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Thread: Redfall

  1. #21 SP
    Member rzv31's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by lukecelmare View Post
    Eu sunt usor interesat , dar astept niste reviews pentru ca nu imi dau seama ce fel de joc este. Mai e si faptul ca e pe Xbox
    Nu e un fel de left 4 dead/back 4 blood dar cu vampiri? Sau tu si echipa mergeti in diverse locatii sa omorati echipa de vampiri NPC/playeri?
    M-am uitat pe reddit, cica are acel emargo la review-uri specific bethesda.
    Oricum, e un big fail din partea bethesda si xbox sa privezi comunitatea playstation de el, daca vrei putin succes. In alta ordine de idei, tot va fi un fail; interes va fi la inceput, ca la oriceee joc online de genul, si atat.
    Nu stiu, dar daca asta e strategia lor, de a ma face sa cumpar un xbox, sa le joc exclusivitatile....chiar au "succes"...
    Singurul pt care o sa cumpar, va fi starfield, dar ramane de vazut cat de petarda va fi si el, oricum sunt curios de vanzari; sau voi fi "all in" pt un nou fallout, dar la cum se misca, apare naiba alt xbox.....

  2. #22 SP
    Senior Member GabiCutlac's Avatar
    Au spus de nenumarate ori ca nu e ca l4d, chiar au insistat pe asta ca sa se indeparteze de comparatia cu l4d. Open world-ul chiar devii l-au comparat cu Far Cry. Mi se pare un fel de Far Cry + Dishonored care poate fi jucat si in coop.

  3. #23 SP
    Senior Member sexbobomb91's Avatar
    Leaked review 4/10

  4. #24 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Si ACG zice de rau. Adica...e asa cum parea initial si cum ma asteptam

  5. #25 SP
    Senior Member GabiCutlac's Avatar
    ^ asta am vrut sa zic si eu, nu parea nimic special de la inceput. Ma asteptam sa aiba note mici, mai ales dupa ultimele gameplay-uri aparute, dar poate totusi nici chiar asa.

  6. #26 SP
    Member lukecelmare's Avatar
    deci o sa astept versiunea completa peste un an la 50 de lei .

  7. #27 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    - 56 - XSX
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  8. #28 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Interviu cu Spencer in care discuta si despre Redfall:

    Cateva comentarii:
    "There's nothing that's more difficult for me than disappointing the Xbox Community. I've been a part of it for a long time.", he continued, "To just watch the community lose confidence and be disappointed, I'm disappointed." Spencer seemed genuinely penitent over the current state of Redfall's reception,

    "I'm upset with myself." he said before saying how he has been revisiting processes throughout the lifecycle of Redfall's development, including the pre-release ball drop on not being able to achieve 60FPS on Xbox consoles at launch. "That was kind of our punch in the chin, rightfully."
    "One thing I won't do is push against creative aspirations of our teams. I know a lot of people will say hey you've got teams that know how to do one kind of game, just force them to go do the one kind of game that they have a proven track record for. I'm just not a believer in that. Maybe that means I'll underdeliver for some of our fans out there."
    "We obviously have seen the review scores clearly, you know we've had the opinion that the game should be delayed. We know every developer wants to ship the best game that they possibly can." he continues "We will build games that review in the high 80s and we will build games that review in the 60s. I mean it's just kind of part of being in game publishing and if you're afraid of that then you shouldn't be in the entertainment business, you shouldn't be in the gaming business."
    "It's maybe a little simplistic to just say hey if you would have delayed it three months, the core creative of the game would have delivered on something that was different than what it was."

    He stands by their decision to put the game out in its current state "at some point we have to have a creative vision, and put the game out. Our reviewers and players will tell us what they think."
    "We do mock reviews for every game that we launch, and this is double digits lower than where we thought we would be for the game," said Spencer when discussing the Metacritic scores, "we would never strive to launch a game that we thought was going to review in the low 60s, it's not part of our goals." "This game was significantly below our internal metrics in terms of where it actually reviewed but that's not on anybody but us, like we have to own that in terms of our commitment to the game."

  9. #29 SP
    Senior Member Espiritus's Avatar
    Ce PR talk de doi bani.

    Multi oameni isi imagineaza ca in studio-urile detinute de companii mari se lucreaza dupa niste modele extrem de bine puse la punct si ca nimic nu poate merge prost, cumva asemanator cum nu concepem ca o fabrica auto sa produca niste masini care sa explodeze pe strada. Desi asa ar fi ideal, dezvoltarea de jocuri este un proces extrem de dificil, si exista un numar finit de oameni care au cunostintele necesare sa faca un joc cu adevarat bun. Vorbim in general de cativa oameni cheie care fac magia sa se intample. Indiferent de cat de multi bani arunca o companie intr-un studio, fara acei cativa oameni nu au cum sa faca magia.

    Din pacate baietii din management precum domnul de la Xbox de mai sus nu au inteles inca chestia asta, asa ca merg pe mentalitatea "nu-i problema ca ne pleaca un senior dev, luam alti 3 juniori in locul lui si iesim si mai ieftin". Poate sa angajeze si 1000 de juniori si tot nu il vor inlocui, fiindca niciunul nu are 15 ani de experienta in spate. Oamenii cheie au plecat din Arkane Studios. Putea sa ii lase Phil Spencer si 20 de ani sa finiseze jocul asta, si tot nu ar fi iesit nimic bun.

    Nu inteleg cum are nota 6 abominatia asta de joc. Un 3 ar fi fost mult mai adecvat.

  10. #30 SP
    Senior Member sexbobomb91's Avatar
    In sfarsit un articol care detaliaza cum s-a ajuns aici: .
    Si mare surpriza, goana dupa "live services" si lacomia publisher-ilor a fost de vina.

  11. #31 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Eurogamer
    Five months after release, Arkane Studios' beleaguered vampire shooter Redfall has received its long-promised 60fps mode on Xbox Series X/S, as part of a major patch that also brings improved performance on PC, stealth takedowns, increased enemy counts, and more.
    Five months on, Redfall finally gets its 60fps mode on Xbox Series X/S

  12. #32 SP
    Vires Intus eagle-eye's Avatar
    Pentru aia doi playeri

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