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Thread: PS Store Content - Update

  1. #1 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar

    PS Store Content - Update

    PS Store Content for 09/10/09

    This week Futbol fans in EU will be getting the Fifa 10 demo. LittleBigPlanet will be offering a Demo, to commemorate the launch of the Game of the Year Edition version. Sadly other than those two items, this week’s update is looking rather empty. As always we will update as more information comes in.

    *rog un moderator sa faca acest thread sticky pentru a vedea toata lumea ce apare nou pe PSN saptamana de saptamana + as vrea, daca se poate, ca useri sa nu comenteze in acest thread pentru ca update-urile sa apara frumos una dupa alta. daca vrea cineva sa posteze in thread un update, sa faca dupa modelul primului post. Multumesc pentru intelegere.

  2. #2 SP
    Member L0G1X's Avatar
    De la Rumored se poate liniştit elimina Trine, care nu apare nici săptăm�na asta:
    Quote Originally Posted by @SonyPlayStation
    Correction: Trine should NOT have been included in our PS3 new releases Tweet this week! Apologies for the error. (about 21 hours ago from Tweetie)

  3. #3 SP
    Banned cryyo's Avatar
    Trine apare in 17.09. Il astept de mult timp, sper sa nu fie vreo 20$.
    Iar Inferno Pool iarasi il astept de mult sa apara pe USA, ca de pe UK nu l-am putut da jos.

  4. #4 SP
    Member cata1lin's Avatar
    uk - psn games update 10 september 2009

    Hello all, I’m pleased to say that this week we have available for you three new dynamic themes from the worlds of LittleBigPlanet, MotorStorm and WipEout HD. The added bonus for you all is that the WipEout HD theme is absolutely free!

    Whilst we’re on the subject of themes, I just wanted to clarify that we will be getting more dynamic themes (utilising the new animated features) in the future, as well as continuing to roll out the newly available premium themes. Premium themes are static themes, but have been created to a higher standard (and some will utilise additional sound files) and therefore are billable. However, we are not stopping the release of free themes, so please don’t worry that free themes will no longer be available, as this will not be the case.

    So now onto the rest of the update that will be published later this evening – Interpol: The Trail of Dr. Chaos is a new puzzle/adventure game coming your way, whilst we also see demos galore this week with the releases of FIFA 10, Fat Princess, LittleBigPlanet and Katamari Forever to try – I think that lot should keep you busy for a while. If not, we also have available tracks for Guitar Hero 5, as well as new content for Pain and High Velocity Bowling.

    After last weeks issues for our PSP users, I can confirm that Fate/Unlimited Codes and the demo for Holy Invasion of Badman! will be available today, as well as the game BIGS 2 and a second pack for Prinny: Can I Really Be The Hero? Apologies for the problems we encountered last week.

    I’m back and ready to do my duty in the firing line of the comments section, so let me know your thoughts.
    Downloadable Games

    Interpol: The Trail of Dr. Chaos (�7.99/€9.99)
    PEGI 3+
    Demos (free)

    FIFA 10
    PEGI 3+

    Fat Princess
    PEGI 16+

    PEGI 7+

    Katamari Forever
    PEGI 3+

    Add-On Game Content


    * George Takei Character Pack (�1.19/€1.49)

    PEGI 16+

    High Velocity Bowling

    * Back To School Ball Pack (�0.79/€0.99)
    * Graphic Pattern Ball Pack (�0.79/€0.99)
    * Heather Haughtfer Pack (�0.79/€0.99)

    PEGI 3+

    Guitar Hero 5 (visit • View topic - Official Guitar Hero 5 Music Compatibility Info for more information on using the disc import and DLC Update packs)

    * GHWT Disc Import Pack (�2.99/€3.99)
    * GHWT DLC Update (free)
    * 100 Little Curses by Street Sweeper Social Club (�1.59/€1.99)
    * Fight! Smash! Win! by Street Sweeper Social Club (�1.59/€1.99)
    * Street Sweeper Social Club Track Pack (contains 100 Little Curses, Fight! Smash! Win! and Somewhere In The
    * World It’s Midnight) (�4.39/€5.49)
    * Prodigal Son (Live) by The Rolling Stones (�1.59/€1.99)
    * You Gotta Move (Live) by The Rolling Stones (�1.59/€1.99)

    Rock Band

    * Freezepop Pack 01 (this pack contains the three Freezepop tracks listed below) (�1.69/€2.29)
    * Get Ready 2 Rokk by Freezepop (�0.59/€0.99)
    * Less Talk More Rokk by Freezepop (�0.59/€0.09)
    * Science Genius Girl by Freezepop (�0.59/€0.99)
    * The PAX 2009 Collection (this pack contains the three tracks listed below) (�1.69/€2.29)
    * Opening Band by Paul and Storm (�0.59/€0.99)
    * Origin of Species by MC Frontalot (�0.59/€0.99)
    * Re: Your Brains by Jonathan Coulton (�0.59/€0.99)
    * ABC by The Jackson 5 (�0.99/€1.49)
    * Gasoline by Audioslave (�0.99/€1.49)
    * Kryptonite by 3 Doors Down (�0.99/€1.49)
    * Miss Murder by AFI (�0.99/€1.49)

    PEGI 12+
    Videos (free)

    * Ratchet & Clank: A Crack In Time Story Trailer
    * Batman: Arkham Asylum History of Arkham Trailer
    * Battle Tanks Trailer
    * Shatter Trailer
    * WET Video Short 5
    * IL2 Sturmovik: Birds of Prey Launch Trailer 2
    * Mini Ninjas Futo Gameplay
    * Mini Ninjas Suzume Gameplay
    * Mini Ninjas Launch Trailer

    Dynamic Themes

    * WipEout HD Dynamic Theme
    * MotorStorm Dynamic Theme (�1.59/€1.99)
    * LittleBigPlanet ‘Sackboy on the run’ Dynamic Theme (�1.59/€1.99)

    Themes (free)

    * Batman: Arkham Asylum Batman Theme
    * Batman: Arkham Asylum Joker Theme
    * Army of Two: The 40th Day Theme

    Wallpapers (free)

    * Dante’s Inferno Wallpapers x4
    * PlayStation Store via PSP and Media Go

    Downloadable Games

    Fate/Unlimited Codes (�23.99/€29.99)
    PEGI 12+

    BIGS 2 (�11.99/€14.99)
    PEGI 3+
    Demos (free)

    Holy Invasion Of Privacy Badman!
    PEGI 7+
    Add-On Game Content (also available via the PS3 store)

    Prinny: Can I Really Be The Hero? – Flonne’s Castle (�3.19/€3.99)
    PEGI 7+

    Rock Band Unplugged

    * I Stand Alone by Godsmack (�0.99/€1.49)
    * Love Spreads by Stone Roses (�0.99/€1.49)

    PEGI 12+
    Themes (free)


    ---------- Post added 11-09-2009 at 09:22 AM ----------

    us - psn update 10 september 2009

    Sony Computer Entertainment of America released its weekly update to the PlayStation Store. There�s plenty to keep you busy this week, including PSone classics Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain and Syphon Filter 2. We also recommend checking out the demo of Half Minute Hero for the PSP.

    For a full list of updates, see below.

    PS3 Content

    Downloadable Games

    TMNT: Turtles in Time Re-Shelled ($9.99)
    File size: 369 MB

    PSone Classics PS3 / PSP

    Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain ($5.99)
    File size: 453 MB

    Silent Hill ($5.99)
    File size: 294 MB

    Syphon Filter 2 ($5.99)
    File size: 899 MB

    Game Demos (free)

    Katamari Forever Demo
    File size: 539 MB

    Star Wars The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes Demo
    File size: 450 MB

    TMNT: Turtles in Time Re-Shelled � Trial Version
    File size: 369 MB

    Add-on Game Content

    High Velocity Bowling

    Heather ($0.99)
    File size: 38 MB

    Ball Pack � Graphic Patterns ($0.99)
    File size: 5.36 MB

    Ball Pack � Back To School ($0.99)
    File size: 5.08 MB

    PAIN Celebrity Character 2 � George Takei ($1.99)
    File size: 100 KB

    Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 Juggernaut Playable Character ($1.99)
    File size: 17 MB

    Red Faction Guerilla Multiplayer Pack 2 ($6.99)
    File size: 238 MB

    Guitar Hero DLC

    For all song credits please visit Guitar Hero� Welcome
    * �100 Little Curses� by Street Sweeper Social Club ($1.99)
    * �Fight! Smash! Win!� by Street Sweeper Social Club ($1.99)
    * �Somewhere In The World It�s Midnight� by Street Sweeper Social Club ($1.99)
    * Street Sweeper Social Club Track Pack ($5.49) � Downloadable Track Pack featuring �Fight! Smash! Win!�, �100 Little Curses�, �Somewhere In The World It�s Midnight� by Street Sweeper Social Club. Please Note: Many songs are available both as singles and as part of a Track Pack, so please carefully consider your purchases before downloading.

    File size: 34 MB � 44 MB (singles) 113 MB (track pack)

    Rock Band DLC

    Build your Rock Band library by purchasing these song game tracks. For song credits, visit Rock Band.
    * �Science Genius Girl�� Freezepop ($0.99)
    * �Less Talk More Rokk�� Freezepop ($0.99)
    * �Get Ready 2 Rokk�� Freezepop ($0.99)
    * Freezepop Pack 01 ($2.99) � Build your Rock Band library by purchasing this song game track pack: Freezepop Pack 01. This pack includes: �Science Genius Girl,� �Less Talk More Rokk,� and �Get Ready 2 Rokk� by Freezepop
    * �Re: Your Brains�� Jonathan Coulton ($0.99)
    * �Origin of Species�� MC Frontalot ($0.99)
    * �Opening Band�� Paul and Storm ($0.99)
    * The PAX 2009 Collection ($2.99)- Build your Rock Band library by purchasing this song game track pack: The PAX 2009 Collection. This pack includes: �Opening Band� by Paul and Storm, �Origin of Species� by MC Frontalot, and �RE: Your Brains� by Jonathan Coulton.
    * �Miss Murder�� AFI ($1.99)
    * �Gasoline�� Audioslave ($1.99)
    * �Kryptonite�� 3 Doors Down ($1.99)
    * �ABC�� The Jackson 5 ($1.99)

    File sizes: 28 MB � 53 MB (singles) 94 MB � 118 MB (track packs)

    Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10 Gary Player GC ($4.99)
    File size: 243 MB

    UFC 2009: Undisputed Additional Fighters ($3.99)
    File size: 38 MB

    Game Videos (free)

    Pulse 9/10 Edition
    File size: 259 MB (HD) 474 MB (1080)

    NHL 2K10 1 on 1 Moves Trailer
    File size: 45 MB (HD)


    Godfather Theme ($1.99)
    File size: 2.2 MB

    The Transporter 3 Theme ($1.49)
    File size: 2.86 MB

    My Bloody Valentine Theme ($1.49)
    File size: 4.85 MB

    Cosplay Girls ($1.49)
    File size: 4.83 MB

    Ele�Gals Theme ($1.99)
    File size: 3.43 MB

    Hyperdesk Pulse ($1.99)
    File sizes: 2.08 MB (Edition 1), 1.98 MB (Edition 2)

    Hyperdesk Deep Shadows ($1.99)
    File sizes: 2.09 MB (Edition 1), 1.87 MB (Edition 2)

    Hyperdesk Dual Pack ($3.99)
    File size: 16.05 MB

    Beach Theme ($1.99)
    File size: 5.56 MB

    Dark Matter Gamma Ray ($1.99)
    File sizes: 2.97 MB (Dark), 3.01 MB (Alloy)

    Dark Matter Subspace ($1.99)
    File sizes: 3.08 MB (Dark), 3.11 MB (Alloy)

    Dark Matter Solar Flare ($1.99)
    File sizes: 3.31 MB (Dark), 3.36 MB (Alloy)

    Dark Matter Trilogy ($3.99)
    File size: 18.84 MB

    Wallpaper (free)

    Fate/unlimited Codes Wallpaper 1
    File size: 377 KB (1080)

    PSP Content

    Downloadable Games

    WipEout Pulse ($22.99) (also available from PS3 storefront)
    File size: 181 MB

    Wild Arms XF ($29.99) (also available from PS3 storefront)
    File size: 999 MB

    Game Demos (free)

    Half-Minute Hero Demo (also available from PS3 storefront)
    File size: 9 MB

    Add-on Game Content

    Rock Band Unplugged DLC (also available from PS3 storefront)

    Build your Rock Band Unplugged library by purchasing these song game tracks. For song credits, visit Rock Band.
    * �Love Spreads�� The Stone Roses ($1.99)
    * �I Stand Alone�� Godsmack ($1.99)

    File sizes: 18 MB � 23 MB

    Game Videos (free)

    Pulse 9/10 Edition
    File size: 49 MB

    PSP Themes

    Hyperdesk Pulse PSP Theme ($1.49) (also available from PS3 storefront)
    File sizes: 360 KB (Theme 1), 349 KB (Theme 2)

    Hyperdesk Deep Shadows PSP Theme ($1.49) (also available from PS3 storefront)
    File sizes: 329 KB (Theme 1), 323 KB (Theme 2)

    Hyperdesk Dual Pack PSP Theme ($2.99) (also available from PS3 storefront)
    File size: 2.66 MB

    Beach PSP Theme 1 ($1.49) (also available from PS3 storefront)
    File size: 613 KB

    Beach PSP Theme 2 ($1.49) (also available from PS3 storefront)
    File size: 622 KB

  5. #5 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar

    PS Store Content for 09/17/09

    @cata1lin data viitoare foloseste spoiler. ok?

    on: This week�s update will be dominated by EA Sports, which is releasing a demo for FIFA 10, and NBA Live 10. We�ll also be getting Creat Studios and Tik Games latest PSN offering, Interpol: The Trial of Dr. Chaos. For those of you in the US or EU, if you don�t feel like waiting until next week for the Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 Demo, it will be available in the Japanese PlayStation Store this week. Also if you�ve got Batman: Arkham Asylum make sure to download the free Insane Night DLC. Lastly, Trine developer Frozenbyte says the long-awaited game is coming tomorrow, but given it�s track record, we�ll be keeping it in the Rumored Section just in case. Let�s hope it�s worth the wait.

    ---------- Post added 17-09-2009 at 06:50 PM ----------

    Morning all, hope you�ve all had a good week!
    Leading this week�s update we have Commander�s Challenge, which is a standalone title from the Command & Conquer Red Alert 3 world � therefore you don�t need the full game to play � Commander�s Challenge is a fully fledged game in its own right. We also have the long-awaited titles Trine and Bomberman Ultra, so for those with platformer/puzzle and action-packed multiplayer mayhem tastes, you should be well served with these two games.

  6. #6 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar

    PlayStation Store Update (24th September 2009)

    Heavy Weapon joins the PSN game list on the store, we have three demos for you this week, starting with Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2, then a slice of Lost Planet 2 (with those extra bits to play for us PS3 owners) and if you didn�t check out The Punisher: No Mercy when it was released a while back, we also have a demo for that title now available too.

    The standout bit of content this week for me (and that�s because I am a self-confessed fanboy) is the Broken Steel pack for Fallout 3, but we also have more challenges for Batman: Arkham Asylum, and extra content for UFC Unleashed 2009, Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10, Madden NFL 10, Rock Band and Guitar Hero. Speaking of Guitar Hero we also have some special offers on a selection of tracks for this week only, and there are more details on this in the content list below.

  7. #7 SP
    Senior Member GeOKeR's Avatar
    Bun contentu pe saptamana asta

  8. #8 SP
    Senior Member apbaciu's Avatar
    Stiti cumva cam pe la ce ora apare si updateul pe US store?

  9. #9 SP
    Member cata1lin's Avatar

  10. #10 SP
    Member Painkiller's Avatar
    niste magari. ne arunca 3 demo-uri in loc sa ne dea mai repede trine. merita nici sa nu le mai cumperi jocul si sa il iei pe pc. pe bune!

  11. #11 SP
    Member Catallin's Avatar
    E pe UK trine, modalitate de incarcare a contului exista si nu e prea expensive comisionul... Deci nu merita deocamdata "cumparat" pe PC.

  12. #12 SP
    Member Painkiller's Avatar
    15 lire oricum e mult mai scump decat 20 de dolari. +comision? cred ca glumesti! stiu ca se poate incarca la robert dinu, dar oricum e foarte scump de pe uk si fara comision.

  13. #13 SP
    Member cata1lin's Avatar

  14. #14 SP
    Member cata1lin's Avatar

    ---------- Post added 09-10-2009 at 10:05 AM ----------

  15. #15 SP
    Member cata1lin's Avatar

  16. #16 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Nu inteleg de ce le puneti cu tag de spoiler... sunt totusi informatii publice pentru toti cei interesati

  17. #17 SP
    Senior Member GeOKeR's Avatar
    Vrei sa vezi dita mai carnatu cu scris pe o pagina?
    Gandeste-te daca sunt 2-3 posturi dastea cum ar arata pagina

  18. #18 SP
    Member cata1lin's Avatar
    da, banuiesc ca asta e ideea, oricum eu fac asa la cererea initiatorului topicului (@cata1lin data viitoare foloseste spoiler. ok? )

  19. #19 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar
    e cea mai buna solutie spoilerul, daca ar pune tot textul simplu s-ar vedea urat (uita-te cand a pus cata1lin normla mai sus) se deformeaza toata pagina.
    @catal1lin stiu ca cer prea mult, dar ar fi mai frumos daca ai aranja putin textul din spoiler dupa categorii si culori diferite pentru a se intelege mai usor, uita-te cum am facut eu .

  20. #20 SP
    __The Game__ GreyhounD's Avatar
    Am si eu o intrebare: thread-ul asta nu face acelasi lucru?

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