the Preview

    Content is key for a great game streaming experience. With nearly two decades in the console space, we have developed strong relationships with creative partners across the industry who produce a wide variety of games. We also have 15 first-party studios continuing to create amazing games. It’s our fundamental belief that this content is available for gamers to play when and how they choose.
    We’re excited to say that we’re adding more than 50 new titles from over 25 of our valued partners. Games such as Madden NFL 20, Devil May Cry 5, and Tekken 7 are now in the Preview library. Check out the full list of titles here. This is another step in the journey, and we will continue to add more games over time.

    More Ways to Play: Expanding device & input types

    Mobile phones provide a fantastic on-the-go gaming experience, but our goal is to continue to provide people with even more ways to play. Next year, we’ll bring Project xCloud to Windows PCs, and are collaborating with a broad set of partners to make game streaming available on other devices as well.
    Enabling people to play games on the device of their choice goes beyond a phone or tablet, it extends into how you control the game. In addition to using an Xbox One wireless controller, we’ll expand support to more Bluetooth controllers beginning next year, including the DualShock 4 wireless controller and game pads from Razer.

    More Opportunities for Players around the World to get involved

    Since beginning the preview, we’ve been sending out waves of invites to registered gamers, and today, we’re sending out additional invites so more people can experience Project xCloud. We will continue inviting more and more players over the course of the preview, so if you have not already registered, you can sign up here.
    We will also bring Project xCloud Preview to more markets beginning in 2020, such as Canada, India, Japan, and Western Europe. Expanding to additional markets over time is an important step in our journey to delight the 2 billion gamers in the world. We’ll have more details to share soon on when and how to register.
    Quote Originally Posted by Xbox
    We believe in the freedom to play and the freedom to choose. In 2020 we will enable gamers to stream from the cloud Xbox games that they already own or will purchase. We will also add game streaming from the cloud to Xbox Game Pass. Gamers will be free to discover, choose, and play their favorite games anywhere and everywhere.
    X019: Expanding Project xCloud with More Games, More Ways to Play, and More Players - Xbox Wire
    Attached Images Attached Images projectxcloud_pubasset_1920x1080_cmyk-preview.jpg

  11. #11 SP
    Senior Member Xander RO's Avatar
    Opaa ia stai asa.

    Ce au facut natangii astia, sa inteleg ca nu merge decat pe Android??

    'Compatible mobile device: Android version 6.0 or greater, Bluetooth version 4.0+'

    Hai Microsoft, confirma-mi inca o data cat de natangi sunteti acum fix dupa ce am terminat Death Stranding! Este impulsul de care am nevoie!
    Te implor Microsoft!!

  12. #12 SP
    Member lukecelmare's Avatar
    Nu inteleg ce te surprinde , a fost anuntat la XO ca vor incepe testele pe Android , urmand ca mai incolo sa ajunga si la iOS .

    Iar faptul ca iti traiesti viata dupa niste branduri e putin aiurea , lucru care ti s-a mai spus . Ok esti pasionat inteleg asta dar poti fi mai putin ... sti tu .

    Daca vrei sa renunti la un produs o poti face oricand , dar niciodata nu am inteles cei care aleg sa trambiteze lucrul acesta de parca ma intereseaza pe mine ca nu iti mai iei Xbox .

  13. #13 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Momemtan, da, doar pe Android si nu merge pe RO decat cu VPN (VPN = viteza mica deci artefacte mari, bla bla, dar tot merge decent, daca treci peste loading times care sunt astronomice).

    La lansarea oficiala, o sa mearga si pe iOS, cel mai probabil, dar acolo procesul de approval al aplicatiei probabil este mai anevoios.

    Btw, astia de la DF au luat-o serios pe aratura. Se contrazic in foarte multe declaratii si deja devin enervanti - eu cred sincer ca sunt platiti de diversi pentru anumite clipuri, caz in care ar fi obligati sa mentioneze asta.

    Initial spun ca video encoding se face extern, apoi cateva minute mai tarziu zice ca practic cipul din xbox one s e overclockat un pic ca sa poata face fata la encoding.

    Zice ca 120Hz (ceea ce mega induce in eroare) - in realitate, doar iesirea din xbox e 120hz inainte de encoder, dar randarea e tot la 30/60 fps... acei Hz de output nu fac decat sa scurteze un pic intarzierea de la un frame randat de xbox pana la video encoder.
    Putea foarte bine sa fie 1000Hz acolo (si chiar trebuia) daca de ex ar fi avut in-house dezvoltat hadware-ul pt asta, nici nu se punea problema sa mentioneze pt ca ar fi fost "sub-milisecond" (adica peste 1000 hz).
    Asa ei practic arunca acel 120hz acolo fara sa detalieze pt lumea necunoscatoare si hop ramane in minte doar 120hz.

  14. #14 SP
    Senior Member Xander RO's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by lukecelmare View Post
    Nu inteleg ce te surprinde , a fost anuntat la XO ca vor incepe testele pe Android , urmand ca mai incolo sa ajunga si la iOS .

    Iar faptul ca iti traiesti viata dupa niste branduri e putin aiurea , lucru care ti s-a mai spus . Ok esti pasionat inteleg asta dar poti fi mai putin ... sti tu .

    Daca vrei sa renunti la un produs o poti face oricand , dar niciodata nu am inteles cei care aleg sa trambiteze lucrul acesta de parca ma intereseaza pe mine ca nu iti mai iei Xbox .
    Nu am urmarit atent, mi-a scapat.
    Ok, m-am linistit daca vine si pe iOS.

    Referitor la a lua sau nu, am sa iau si voi ramane mereu main platform/multi-platform pe Xbox pentru ca sunt sclavul nefericit al acestui profil de Xbox Live in care investesc pasiune si timp de 11 ani si deblochez achievements, nu am cum sa renunt la el desi sincer mi-as dori din suflet.

    Poate insa, dupa multi ani de fanatism pro-xbox, sa imi fie scarba de ei si de deciziile lor de *** de a transforma acest brand candva maret intr-un studio de desene animate mediocre pentru media de varsta 6-14.

  15. #15 SP
    Member lukecelmare's Avatar
    Au inceput testele si pe iOS , momentan 10.000 de useri , available US, Canada, UK .

  16. #16 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Da, e un pas mare inainte, mai ales la cat de inchis este iOS momentan la orice platforma asemanatoare.

    Ce nu inteleg, in schimb este faza asta:

    Due to App Store policy, the iOS TestFlight preview will begin with one game, “Halo: The Master Chief Collection.”

  17. #17 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by The Verge

    Microsoft’s choice to partner with Facebook is clearly a strategic one that’s also related to broadening the appeal of its upcoming xCloud game streaming service and its overall gaming efforts. Microsoft will work closely with Facebook to bring xCloud to Facebook Gaming, allowing viewers to click and immediately play games that people are streaming. It’s a vision that’s very similar to Google’s ambitions with Stadia, but Mixer has lacked the scale and viewership to truly deliver this more broadly. Microsoft recruited exclusive streamers like Ninja and Shroud with big deals, but they haven’t been enough to get more people using the service over rivals. Ninja, Shroud, and other top streamers are now free to rejoin Twitch or stream on Facebook Gaming.


    Microsoft has talked about reaching 2 billion gamers with its vision for xCloud, but Mixer wasn’t in a strong enough position to help achieve that goal. “When we think about xCloud and the opportunity to unlock gameplay for 2 billion players, we know it’s going be critically important that our services find large audiences and Facebook clearly gives us that opportunity,” says Spencer.

    It’s not clear exactly when we’ll see xCloud show up in Facebook Gaming, but it’s a key part of this new partnership. Microsoft is getting ready to launch xCloud streaming generally later this year, as part of the company’s Xbox Game Pass offering. “I don’t think we’re going to have to wait too long to see the outcome of the collaboration between the two companies to enable this tech for Facebook Gaming viewers,” reveals Spencer.

    Microsoft is shutting down Mixer and partnering with Facebook Gaming - The Verge

    Quote Originally Posted by Xbox Wire

    Continued Focus on the Future of Xbox

    Everything we’ve done to date at Xbox has been to meet players where they are and reduce the friction between curiosity and play as much as possible. Making it easy for players to discover and play games wherever they are creates new, viable pathways for developers to reach new players and to be rewarded for new ideas. This is where our work can make the widest impact.

    Key to this vision is our Project xCloud technology, which we see delivering games to all kinds of screens and windows in your life, including those on Facebook. Gaming is already part of our social fabric, and Project xCloud can take you from discussing a new game – whether it’s a funny in-game moment posted by a friend, an ad, or an ongoing stream – directly to playing it. In the future, through the power of Xbox Live and Project xCloud, we see there being just one click between “I’m watching” and “I’m playing.”

    In the meantime, we will continue to invest time, energy, and resources to bring Project xCloud to global scale through Azure. We’re always testing new features and learning, and we’re excited to explore further as we look to debut click-to-play scenarios within the Facebook Gaming and Instagram communities.

    Bringing More Players Into Our Gaming Vision - Xbox Wire

  18. #18 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    E un pas firesc si o sa vedem ca integreaza xCloud direct in Facebook si vom putea achizitiona Game Pass direct de acolo - brusc audienta de 2 miliarde useri, de 10 ori mai mare decat la Xbox, pentru ca (exact ca la Stadia si alte servicii similare) xCloud = gaming anywhere, si deci si pe orice tip de calculator si platforma sau pe telefon.

    Asa se explica si de ce au scos anul trecut Sony integrarea cu Facebook

  19. #19 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar

  20. #20 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Xbox Wire
    - You will get more from your Xbox Game Pass Ultimate membership. Finally, today we’re announcing that this September, in supported countries, we’re bringing Xbox Game Pass and Project xCloud together at no additional cost for Xbox Game Pass Ultimate members. With cloud gaming in Game Pass Ultimate, you will be able to play over 100 Xbox Game Pass titles on your phone or tablet. And because Xbox Live connects across devices, you can play along with the nearly 100 million Xbox Live players around the world. So when Halo Infinite launches, you and your friends can play together and immerse yourselves in the Halo universe as Master Chief—anywhere you go and across devices.

    Cloud gaming in Xbox Game Pass Ultimate means your games are no longer locked to the living room. You can connect more than ever with friends and family through gaming. And just like you do with your movie and music streaming services, when cloud gaming launches into Xbox Game Pass Ultimate, you can continue your game wherever you left off on any of your devices.
    You Are the Future of Gaming - Xbox Wire

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