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Thread: Gran Turismo 6

  1. #1 SP
    Senior Member Tudoran's Avatar

    Gran Turismo 6

    Funny story ... Kazunori zice ca deja au inceput sa lucreze la GT 6 . Ma intreb asta in ce an o sa apara ?
    VG247 � Blog Archive � Development on Gran Turismo 6 has begun, says Kazunori
    Christ almighty.

    GT5�s barely gone gold for three seconds, but Polyphony boss Kazunori Yamauchi has said at SEMA that work on Gran Turismo 6 has already begun.
    When asked by Autoweek if the 1969 Chevy Camero, the winner of this year�s SEMA Gran Turismo award, would make it into GT6 instead of GT5, Kaz basically stated:
    Further in the interview, he�s then asked if development on GT6 has already begun.
    �Yeah,� was his reply. But Yamauchi states it�s �too early� to start talking about it.
    �It�s not something that we can talk that lightly on. It took 2,000 days to get all the ideas that went into GT5. It�s just too early to be talking about GT6.�
    He also gave a more detailed explanation as to why GT5 was delayed last month.
    �It was really to adjust it so it would be perfect,� said Yamauchi.
    �The first game that I made was Motor Toon Grand Prix for the first PlayStation. The year and a half that it was in development, the last three months as the release date approached, myself and my staff were getting three hours of sleep a day to try and get the game done.
    �Near the end, the people from Sony came to our development studio and told us it was good enough and that we could release it. At the time, I probably wasn�t thinking very clearly, being as exhausted as I was, and I talked myself into thinking this was good enough and it went to release.�
    He went on to add: �But all the things I thought were not enough yet, the users said the exact same thing when the game came out. That was something I regretted very much when that happened because I knew it was coming. And that happened at the beginning of my career, and it was something I vowed would never happen again.�
    A new announcement �sometime soon,� according to Yamauchi, but he is confidant it will be out by Christmas.
    Kazunori confirmed earlier this week GT5, after its worldwide delay last month, had finally gone gold. But despite that, we still have no date yet from Sony.
    Thanks, TSA.
    ultima parte din stire se poate taia (cea legata de lansarea lui GT5 ). Acuma stim sigur ca se va lansa in 30 Noiembrie.

  2. #2 SP
    Senior Member Diesel's Avatar
    Astept ziua in care vor angaja pe cineva care stie ce si cand sa anunte, fara sa para ca o face special pentru a enerva publicul.

  3. #3 SP
    manfurismojive kobayashi's Avatar
    Man...thredul asta mai bine il inchizi si uiti de el pt cativa ani

  4. #4 SP
    Senior Member Enthroll's Avatar
    Dude... lol nu stiu cum sa-ti spun...
    hai sa jucam macar 1 ora din GT5 si apoi sa visam despre GT6. Fair deal ?

  5. #5 SP
    Banned I_Fabian_I's Avatar
    Gran Turismo 6

  6. #6 SP
    Senior Member erik95's Avatar
    Poate avem noroc si pe asta il lanseaza pana sa apara PS4, desi ma indoiesc. Oricum ar fi bine sa ramanem momentan la discutii despre GT5 pe care, cu exceptia Prologue si a unui demo, nu am reusit sa-l jucam inca.

  7. #7 SP
    Senior Member Tudoran's Avatar
    eh thread-ul asta a fost facut din mai multe motive : 1. S-a confirmat faptul ca se lucreaza la GT 6 desi GT 5 inca nu a aparut
    2.Sigur o sa vina un val de stiri legate de acest joc (mai devreme sau mai tarziu) si trebuie undeva sa le postam
    3.Sa radem si sa vedem peste cati ani o sa apara intr-adevar GT 6 (numaratoarea incepe de azi )
    4.Sa vedem cate view-uri si reply-uri o sa faca thread-ul acesta pana se lanseaza jocul (am fost uimit cand am vazut ca sunt aproape 1500 de post-uri si peste 50 de mii de view-uri pe thread-ul GT 5 si jocul inca nici nu a aparut . Cred ca e un record CG. Is curios cate post-uri si view-uri vor fi peste 1 an de la lansare lol )

  8. #8 SP
    Senior Member ReNeGaDe124's Avatar
    In ritmul asta o sa iasa mai repede GT 6 decat Gran Turismo 5.

  9. #9 SP
    Senior Member RaverX's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Tudoran View Post
    Funny story ... Kazunori zice ca deja au inceput sa lucreze la GT 6
    Daca e pe bune inseamna ca-si bate joc de noi. Cum naiba sa declari ca ai inceput sa lucrezi la GT 6 cand tu ai GT 5 pe teava si l-ai amanat deja de cateva ori. Penibil.

    Chestia asta e valabila la produse hardware, unde mai multe echipe lucreaza la proiecte in avans. Dar in software ? E bataie de joc...

  10. #10 SP
    Member geo971986's Avatar
    Stire ca sa iti bati nepotii de invidie.

  11. #11 SP
    Member Imperatore's Avatar
    super thread , i like it :!

  12. #12 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    Ăsta apare și pe 360 lol

  13. #13 SP
    is the man! trickz's Avatar
    Gran Turismo 1 | 1997 | PS1| \
    Gran Turismo 2
    | 1999 | PS1| / 2 ani= 1x2 ani

    Gran Turismo 3
    | 2001 | PS2| \
    Gran Turismo 4 | 2005 | PS2| / 4 ani = 2x2 ani

    Gran Turismo 5 | 2010 | PS3| \
    Gran Turismo 6 | 201x | PS3| / 3x2 ani (minim)

    Daca e sa respecte o perioada, avem GT6 in minim 6 ani
    , tot pe PS3. Daca nu, o sa vedem.

  14. #14 SP
    Senior Member Tudoran's Avatar
    VG247 � Blog Archive � Kazunori “doesn’t know” if GT6 will hit PS3
    GT6 on PS4 confirmed. Possibly. Maybe.

    Polyphony boss Kazunori Yamauchi has told EG he “doesn’t” know if Gran Turismo 6 will appear on PS3.
    “Ten years ago it was easier to predict what would happen three years in the future,” Yamauchi said at GT5’s launch party in Madrid last night.
    “Nowadays no-one knows what happens in the future. In three years, we don’t know what will happen.”
    Development on GT6 has already begun, according to previous comments.
    Kazunori pledged at the event last night GT5 would be ”upgrading every week, every month” to improve and update the game.
    The first update coming will be to fix the racer’s online infrastructure, which caused some problems overnight.
    “Online updates are planned of course for leaderboards and matchmaking – [they're] all planned in the process of evolution,” said Yamauchi.
    Kazunori promised that the release of GT5 was “only the beginning of a new era for Gran Turismo.”
    GT5’s out now. Duh.

  15. #15 SP
    Senior Member divayo's Avatar
    Pe PS4,daca va mai fii ceva sigur acolo va fii,mai degraba vine ps4 decit gt6

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